
  • 网络restricted stock option
  1. 摩根大通公司CEO戴蒙:2009年获得的限制性股票和期权等红利共计约1700万美元。

    James Dimon , J.P. Morgan CEO , received a bonus of about $ 17 million in restricted stock and options for 2009 .

  2. 根据Facebook向美国监管机构申报的材料,这些人持有的限制性股票及期权总价值超过230亿美元。

    Their holdings of restricted stock and options have a combined value of more than $ 23bn , according to the documents Facebook has filed with US regulators .

  3. 其余是限制性股票和期权,第一批将于2014年初授予。

    The rest was paid in restricted stock and options , the first portion of which will start to vest in early 2014 .

  4. 其次,分析限制性股票和股票期权两种股权激励方式对不同风险偏好程度(与股东具有相同风险偏好和比股东厌恶风险)的经理人的激励效果。

    Secondly , I analyze the incentive effect of restricted stock and stock options for managers who have the same risk preferences with the shareholders or are risk-averse .

  5. 第四,不管是限制性股票激励还是股票期权激励,也不论经理人是与股东具有相同的风险偏好程度还是比股东厌恶风险,授予数量都为股东主观选择的结果。

    Fourth , incentive quantity can be determined by shareholders subjectively regardless of restricted stock or stock options .