
  • 网络orientation education
  1. 角色定位教育的目的是培养学生积极、健康、良好的角色意识,让每个学生都能成为最好的他自己。

    The aim of role orientation education is to cultivate the positive and healthy role perception of students and make them succeed in their lives .

  2. 从生命哲学视域研究与探讨教育本质,有助于我们进一步理解和定位教育,把握住教育改革与发展的现实走向。

    Explore the philosophical origin of the life-emphasized education and try to clarify or define the essence of education , can help us grasp the reality of education reform and development direction .

  3. 立足于现实教育,理性地重新定位教育终极关怀,寻求中国教育现代化自己的路径,以确保教育健康的发展才是教育的最终极关怀和最大关怀。

    It 's the real ultimate concern of Contemporary Chinese education to be based on the actuality , re-think about its function and explore the way of the creative transforming of Chinese Education .

  4. TAFE体系是澳大利亚的一种职业教育与培训制度,其对我国旅游高职教育改革与发展的启示是:正确定位职业教育,转变教育思想观念;

    TAFE system is a kind of vocational education and training system in Australia , and its revelations to the reform and development of touring specialty of higher vocational education in China are : orientating rightly for vocational education , transforming educational thought and view ;

  5. 定位素质教育与文献检索课的切入点

    Locating the Incision of Quality Education and Literature Search Lesson

  6. 比较教育学学科形象的科学定位&教育形态类型学

    Scientific definition of the subject image of comparative education & Morphology of education

  7. 针对这些情况,应正确把握素质教育的本质内涵;把素质教育定位在教育的过程中;

    On this condition , it is necessary to grasp the essential connotation of quality education ;

  8. 因此,深化改革高职院校的教育教学模式,正确定位职业教育;

    Therefore , reform the educational and teaching model of vocational colleges , and define vocational education correctly .

  9. 这一问题突出表现在办学定位、教育内容、以及学校发展路径的选择等各个方面。

    This problem shows especially on the orientations , the contents of education and the paths of school development .

  10. 新技术革命、知识经济使各国的综合国力竞争焦点迅速定位在教育竞争上。

    New technology revolution and knowledge economy have made education the focus of the competition among the synthesis state power .

  11. 创立教育品牌,基础是教育质量,关键是办学特色。教育质量取决于教育定位、教育理念、专业特色、师资队伍和管理水平。

    If we want to create education brand the education quality is the basis , and the feature is the key factor .

  12. 中小学教师教育科研的定位网络教育中教师角色的定位

    On the Orientation of the Educational Research of the Primary and Middle School Teachers Study on Location of Teachers ' Role in Network Education

  13. 学校与学生之间的民事纠纷主要表现为因学生人身伤害案件引发的纠纷,学校与学生纠纷的民事法律关系应定位为教育民事法律关系。

    The main manifestation of dispute is the personal injuring ones . The dispute between school and students should be set as education-civil case .

  14. 本文从高职教育的定位、教育教学改革、素质教育、就业指导等诸方面论述了高职教育以就业为导向的重要性。

    The paper try to comment the importance of employment-oriented high vocational education on education orientation , educational reform , qualification education and vocational counseling , etc.

  15. 有意或无意地将其定位为教育管理的常规工作,也就忽略和放弃了教育所能体现和发挥的作用。

    Intentionally or unintentionally positioned as education and management of its regular work , it can ignore and abandon the education and the role of embodiment .

  16. 要改变这种状况,必须从人的精神建设的高度来定位语文教育的观念和目标。

    In order to change this kind of situation , Chinese education idea and education aim must be defined from the point of human spiritual construction .

  17. 依据教育目标的重心定位,教育情境可以划分为认知教育情境、意义教育情境和精神教育情境。

    According to the gravity fixed position of educational objective , education situation can divide into cognitive education situation , meaning education situation and spiritual education situation .

  18. 作为任命新董事过程的积分元素,香港航空资本董事会为香港航空资本董事会的新成员提供定位和教育计划。

    As an integral element of the process for appointing new directors , the HKAC board will provide an orientation and education program for new recruits to the HKAC board .

  19. 中学文学教育存在的问题,突出表现为将文学教育长期定位于教育手段而非教育目的,导致文学教育离文学本体越来越远,出现文学解读中的政治泛化倾向。

    The main problem in the education of the literature falls on being settled on the method not the aims of education and leads it far away from literature to politics .

  20. 以梁漱溟的文化教育观来观照今天的农村文化与农村教育,对我们重新认识农村文化的价值与重新定位农村教育有着深刻的启发意义。

    Rural Education and Rural Culture : Enlightenment of Liang Shuming 's View on Cultural Education Liang 's view is important to re-recognize the value of the rural culture and relocate the rural education .

  21. 由于中国在1982年之前很少有化妆品,所以不存在母亲向女儿传授美容惯例的情况,这使化妆品公司有机会把自己定位成教育者。

    As cosmetics were banned in China until 1982 , there is no passing on of beauty rituals from mother to daughter , giving the cosmetics companies the chance to position themselves as educators .

  22. 定位素质教育的高师整体写作教学理论新构架(整体写作训练教学理论研究系列论文之四)

    A New model for the Holistic Approach to Teaching the Writing Course at a Teachers ' college that Meets the Purposes of Quality Education ( the Fourth Article on the Research of the Holistic Approach to Teaching the Writing Course )

  23. 因此,在当前的语文教育改革中,我们应当重新审视和定位语文教育的目的、环境、方法,重视人文主义教育,重建、守护、拓展精神家园,重显人文精神。

    Therefore , we should readjust and redefine the aims , environment , methods of the Chinese Education , attach more importance to the mind education , rebuild and protect and develop the mind home of the humans . Thus the mind spirit can be expressed again .

  24. 定位是高职教育发展的关键。

    Position is key to the development of higher Vocational education .

  25. 科学定位高等工程教育目标的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Science-oriented Aim of Higher Engineering Education

  26. 专业定位是小学教育本科专业建设的起点。

    Construction of discipline on primary school education for undergraduates ;

  27. 高校定位与高等教育系统秩序的形成

    The location of higher educational institutions and the formation of higher education system

  28. 大学德育逻辑起点应该定位在仁心教育上。

    The logical starting point of college moral education should focus on benevolence cultivation .

  29. 廊坊市定位于科技教育城的机遇与挑战

    Opportunity and Challenge of Langfang City as a City of Science and Technology and Education

  30. 加强中央电教馆的职能建设和提升相关工作人员的定位是稳定教育技术队伍的重要要素;

    Third , enhancing the construction of central educational technology office and exalting the position of related clerks ;