
  • 网络freeter;freeters
  1. “飞特族”是日本人把英语中“自由”和德语中的“工人”组合后发明的词,指那些从事自由职业的年轻人。

    " Freeter " is a word coined by the Japanese , the combination of " free " and " arbeiter "( the word means " worker " in German ), in reference to those freelancing young people .

  2. 作品反映出日本现代“飞特族”(自由职业者)身上显现出的较普遍存在的心理问题,即丧失了崇高理想后精神上的隐形疾病-“孤独”与“虚无”。

    The novel gives a full display of the prevalent mental predicament of the " Freeters " of the modern society , namely , their pervasive loneliness and vacuity after losing ideals .

  3. 20世纪90年代,日本开始面临“飞特族”(Freeters)所带来的冲击,“飞特族”是一群喜欢从一个临时工作跳到另一个临时工作的年轻员工。

    In the1990s , the country began grappling with the emergence of'freeters , 'young workers who hop from one casual job to the next .

  4. 飞特族只在想工作的时候工作,其余时间做自己想做的事情,喜欢旅游和体验不同的文化与生活方式。

    Freeters work only when they have to , and the rest of the time they do what they want to , like to travel and to experience different cultures and different lifestyles .

  5. 啃老族、孤立者或飞特族可能属于那些不应或无法接受老一辈和极权社会将其价值观强加在他们身上的年轻人,

    NEETs , hikikomori or freeters may belong to a proportion of the younger generation who are unwilling to or incapable of putting up with the values imposed upon them by older generations and totalitarian society .

  6. 飞特族和啃老族的发展表明,日本的终身雇用制度已经在经济压力和全球化面前瓦解了。在这种形势下,个人必须具备创造性和跨文化交际能力,死板地工作是无法生存的。

    The development of freeters and NEETs in Japan shows that the system of lifetime employment has disintegrated in the face of economic pressures together with globalization , where individuals are expected to innovate and communicate across cultures , and where a defined employee role may not exist .