
  • 网络academic profession;academic career
  1. 学术职业具有一种普通职业所未有的神圣,其高贵之处表现在学术的自主上。

    Academic career is more sacred than other occupations , which elegance manifests in autonomy .

  2. 从学术职业分层的历史变迁出发,了解中国的教师聘任制度状况,从中发现分层的问题。

    Stratification from the historical changes of academic career starting to understand the situation of the appointment system of teachers in China , and found layered problem .

  3. 学术职业发展:历史变迁与现代转型

    The Development of Academic Profession : Historical Variance and Modern Transformation

  4. 美国学术职业安全的保障机制

    The Safeguard Systems of Academic Profession in American Colleges and Universities

  5. 高校学术职业定位与研究型大学发展&基于生态位理论的分析

    On Research University Academic Profession Location With Niche Theory as Perspective

  6. 学术职业化是现代学术体制的重要特征。

    The academic professionalism was an important character of modern academic systems .

  7. 学术职业的解读&哲学王的理想与现实

    The Analysis of Academic Profession & The ideal and reality of scholarship

  8. 学术职业性别差异的国际比较研究

    An international comparative study in gender difference in academic professions

  9. 学术职业化与美国高等教育的发展

    Academic Professionalization and the Development of Higher Education in the United States

  10. 学术职业:国内研究进展与文献述评

    Academic Profession : Domestic Research Progress and Literature Review

  11. 高校学术职业国际竞争力的影响要素:关系及模型

    Interrelationship and Model : Elements Influencing International Competitiveness of Academic Profession in Colleges

  12. 大学教师学术职业管理政策创新研究

    The Study on the Innovation of the University Teacher 's Academic Profession Management Policy

  13. 基于模糊综合评价的学术职业比较模型

    A Mathematical Model For Comparison of the Academic Profession Based on Fuzzy Multifactorial Evaluation

  14. 学术职业的专业化是学术职业在其发展过程中不断形成为一种专业的过程。

    With the continuous development of academic profession , it is becoming a specialty .

  15. 学术职业与其他职业的一个根本界分是高深知识。

    A basic boundary is the advanced knowledge between academic profession and the other professions .

  16. 学术职业是西方学者研究高等教育的一个重要领域所使用的专门术语。

    " Academic Profession " is a jargon used by western scholars who research higher education .

  17. 孔子与古鲁:中国与印度学术职业的变革

    Confucius and the Guru : the changing status of the academic profession in China and India

  18. 变革中的学术职业&从14国/地区到21国的合作研究

    Academic Profession in Reform & Collaboration Research Expanded from 14 Countries / Regions to 21 Countries

  19. 中国高校学术职业的国际竞争优势与劣势分析&基于高深知识的视角

    On Superiority and Inferiority of International Competition of Chinese Academic Profession & From View of Advanced Knowledge

  20. 影响博士生学术职业定向的因素涵盖博士生的个性特征、主观因素以及客观因素,客观因素又可分为导师、高校、博士生同学的影响和学术职业特点。

    Objective factors can be divided into supervisor , universities , classmates , features of academic profession .

  21. 对高校学术职业来说,生态位是其自身具有的独特位置和特殊优势。

    For academic profession of university , ecological niche has unique position and special advantage by itself .

  22. 本文从职业社会学的角度出发,认为学术职业的专业化程度可以从知识、权力、伦理和社会利益四个纬度来评价。

    The four evaluation dimensions of academic profession include knowledge , power , ethics and social benefits .

  23. 大学作为学术职业的工作平台和组织为其提供发展和保护。

    As the working platform and organization of academic profession , universities offer development and protection for it .

  24. 本文试图就其关键性问题&改革如何保障学术职业的根本地位进行探讨。

    This paper attempts to explore the key issue & how to protect the fundamental status of Academic Profession .

  25. 高校学术职业,主要包括教学和科研两个方面。

    The academic profession in colleges and universities is mostly found in the fields of teaching and scientific research .

  26. 出于需要,以学术职业为研究视角,采取理论阐释与案例分析相结合的研究方法。

    I choose Academic Profession as the angle of view and take the methods of theory explaining and case studies .

  27. 前者是一种学术职业身份,而后者指个人生活与个性历史。

    The former is one kind of occupation dignity , the latter points to but individual livelihood and individuality history .

  28. 随着学术职业化的快速发展,我国学术人的专业发展和职业心理素质培养问题得到了日益广泛的关注和研究。

    With the development of academic vocational , our academic professional development and cultivation of professional psychological qualities gets extensive concern .

  29. 委托-代理视野中的学术职业管理&中国大学教师聘任制改革的理论依据与制度设计

    Perspective of Delegation-Agent of the Academic Profession : Theoretical Construction and System Design of Reforming the Faculty Employment System in China

  30. 内容简介:张丽芳教授将对研究生和初期学术职业者如何才能成为成功学者的问题提供建议。

    Brief introduction : Professor Zhang will be offering several suggestions for research students and early career academics in becoming productive scholars .