
  • Cosmic motion;【辩证法】cosmos motion
  1. 绘画中的乐舞特征正是对宇宙运动节奏的一种抽象表达方式。

    The music and dance in painting is exactly the expression of the rhythm of the universe . Exercise .

  2. 在早期康有为看来,进化是贯穿人类迄今所认识的整个宇宙运动过程及人类历史过程的一大特性。

    In his youth , Kang held that evolution is an important characteristic embedded in the whole process of the cosmic movement and human history .

  3. 一旦你了解到能量是如何运作的,那么你就会意识到你们所认知的‘时间’对于‘宇宙运动’的势头来讲是微不足道的。

    Once you understand how energy works then you will realise that'time'as you know it is of little consequence in the momentum of'cosmic movement ' .

  4. 所有的物理定律,所有推动宇宙运动的能量,在大爆炸瞬间开始成形。

    In that instant of creation , all the laws of physics , the very forces that engineer our universe , began to take shape .

  5. 在这一哲学体系中,宇宙运动是一种圆圈式的气化过程。

    In this philosophical system , the cosmic movement is a circular process of gasification , in which all things are created through gasification and they convert into Elementary-Qi .

  6. 节奏是宇宙万物运动的规律。

    Tempo is the rule of the motion of the universe .

  7. 因此必然存在第一推动力,而这个第一推动力就是上帝&宇宙所有运动变化的始发者。

    Hence there must be a first cause , and this first cause is God , the initiator of all change in the universe .

  8. 因此他好象就是宇宙的运动的中心,可以高谈自我,不过,这个“我”,当然不是清醒的实践中人的“我”,而是潜藏在万象根基中唯一真正存在的永恒的“我”,

    Being the active center of that world he may boldly speak in the first person , only his " I " is not that of the actual waking man , but the " I " dwelling , truly and eternally , in the ground of being .

  9. 然而,伽利略并没解说宇宙中的运动是如何产生的。

    Galileo , however , did not explain how all motion in the universe worked .

  10. 引言思维是宇宙中物质运动的基本形式之一,思维的性质和特点决定了它与现在的素质教育有著密不可分的关系。

    The thought is a characteristic cognitive activity of human that is conscious and controllable , which is on the foundation of the perceptual cognition and the representation in human 's practice .

  11. 《吕氏春秋》认为事物的美应是在宇宙万物的运动变化之中,审美主客体相契相适之中,人生追求的理想之中。

    Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu hold the view that beauty lies in the movement of the universe , in the harmony of aesthetic subject and object and in the pursuit of one 's ambition .

  12. 节奏以最简捷的方式与人的生理和心理发生着关系,同时也体现着一种对宇宙和生命运动的抽象。

    Rhythm has the relations with human being 's physiology ac psychology by the simplest way , and meanwhile it reflects a sort of abstract to the universe and the movement of life .

  13. 通过对宇宙中有形运动物质绕系心公转而且自转这种普遍现象的研究,发现在宇宙中除已知的4种力外,还存在着第五种无形的旋转力;

    Through the most fundamental study on the motion phenomenon that the tangible motion substance revolving around the system center also revolves around its own axis in the universe , author found that the fifth intangible whirling force existed except for the known four forces in the universe ;

  14. 在这个宇宙内的一切运动,都是处在连续上升和下降的状态中。

    All motion in this universe is in the form of successively rising and falling .

  15. 一些科学家说是由我们宇宙中的物体运动来决定的。

    Some scientists say time is governed by the movement of matter in our universe .

  16. 支持宇宙力参与板块运动的观点,赞同地球质心偏移的论断,但对质心偏移的力源和成因提出不同的看法。

    This paper supports the opinion that the universal force is the source of the force driving plate motion .

  17. 宇宙不仅想要向外运动,也渴望朝内探索–对合一的回归。

    The Universe not only wants the outward movement , but it also wants the inward – the return movement to the One .

  18. 这五行是指金、木、水、火、土。它们之间的相生、相克、相乘、相侮是宇宙间一切事物运动和变化的基本规律。

    The relations between waxing are interpolation , interaction , over action and counter-action , which are believed to be the common law of the motions and changes of the creatures in the universe .

  19. 从某种意义上宇宙也是这样,起初粒子四处飞移,当宇宙冷却,粒子运动越来越慢,从某种意义上不再那么随机了。

    That 's what 's been happening to our Universe in a sense . The particles are moving around very fast and as Universe cools down , the particles move more slowly and in some sense , less randomly .