
  • 网络Sun Haiying;Haiyin Sun
  1. 演员孙海英再三批评他的作品缺乏深度。

    Actor Sun Haiying time and again lambasted his work for being crass .

  2. 在他的回忆录中,他对孙海英战士一角的扮演表示认可,说那让他回想起了自己的服兵役生活。

    In his memoir , he has detailed his positive feelings about Sun 's role as a soldier , which reminded him of his own military service .

  3. 如果孙海英当时压制住了他对同性恋的厌恶,他可能就不会知道许多娱乐圈内许多同行人原来都是他那次道德指控中的中枪者。

    Had Sun suppressed his aversion to gays , he might have not learned that many of his peers in the entertainment business are among the targets of his moral indignation .

  4. 孙海英因出演革命战争系列电视剧《激情燃烧的岁月》而渐渐走入公众视线,他有着旧时的审美观,坦言攻击低俗娱乐,官员腐败和同性恋。

    Sun , who rose to fame after starring in a television drama series about veteran revolutionaries titled Days of Burning Fervor , obviously represented the old establishment in his aesthetics and he attacked low-brow entertainment , official corruption and homosexuality with equal gusto .

  5. 尽管我对孙海英的许多观点还是不敢苟同,但我不认为仅仅因为某些人会把他的观点当成他顽固不化的话柄,他就应该羞愧得退出荧幕。

    Even though I do not see eye to eye with Sun Haiying on many of the points he raised , I don 't think he should be shamed into silence simply because his perspective would be seen by some as a sign of bigotry .