
  • 网络absorb
  1. 后,取适量涂匀全脸,轻轻按摩至完全吸收。

    After emulsion or essence , apply desired amount evenly onto face and gently massage to absorb .

  2. 这么多好主意!太多了,很难一下完全吸收。

    So many good ideas ! It 's too much for me to absorb all at once .

  3. 结果:术后并发症主要是房水混浊、纤维性渗出等眼前节的炎性反应,经抗炎后治愈。1眼前房出血第4d完全吸收。

    Results : The main complications were aqueous opacity , fibrous exudates , and hyphema , which could be cured .

  4. 术后胆囊窝积液1例,经保守治疗8d后完全吸收。

    One case who complicated with hydrops in the gallbladder bed was cured through conservative treatment 8 days later .

  5. 结果12例脉络膜血管瘤患者中伴有周边视网膜脱离者8例,经TTT治疗后周边液体完全吸收6例,部分吸收2例。

    Results Among the 8 eyes with peripheral retinal detachment in 12 cases of CCH the peripheral subretinal fluid was completely absorbed in 6 eyes , and partially absorbed in 2 eyes after TTT treatment .

  6. 结果:治疗10d后,治疗组胸水完全吸收率为92.9%(52/56),而对照组为52.1%(25/48);

    Results : In group of remedy , the rate of hydrothorax absorption after 10 d was 92.9 % ( 52 / 56 ), in group of control , it was 52.1 % ( 25 / 48 );

  7. 通过设置TMD将上行波完全吸收,实现对结构的控制,由此得到TMD参数的频率依赖性。

    Control of structure is realized by setting TMD ( Tuned Mass Damper ) which makes the upward propagating waves absorbed at the top of the structure and no downward propagating waves reflected . Subsequently , the frequency dependent character of the parameters of TMD is acquired .

  8. PGA和PGLA的体内外降解结果表明,PGA不如PGLA容易水解,PGA和PGLA缝线在家兔体内40~60天后被完全吸收,临床应用效果良好。

    The degradations of PGA and PGLA in vitro add in vivo have been examined , the results show that they can be absorbed completely by rabbit after 40-60 days , but PGA is less easily absorbed than PGLA , the clinical application for surgery is effective .

  9. 轻轻按摩,让肌肤完全吸收。

    Massage gently into the skin until it is totally absorbed .

  10. 这个波长上的光通常被完全吸收。

    Light at that exact wavelength would normally be totally absorbed .

  11. 心得安口服能完全吸收。

    Propranolol is almost completely absorbed following oral administration .

  12. 那棵桦树已经完全吸收了放射性的二氧化碳。

    The birch had taken up the radioactive gas .

  13. 视网膜下液完全吸收,视网膜平复20眼。

    The subretinal fluid was resolved completely , leaving flat retina in 20 eyes .

  14. 避免眼睛周围,直至完全吸收,轻轻按摩到面部和颈部。

    Avoiding eye area , massage gently into face and neck until completely absorbed .

  15. 所有的人被精彩的节目完全吸收住了。

    Their performance was so nice that the whole audience was quite carried away .

  16. 使用方法:洁肤后轻喷于脸部,按摩至完全吸收。

    Usage : Spray to the face after facial cleansing and massage until absorbed .

  17. 甚至很大的血肿对于药物的反应亦非常成功,它们在一周内完全吸收了。

    Even large haematomas responded successfully ; they were completely absorbed within a week .

  18. 胎儿被完全吸收了。

    The fetus wasn 't completely absorbed .

  19. 这显然是任何一个研究团队所有成员一辈子都无法完全吸收的。

    That is clearly more than any team of researchers could ingest in a lifetime .

  20. 晚间洁面后,取本品适量均匀涂于面部,按摩至完全吸收。

    Directions : Apply proper amount on face and massage until fully absorbed after cleansing at night .

  21. 使用方法:早晚或需要取适量于眼部肌肤,轻揉按摩至完全吸收。

    Application : Evenly apply adequate amount around the eyes and gently pack until absorption after rinse .

  22. 每次剃须后,将本品均匀的涂在下鄂,轻微按摩至完全吸收即可。

    Apply the cream to the jowl , massage gently till to be absorbed completely after shaving .

  23. 用法:晚间洁肤后,取适量均匀涂抹于面部,轻拍至完全吸收即可。

    To Use : Apply to cleansed face and neck at night , pat gently until absorbed .

  24. 结果注射后72小时,血浆完全吸收,角膜水肿消失,角膜上皮光滑。

    Plasma was absorbed completely at 72 h postoperatively . Corneal edema disappeared and corneal epithelium was smooth .

  25. 然而研究表明,原子并不能完全吸收光场中的量子信息。

    However , studies have shown that atoms can not completely absorb the quantum information in light field .

  26. 散在磨玻璃样影未完全吸收的5例占6。66%;

    Ground-glass opacities not yet finished whole absorption of examples was revealed in 5 cases occupy 6.66 % ;

  27. 成为完全吸收了目前这种行为表演,你忘记自己的境地。

    Become totally absorbed in the moment by performing acts of such utter selflessness that you forget yourself .

  28. 轻揉抹于面部、颈部,至完全吸收。

    Crumple to put on lightly in the face , cervical part , go to the complete absorption .

  29. 只眼黄白色渗出完全吸收,3只眼部分吸收;

    Exudation was absorbed completely in six of nine eyes , and was absorbed partly in three eyes .

  30. 用法:早晚洁肤后使用,将适量本品用指腹轻轻涂抹于眼周肌肤,稍加按摩直至完全吸收。

    Direction : After washing apply this product with proper amount around eyes , mildly massage till completely absorbed .