
  • 网络Aircraft Leasing;airplane leasing
  1. 中国银行(bankofchina)自2006年斥资9.65亿美元收购新加坡飞机租赁公司(singaporeaircraftleasingenterprise)以来,就一直活跃在该领域。

    Bank of China is already active in the sector after acquiring Singapore aircraft leasing enterprise for $ 965m in 2006 .

  2. 飞机租赁业务在亚洲吸引了越来越多的关注和投资,日本三菱(MitsubishiCorp)和香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)近年都投资于该业务。

    Aircraft leasing is attracting growing attention and dollars in Asia , with Japan 's Mitsubishi Corp and Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-shing among recent investors .

  3. 出现赤字的90多个国家的净债务(根据飞机租赁调整)平均是EBITDAR(衡量航空公司利润的指标)的6倍。

    The 90-odd that are in the red have on average six times as much net debt ( adjusted for aircraft leases ) as EBITDAR ( a measure of airline profits ) .

  4. 听起来有点像男士腕表和飞机租赁公司NetJets体验的大碰撞?

    Sounds a little bit like men 's watches meet a Net Jets experience ?

  5. 海航将拥有中国最大的飞机租赁业务,去年9月海航通过子公司渤海租赁(BohaiLeasing)斥资25亿美元收购Avolon。

    HNA , which bought Avolon for $ 2.5bn in September last year through its subsidiary Bohai Leasing , will now control the largest leasing fleet in China .

  6. 在收购AIG旗下的飞机租赁公司之后,一个中国企业财团将获得1000多架飞机的控制权。

    With the deal for AIG 's aircraft leasing unit , a group of Chinese companies will gain control of a network of more than 1,000 aircraft .

  7. 全球最大银行之一的中国工商银行(icbc)旗下的飞机租赁公司,将宣布扩大在爱尔兰的子公司。

    The aircraft-leasing arm of industrial and Commercial Bank of China one of the largest lenders in the world will announce an expansion of its Dublin-based subsidiary .

  8. 2010年,中国海航和bravia收购了30亿美元的飞机租赁资产。

    HNA and Bravia purchased a $ 3bn portfolio of aircraft leasing assets in 2010 .

  9. 而成立于2010年的Avolon也表示其在飞机租赁行业的排名也将上升到全球第三,该行业的前两名分别是AerCapHoldings和GECapitalAviationServices。

    Avolon , which was established in 2010 , will also move up to number three in the global rankings for aircraft leasing , the company said . AerCap Holdings and GE Capital Aviation Services hold the top two spots in the industry .

  10. 围绕Avolon的竞购战已经结束,中国航空和航运公司海航集团(HNAGroup)旗下的渤海租赁(BohaiLeasing)将这家总部位于都柏林的飞机租赁公司纳入囊中。这笔交易对Avolon的股本估值达到略高于25亿美元。

    The bidding battle for Avolon has ended with Bohai Leasing , a unit of the Chinese aviation and shipping company HNA , snapping up the Dublin-based aircraft leasing company in a deal valuing its equity at just over $ 2.5bn .

  11. 海航集团在2010年曾联手美国私人股本集团braviacapital,从倒闭的澳大利亚金融公司allco手中买下30亿美元的飞机租赁资产组合。

    HNA itself purchased a $ 3bn portfolio of aircraft leasing assets from allco , the collapsed Australian finance company , in 2010 alongside Bravia capital , a US private equity group .

  12. 日本最大贸易公司三菱(MitsubishiCorp)与亚洲首富李嘉诚将联手创建一家规模为8亿美元的合资飞机租赁公司。他们认为,廉价贷款和来自低成本运营商的强大需求将延续飞机租赁热。

    Japan 's biggest trading company and Asia 's richest man have teamed up in an $ 800m aircraft leasing joint venture , betting that cheap debt and strong demand from low-cost carriers will sustain a multiyear boom .

  13. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  14. 中国海航集团(HNAGroup)旗下飞机租赁公司AvolonHoldings已同意以100亿美元收购美国竞争对手CITGroup飞机租赁业务。这笔交易将把Avolon的规模扩大一倍,推升到业内第三的位置。

    Avolon Holdings , the aircraft leasing company controlled by China 's HNA Group , has agreed to pay $ 10bn for the rival leasing arm of US-based CIT Group , in a deal that will double the buyer 's size and push it to number three in the industry .

  15. 伯克希尔旗下的珠宝公司或飞机租赁公司NetJets等提供奢侈品的业务都出现复苏,不过基数非常低。但该公司与房产相关的业务,如地毯生产商Shaw或制砖商Acme还没有起色。

    Berkshire operations that provide luxury products such as its jewelry businesses or plane leaser NetJets are recovering , albeit off a ' very , very low base . ' But the company 's housing-related businesses , such as carpet maker Shaw or brick manufacturer Acme , have yet to recover .

  16. 航空公司飞机租赁财务管理原则及帐务处理探索

    A Probe into Airlines Aircraft Lease Financial Management Principle & Accounts Dealing

  17. 我国民航飞机租赁的主要方式及其发展趋势

    Main Way of CAAC Aircraft Lease and its Trend

  18. 飞机租赁是航空公司引进飞机的重要手段。

    Aircraft leasing is an important means for airlines to introduce the aircraft .

  19. 第一章:飞机租赁业务概述。

    Chapter One summarizes the operation of plane leasehold .

  20. 飞机租赁在中国民航的运用

    The Spreading Application of Aircraft Leasing in China

  21. 在我国民用飞机租赁方式中,融资租赁方式始终居于主导地位。

    Financing lease has been the dominant mode of civil aircraft lease in china .

  22. 石油储备、飞机租赁和电动汽车,这三者有什么共同点?

    What do oil reserves , aircraft leasing and electric cars have in common ?

  23. 飞机租赁业务在我国虽然起步较晚,但发展速度很快。

    Business on leasing airplane begins lately in china , however , it develops dramatically .

  24. 飞机租赁中航空公司的风险及其管理

    Airline 's Risk Management in Aircraft Lease

  25. 日本和中国的银行正在兴致勃勃地竞购某些资产,尤其是飞机租赁业务。

    Japanese and Chinese banks are bidding enthusiastically for some assets , particularly aircraft leasing .

  26. 飞机租赁报价评估浅析

    Brief Analysis of Aircraft Leasing Proposal

  27. 国内飞机租赁市场存在的问题

    Problems in Domestic Aircraft Leasing Market

  28. 本文探讨了现代租赁在航空公司飞机租赁中的应用与发展。

    This dissertation discusses the practice and development of aircraft leasing in the air transport industry .

  29. 对如何营造国内飞机租赁市场的市场环境,包括健全法规、实施鼓励性政策以及构建资金融通渠道等方面提出了一些见解;

    Bring forward some views about how to build the market circumstances of national plane leasehold market .

  30. 越来越受欢迎的飞机租赁业务

    Development of Aircraft Leasing Business