
  • 网络Safety level;Security level;BSL
  1. 传统的研究通过VaR方法计算偿付能力,但是该方法自身不能确定最合适安全水平。

    Traditionally statutory solvency margin is calculated by VaR method . But VaR method itself can 't tell the most suitable security level .

  2. 因此,在模型中的信息收集以后可以被用来进行攻击测试,以评估网络的安全水平。最后,本论文,这一理论解决了检测漏洞问题用fuzzingtechnique。

    Thus , information gathered in the model can later be used to conduct testing attacks in order to evaluate the network security level . Finally , this thesis addresses the issue of detecting vulnerabilities using fuzzing technique .

  3. NETWeb应用程序的多重安全水平,是横跨三个网络服务器(使用循环负载平衡)什么是最好的方法,在保持登录状态为用户?

    NET web application is spanned across three web-servers ( using round-robin load balancing ) what would be the best approach to maintain login-in state for the users ?

  4. 双方也决心在亚太经合组织(APEC)内共同努力提高两国人民的安全水平。

    We also resolve to work together within APEC to enhance the security of our people .

  5. 此平台集网络攻击预警、分析、模拟、清洗多种能力于一身,为提升苏州IP网络安全水平起到了重要的支撑作用。

    This platform combines network attack warning , analysis and simulation as well as cleaning , thus to play an important role in improving the level of network security in Suzhou .

  6. 英国牛津大学(oxford)与德国科学家研究发现,即便是目前所讨论力度最大的温室气体减排方案,也不大可能将全球变暖限制在安全水平之内。

    Even the most drastic greenhouse gas cuts currently being discussed stand little chance of limiting global warming to safe levels , studies by scientists in Oxford and Germany have found .

  7. Secure-by-Default安装只启用最少量的服务和包,从而在安装时保持比较高的安全水平。

    The Secure-by-Default installation allows only a minimum number of services and packages to enable a higher level of security on installation .

  8. 25%咪鲜胺乳油400倍液和800倍液,浸果1min,分别在30d和20d后,柑桔中咪鲜胺残留量降至安全水平。

    Residues of prochloraz in orange dipped in 400 and 800 times diluted 25 % prochloraz EC for 1 minute decreased to safety level respectively 30 and 20 days later .

  9. 针对三种评价方法的优劣进行分析比较。(4)从生产安全水平投入、产出的角度,利用数据包络(DEA)模型对中小型煤矿生产安全投入与产出的相对有效性进行研究。

    Additionally , the advantages and disadvantages of three evaluation methods are analysed and compared . ( 4 ) From the perspective of input output , the relative effectiveness of middle small scale coal mines production safety level was studied by applying the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) model .

  10. 用线性加权法对评价对象的安全水平进行客观评价,通过对F-AHP方法进行的应用研究,发现评价结论与其他方法有所差别。

    Then we did objective evaluation with linear weight method to what we would evaluate . At last , we make contrast with other methods and studied the application , and obtain different conclusions compared with other methods .

  11. 然而,他补充,像域名服务提供商Dyn(许多大公司都依赖Dyn来提供对它们网站的访问)这样的潜在目标也需要提高它们的安全水平,更好地抵御不断扩大的僵尸网络。

    However , he added that potential targets , such as Dyn , a domain name services provider which many major companies rely on to provide access to their sites , also need to improve their security and better protect themselves from these ever-expanding botnets .

  12. 转变思路,推陈出新,不断提高本质安全水平。

    Change mind and take new measures to improve safety production .

  13. 陕西水产品质量安全水平对策研究

    Suggestions of advancing level of quality security of Shaanxi aquatic product

  14. 分析师表示,安全水平是20%左右。

    Analysts say a comfortable level is about 20 per cent .

  15. 从当前来看,应尽快建立健全统一协调、权责明晰的监管体系,促进食品安全水平的全面提高。

    In order to improve the level of food security .

  16. 加强农业资源管理,提高粮食安全水平

    Strengthening the Management of Farming Resources and Improving Grain Safety

  17. 如果能降低事故的严重程度,同样能起到提高道路交通安全水平的效果。

    Reducing accident severity is an effective way to improve road safety .

  18. 城市生态安全水平的物元评判模型研究

    Study on Model of Matter-element Evaluation of City Eco-security

  19. 调整质量结构,实现质量安全水平新突破。

    Last , adjusting quality structure , breaking the level of quality safe .

  20. 梅赛德斯&奔驰致力于帮助中国提高道路交通安全水平。

    Mercedes-Benz is committed to the safety of all road users in China .

  21. 区域道路交通安全水平综合评价和预测方法

    Synthetic Evaluation and Prediction Model of Road Safety Grade in Regional Road Network

  22. 世行行长罗伯特.佐利克呼吁各国和各捐赠方投资于提高道路交通安全水平。

    World Bank President Zoellick urges countries , donors to invest in road safety .

  23. 美国电缆有限公司与矿业用户紧密合作,共同提高安全水平和生产效率。

    Amercable works with our mining customers to deliver greater levels of safety and productivity .

  24. 基于因子聚类分析的我国部分省市消防安全水平评估

    Assessment of fire safety for China 's some regions based on factor and cluster analysis

  25. 贫困阶层的低安全水平决定了其特定的理性行为方式。

    The low security level of the poor stratum determines its particular rational behavior mode .

  26. 改善城市平面交叉口的交通安全水平是提高我国城市道路交通安全的重要途径。

    Improving the safety level of the city intersection is an important way to increase safety .

  27. 发展绿色食品是提高农产品质量安全水平的有效途径

    An effective way to improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products-to develop green foods

  28. 众所周知,爱沙尼亚的网络安全水平高。

    Estonia is renowned for cybersecurity .

  29. 近年来我国的茶叶质量安全水平虽有所提高,但问题依然不少。

    In recent years , the quality safety of tea is improved , but problems still exist .

  30. 结果表明,只是一个的士时间增加了30%的安全水平的提高。

    The results show an increased level of safety with just a30 % increase in taxi times .