
  • 网络Perfect Competitive Price
  1. 非完全竞争选择与价格机制悖论

    The Contradiction between Imperfect Competition Choice and Price Mechanism

  2. 不完全竞争中的价格信息

    Price information in incomplete competition

  3. 在完全竞争市场,价格由需求和供给的相互作用来确定。

    In perfect competition , the price in the market is set by the interaction of demand and supply .

  4. 完全竞争市场是资产价格泡沫不存在的充要条件,而市场失灵是导致资产价格泡沫的原因之一。

    Complete competitive market is the sufficient and necessary condition for the lack of asset price bubble , so the market failure is one of factor leading to asset price bubble .