
xiàn zhì jià ɡé
  • Limit price;check price
  1. 委任价格分为市场价格和限制价格;

    Entrstment price is divided into market price and limited price .

  2. 政策上面临的挑战是限制价格上涨。

    The policy challenge is to limit this price rise .

  3. 不过家庭还是能采取一些方法来限制价格上涨的影响。

    But families can take steps to limit the impact of higher prices .

  4. 限制价格和利润所采取的措施。

    Measures adopted to restrain prices and profits .

  5. 中国已经限制价格上涨的优先权的宏观调控政策,一大堆有针对性政策了。

    China has made capping price rises the priority of macroeconomic regulation and introduced a host of targeted policies .

  6. 一个能够从容支付工资的工商业者,可以认为自己的关于限制价格的观点是无可非议的。

    A businessman who has " met a payroll " may feel that his views on price control are final .

  7. 所谓稳定机制,就是交易所及监管机构在面对金融市场价格剧烈波动时所采取的、能够限制价格波动幅度的相关机制。

    Market stability mechanisms are tools used by exchange and supervision institutions to deal with severe price volatility in financial market .

  8. 在限制价格下,厂商将降低商品不易观测的质量属性的供给,商品的多样化、差别化趋于消失;

    Secondly , due to the ceiling price , firms would lower the information supply of the unobserved quality characteristics of the goods .

  9. 尽管许多分析师预计通胀将在今年剩余时间内有所放缓,但外汇储备的累积为快速货币增长的延续奠定了基础,这将限制价格压力放缓的空间。

    Although many analysts expect inflation to slow over the remainder of the year , the accumulation of reserves lays the groundwork for a continuation of fast money growth and so will limit the scope for any easing of price pressures .

  10. 对于价格弹性报童模型协调问题,设计了基于RPM(resalepricemaintenance,限制转售价格)回购契约和线性回购契约的两种价格弹性契约协调机制;

    To the first expanded model , the buyback contract with RPM ( Resale Price Maintenance ) mechanism and the linear buyback contract are designed .

  11. 作为微米和中间尺度机械制造技术之一的微铣削技术在小型化的机床设备上可加工复杂的3D产品,其不受材料的限制,价格便宜,能耗低,可降低生产成本。

    One of the micro / meso-mechanical manufacturing technology , the micro-milling technology machining complex 3D product in the miniaturization machine tool equipment , it is cheap , low energy consumption and lower costs .

  12. 实证结果发现,McNeil和Frey(2000)所采用的GARCH模型与极值理论常会估计出超过涨跌幅限制的价格变化,较为不合理。

    Empirical results , McNeil and Frey ( 2000 ) used GARCH model and estimate the extreme value theory often exceed the price limit of price changes , the more unreasonable .

  13. 看法差异、信息不对称、卖空限制与价格形成

    Differences of Opinion , Asymmetric Information , Short-Sales Constraints and Price Formation

  14. 农业期货早已成为限制农作物价格风险的一种方式。

    Agricultural futures have long been a way to limit risk with crop prices .

  15. 内容所有者或提供者可以为某些使用权限设置限制和价格要求。

    The content owner or provider can set constraints and price requirements on some usage rights .

  16. 对于股票在达到涨跌幅限制后价格如何变化的解释有两种假设:信息假设和过度反应假设。

    The overreaction hypothesis and the information hypothesis are two major hypotheses regarding the effects of price constrains on stock price behavior .

  17. 我们不仅要严防国际热钱流入,而且要限制资产价格泡沫、阻击国际热钱套利。

    Besides strictly preventing the inflow of international hot money , we must curb the asset price bubbles and check the arbitrage of international hot money .

  18. 转移价格与生俱来的负面影响,决定了其必将受到各国法律及税务部门的严格管制,因此各国都颁布了有关限制转移价格的法律法规。

    Its negative effect decided that it will be punished by all the countries , so all the countries pressed the law to restrict the transfer pricing .

  19. 但是,在中国经济面对去年12月24日以来的4次加息(加上银行放贷限制和价格管制)尚未显著放缓之际,中国央行收紧过度的几率肯定也在加大。

    But as the economy has not slowed significantly in response to the four hikes since Christmas Eve ( plus bank lending restrictions and price controls ), the chance that the central bank goes too far must be increasing .

  20. 相对于传统购物方式,网上购物有着不受时空限制、价格低廉、品种齐全、商品信息丰富等优势,使得网上零售业发展迅速。但在中国网上购物的使用率还相对较低。

    Compared with the traditional shopping way , online purchase has such advantages that it does not limited by the space and time , the price is low , the category is diversiform , commodity information is rich and so on which enable the online retail trade to develop rapidly .

  21. 阿根廷限制国内燃油价格水平,把支付给YPF的批发价控制在低于国际价格的水平,这就促使Repsol投资于前景更好、干预更少的地方,例如巴西。

    It has capped domestic fuel prices and held the wholesale price it pays to YPF below the global level – an incentive for Repsol to invest in more promising and less interfering places , such as Brazil .

  22. price:价格limit:限制明早,价格限制?

    Dan : Um , tomorrow morning . Price limit ? -

  23. 政府正试图限制食品的价格。

    The government is attempting to peg down the price of food .

  24. 控制,限制或抑制价格或薪金的经济政策。

    The economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.

  25. 出口限制将使价格暂时提高,但却为外国竞争者站稳脚根提供了保护伞。

    Export restriction will raise prices briefly but hold up an umbrella under which foreign competitors can gain a foothold .

  26. 本文提出有供应方限制的临时价格折扣条件下的最优存贮模型和订货策略。并给出应用实例。

    This paper derived optimal ordering policy in response to supplier restrictions on special order sizes that accompany temporary price reductions and gives an example .

  27. 当航线限制增多、价格上涨并且累积里程的规则更加复杂的时候,优秀的中介简直就是救星。

    A good agent can be a godsend at a time when airlines are coming up with greater restrictions and fees , and ever-more complex mileage rules .

  28. 没有这项协议,在是否削减生产和销售、以限制铁矿石价格下跌的问题上,力拓和必和必拓或许会想法不同,就像它们在此次全球金融危机期间所表现的那样。

    Without a deal , Rio and BHP might think differently about whether they would curtail production and sales to limit declines in iron ore prices , as they did during the global financial crisis .

  29. 美国要维持每盎司35美金的价格并且要不加限制地在此价格下随时准备将美元兑换成黄金。

    The United States was to maintain the price of gold fixed at $ 35 per ounce and be ready to exchange on demand dollars for gold at that price , without restrictions or limitations .

  30. 石油价格最近几个月,由于中东地区的紧张形势,世界石油价格不断上涨,泰国政府限制了柴油价格——柴油是卡车将货物从各省份运送到各城市所需的燃料——每升柴油的价格不超过96美分。

    Oil prices As world oil prices d in recent months because of tensions in the Middle East , the Thai government capped the price of diesel - the fuel used by truckers to transport goods from the provinces to the cities - to 96 cents per liter .