
  • 网络customized service;customization service
  1. 随后,平台还可以对客户需求进行跟进,进行深度服务和定制化服务。

    Subsequently , the platform can also customer demand for follow-up , in-depth services and customized service .

  2. 为了在竞争中取站稳脚跟,企业在为顾客提供个性化、定制化服务产品的同时,还要采取标准化的生产管理模式降低成本以获得竞争优势。

    In order to gain a firm foothold in the competitive market , companies have to take a standardized production and management model to reduce costs to gain a competitive advantage , while providing customers with personalized , customized service products .

  3. 同时,实证分析结果表明,消费者对于误差处理质量的感知会受到定制化服务质量和交付质量的影响,并且在B2C网络商店中,定制化服务质量较之交付质量的影响作用更大。

    At the same time , we empirically test customization service quality and delivery quality influence order discrepancy handling quality .

  4. 华为IPCC解决方案秉承“打造卓越的联络中心”的核心理念,提供定制化服务、一体化方案和电信级设备。

    Huawei IPCC solution adhering to the " excellence to create a focal point " of the core idea of providing customized services , integration and carrier-class equipment .

  5. 可提供各种类型电流互感器定制化服务。

    Can provide customized services all types of current transformers .

  6. 大批量定制化服务产品优化模型探讨

    Study on Optimization Model for the Mass Customization Service

  7. 以定制化服务塑造酒店企业的核心竞争力

    On Molding the Core Competitive Power of the Hotel by the Custom-made Service

  8. 对我国饭店实施定制化服务的探析

    The Research for Customization Service of Hotel

  9. 时效管理是饭店业为顾客提供定制化服务从而提高收益的重要方法。

    Limitation management is the important way to improve the income of a hotel by means of supplying customization service to guests .

  10. 此软件也包括了潜在的无限的定制化服务,它能通过个人,企业或是组织对相关网站进行限制。

    The software also includes the potential for unlimited customization and it can block certain Web sites deemed inappropriate by individual , group , or entire organization .

  11. 其次,结合该过程模型,论文进一步探讨了定制化KIBS服务创新过程中的客户互动机制。

    Using the process model propose above , the author further explore the customer interaction mechanism during the innovation process in those KIBS who develop customized services .

  12. 可以真正定制化的服务。

    Services that can be truly customized .

  13. 我们通过专业的流程与创新的视角为客户提供高品质的定制化设计服务。

    We can provide high quality design services according clients'goals through professional design progress and creative visual angle .

  14. 论述如何在现有的信息服务技术条件下,构建一个信息资源集成化、网页定制化、服务一体化的个性化图书馆服务系统模型。

    This paper describes a model of personalized library service system under the condition of current technology of information service .

  15. 这也成为安卓用户可以常常在苹果迷面前炫耀的一点,而苹果手机屏幕没有提供这种定制化的服务。

    That 's a feature Android owners regularly flaunt in front of iPhone fans , whose home screens don 't offer this level of customization .

  16. 第三、按照客户需求提供集成化和定制化的服务,发展现代物流,真正实现供应链价值最大化。

    Strategy three , the company operates upon the customers ' demand , provides personalized service and develops modern logistic system . This would maximize the value of the supply chain .

  17. 随着我们加快利用科技促进产能,美国的制造业一定会再次增长,而且会催生为大规模定制化生产服务的新商业模式,释放我们所有人的制造才能。

    Manufacturing will grow in the U.S. when we accelerate the use of technology to increase productivity , enable new business models designed for mass customization and unleash the manufacturers in all of us .

  18. 其次,为满足货主的个性化需求,提出集装箱班轮公司可通过新产品开发和信息系统的建设,来提供定制化物流服务产品;

    Secondly , in order to satisfying the personalize demand of the consignor , Container Line Co should provide the tailored logistics service which can be got by means of exploiting new products and establishing information system ;

  19. 因此,去年,我们宣布实施精准医疗创新计划,以提升定制化医疗服务水平,治疗因不同人的因基因、生活环境和生活方式不同引发的癌症、阿兹海默症等疾病。

    That 's why , last year , my administration announced the Precision Medicine Initiative to advance our ability to tailor health care and treat diseases like cancer and Alzheimer 's by accounting for individual differences in people 's genes , environments , and lifestyles .

  20. 大规模定制物流服务是以大规模物流服务的低成本和高效率,向客户提供个性化、定制化的物流服务。

    Mass Customization logistics service is the logistics service which is provide personalized and customized logistics services to customers at the low cost and high efficiency of large-scale logistics service .

  21. 与规模发展的粗放式营销不同,流量营销是在流量规律分析的基础上,通过对目标用户进行细分,为不同的用户分群提供定制化的营销服务,以满足用户差异化的流量需求。

    Scale development of extensive marketing traffic marketing is based on analysis of traffic patterns , broken down by the target user , provide customized marketing services for different user clustering , to meet the needs of the user traffic differentiation .

  22. 低成本、高质量、定制化的产品和服务是定制生产模式的关键特征和核心竞争力。

    The customization products and service with low cost , high equality are the key features and the core competence of the mass customization pattern .

  23. 而大规模定制企业必须首先解决的关键问题就是如何对客户的定制需要及时做出反应、提供较低成本定制化的产品或服务。

    The crucial question of mass customization enterprises must first address to is how to respond to the customization need of customers timely and provide low-cost customized products or services .

  24. 奥斯特罗表示,摩托罗拉在中国重启业务及供应链,将为中国市场提供广泛定制化的产品和服务。他表示:这样做对于一家大规模企业尤为困难。

    Describing the changes required to provide extensive customisation as a restart for the business and its supply chain , he said : It would be exceptionally hard for someone at massive scale to do this .