
dìnɡ qī bǎo zhènɡ
  • limited duration guarantee
  1. 维护向导调整您的计算机以获得最佳状态。设定定期调整保证从您的计算机获益最多。

    The Maintenance wizard adjusts your computer for top-notch performance . Setting up a regular maintenance schedule ensures that you get the most from your computer .

  2. 我们的生产管理班子是由一批经验丰富的GMP专家组成,并对生产工人进行定期培训,保证了卓越的生产能力。

    Our term of producing management is consist of group of experienced GMP professionals , it always train workers on booked time , so we have great throughput .

  3. 术后发放护理小卡片,制作复诊卡定期复查,保证手术效果。

    In order to ensure the effect of surgery , nursing card was handed out postoperatively , regular visit and regular check was made .

  4. 由于热媒炉内燃烧过程造成结焦、积尘,需要定期清扫以保证传热过程的换热效率。

    Due to coking and dusk accumulation in the internal burning , heat medium heater needs regular cleaning and guarantee of heat transfer efficiency .

  5. 绝缘子是输电线路中的重要部件,对其进行定期巡检是保证电力行业正常运行的必要工作。

    Insulator is an important component of transmission line , so its regular inspection is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the power industry .

  6. 进行定期管道检测是保证管道正常运行的重要手段。

    Regular pipeline inspection is an important path to ensure the normal operation of the pipeline .

  7. 定期巡检气站,保证运行的安全和可靠性。

    Patrol regularly for all the gas stations , ensure the safety and reliable of operation .

  8. 货仓的物料,要定期盘查,以保证存货数量没有误差。

    In order to preserve the integrity of stock quantities , materials in stores are checked regularly .

  9. 妇女在怀孕期间一般需要定期作检查,保证胎儿正常发育。

    Women usually have regular checks during pregnancy to make sure that the foetus is developing satisfactorily .

  10. 对数据库定期进行备份是保证数据安全性、减小问题发生时数据损失的有效措施。

    Periodic database backup is an effective way to ensure data security and reduce data loss in case of problem occuring .

  11. 列车运营公司总监负责监控和定期汇报系统质量保证计划的效果。

    The TOC director will be responsible for monitoring and regularly reporting on the effectiveness of the system quality assurance program .

  12. 在未来关键的3-5年中,我们需要确保强有力的落实并定期进行盘点才能保证成功。

    We will need to ensure robust implementation and regular stocktaking in the next three to five critical years to ensure success .

  13. 甚至可以让那些服务器所有者做每月的定期检查,以保证把家作为数据中心的使用权。

    You could even get a monthly check from the owner of those servers for the right to use your home as a data center .

  14. 此外,联邦政府或州政府定期派人检查以保证没人非法地擅自挪用这些基金。

    In addition , the Federal or state government sends inspectors around periodically to make certain that no one is illegally helping himself to the funds .

  15. 这些管理者于议员会堂定期聚会商议,保证整个城镇同步协调发展,并著手解决面临的共同难题,故而成为城邑实质上的统治阶层。

    These men regularly gather together in the Council Chambers , to ensure the parts of a region work together as a whole , and that issues facing the region are made apparent to the ruling class .

  16. 船舶在寿命期内定期进行维护是保证船舶能安全航行的一个重要环节,船舶通过上排或进坞将其从水中移至维护场地是维护工艺的一个必须过程。

    Regular maintenance is an important stage that ensures safe navigation of the ship in the average life . Transferring the ship to service area from water by slipway or docking is an necessary process in maintenance period .