
  • 网络Monopoly;perfect monopoly;pure monopoly
  1. CBA职业联赛济南赛区门票市场结构具有不完全垄断性,经营团体的唯一性,赛事组织的排他性等特征。

    The sales for tickets of CBA has many features such as not completely monopoly , uniqueness of business groups and exclusiveness of organization . 3 .

  2. 高科技产品市场多产品完全垄断研究

    Analysis of Multi-product Monopoly in the Market of High-tech Products

  3. 经典的Klein模型用新古典的厂商理论对完全垄断条件下的商业银行决策行为做了分析。

    Classical Klein model presents a neoclassical microeconomic analysis of the monopolistic commercial bank .

  4. 完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析

    Break-even Equilibrium Analysis of Projects Invested in Monopoly MARKET

  5. 政府几乎完全垄断着能源。

    Energy remains almost entirely in state hands .

  6. 齐藤:我们是最后一家能阻止他们完全垄断能源市场的公司。

    Saito : We 're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance .

  7. 运用定性分析方法,探讨完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析。

    By qualitative analysis , the break even equilibrium of items in monopoly will be explored .

  8. 完全垄断产品市场中企业最优决策模型的动静态图形实现

    Realization of Static and Dynamic Figure of Enterprise 's Optimum Decision Model for the Product in Absolute Monopolized Market

  9. 本文以双占垄断为例,研究产品差异化对市场结构的影响。本文发现:完全垄断可能是同质产品竞争的结果;

    This paper focus on the effect of product differentiation on the market structure with duopoly as an example .

  10. 完全垄断是指只有一个卖方或制造商,并没有替代者。

    A pure monopoly is one in which there is only one seller or producer and there are no substitutes .

  11. 政府完全垄断所有社会资源,垄断一切政治、经济、文化权力的格局有了很大程度的改观,初步出现了政府与社会二元分离的新格局。

    The situation of the government monopolizes all social resources and controls all political economic literal power has great improved .

  12. 经过十几年的发展,中国电信市场已经由完全垄断向垄断竞争转变,电信运营商之间的竞争逐渐从对网络资源的争夺向对用户市场份额的争夺转变。

    With few decade years ' development , the China telecommunication market has evolved from perfect monopoly to monopolistic competition .

  13. 法人股对公司绩效的作用在各个行业都不显著,但其在完全垄断行业中作用为负,在寡头垄断和垄断竞争行业中对上市公司绩效改善有一定作用;

    Legal person share has negative influence to monopoly market and has some positive influence to oligopoly and monopolistic competition market .

  14. 中原王朝为完全垄断茶叶贸易,对茶叶实行官营官运专销。

    Central Plains for a complete monopoly of tea trade , and transportation officials to implement government-run specialty retailer of tea .

  15. 在总体上看,行业不存在完全垄断,也不存在过度竞争,产业组织在良性轨道上运行。

    Overall , industrial organization runs on a healthy track , excessive monopoly and excessive competition neither exists in the industry .

  16. 实证研究验证了与完全垄断情形相比,企业一般会提早投资。

    The situation that enterprises usually have early investment in monopolizes compared with the total monopoly was certified by empirical studies .

  17. 中国房地产市场价格卡特尔的反垄断法规制&以价格领导行为为例证的分析高科技产品市场多产品完全垄断研究

    Legal Regulation on Price Cartel of Chinese Real Estate Market in Antimonopoly Analysis of Multi-product Monopoly in the Market of High-tech Products

  18. 在完全垄断市场的静态均衡中,垄断厂商可以通过价格歧视获取消费者剩余,增加利润,影响社会分配的公平性,但是与单一定价相比有可能增加社会福利。

    With monopoly , price discrimination enables the monopolist to extract consumer surplus , which may obstruct the fair distribution of welfare .

  19. 宁夏财产保险市场的发展水平仍处于初级阶段,市场结构几乎完全垄断。

    In general the development of Ningxia property insurance market was at the preliminary stage . The market structure is almost oligopoly .

  20. 如果镇里的每一个人都和你的想法一样,这家餐厅就是完全垄断的一个例子。

    If everyone else in town feels the same as you do , the restaurant is an illustration of a pure monopoly .

  21. 在完全垄断、垄断竞争或政府干预的市场中,寻租活动是一种普遍的经济现象。

    Rent-seeking is a prevalent phenomenon in economic activities , it is existed in complete monopoly , bilateral monopoly and government monopoly market .

  22. 指出在经历了体制创新后,我国移动通信运营市场已逐步由行政性完全垄断过渡到双寡头垄断市场。

    The paper indicates that after system innovation , our mobile telecom operation market is transforming into oligopoly monopoly from administration perfect monopoly .

  23. 而完全垄断双边市场的规制,则需要识别完全竞争双边市场定价的基础上,对其定价进行规制。

    However , for the regulation of completely monopoly two-sided platform market , we only have to identify the markets and regulate the pricing .

  24. 多名商人合作可完全垄断某一资源,为国家创造更多财富。

    When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource , they will generate extra income for their faction .

  25. 国内银行业的实际市场结构由完全垄断转向垄断竞争,推动了市场绩效的提升。

    The movement of market structure of domestic banking industry from complete monopoly to monopolistic competition has improved the market performance of banking industry in China .

  26. 依照微观经济学和产业组织理论,高度集中产业市场中的寡头厂商往往会在价格变量上形成暗中或默契的价格串谋,使产业市场处在一种准完全垄断的状态。

    The firms usually conspire on price in the oligopoly markets according to the theory of microeconomics and industry organization , thus forming a par monopoly market .

  27. 长期以来,中国的航空油料市场一直处于具有浓厚计划经济色彩的完全垄断市场状态。

    For over a long period of time , China aviation oil plants market having been a monopoly market which has a strong influence of planned economy .

  28. 转轨时期保险业的运行特点主要表现为:保险市场模式经历完全垄断模式→寡头垄断模式→垄断竞争模式的演变;

    The features of the insurance business during transformation period are as following : a. The evolution of market model from total monopoly to oligarch , then going to monopolistic competition .

  29. 我国保险业市场集中度不断降低,市场结构不断优化,由完全垄断的市场结构演变到寡头垄断的市场结构。

    The centralized degree of Chinese insurance industry got lower and lower , but still higher . The market structure has been optimized and ameliorated , changed from the monopoly to oligopoly .

  30. 针对上面的问题,本文首先运用博弈论、产业经济学等理论重点分析了从完全垄断到寡头垄断下厂商的市场行为,从而得出了不同情景下厂商的竞争均衡得一般性模型和结论。

    According to the above problems , this paper analyzed the market behavior from complete monopoly to oligarchic monopoly by using game theory and industrial economics theory , thus obtained different Competitve equilibrium under different situation .