- 名baccalaureate gown;academic dress

The only compulsory cost you will incur is that of your academic dress hire .
The baccalaureate gown is not beautiful at all , but it 's necessary to take a picture in it with the people who strive with you , then throw the trencher cap into air .
She tweeted a photo of herself in cap and gown .
While you wonder if the last person who wore that robe had anything contagious .
Wearing a simple cap and gown , Xue Yifan , 22 , looks solemnly into the camera .
College graduates posing for photos in baccalaureate gowns are always a sight on campuses in early summer in China .
Before donning them and stepping in front of the cameras , they had already had photos taken of themselves in baccalaureate gowns .
In front of Nanjing University 's ivy-clad tower , a graduate poses for a photograph in his gown , mortar board and Reeboks .
Still dressed in her cap and gown , Karlesha decided to feed her baby and a friend , who thought it cool , asked if they could take a picture .
Wearing her graduation robes and holding her mortarboard hat , the girl , who goes by the name Kang Kang , is seen in a variety of poses on and around the Renmin University School of Arts .
I do remember the commencement ceremony : I remember the cap and gown , the polyester , I remember the procession , I remember being excited and nervous and completely confused about my future -- feelins , I imagine , that most of you are experiencing in some form .
Besides posing for graduation photos in baccalaureate gowns and coat-skirt costumes , Xie Jingran , a student at the Nanjing-based Southeast University 's art school , also had a picture taken of herself wearing a cheongsam , or Qipao in Chinese , a tight-fitting dress introduced in the 1920s in Shanghai .