
  • 网络PHILIPS;Philips Electronics;Royal Philips Electronics;PHG
  1. 该公司数荷兰银行,高盛集团和飞利浦电子公司的主要客户。

    The company counts ABN AMRO , Goldman Sachs and Philips Electronics its major clients .

  2. 皇家飞利浦电子公司

    RPE Royal Philips Electronics

  3. 我现在就职于飞利浦电子公司的一个超前设计研究实验室,我们放眼于20年后的未来。

    I worked at Philips Electronics in the far-future design research lab , looking 20 years into the future .

  4. 2004年,飞思卡尔加入旨在推动无铅封装的一个财团意法半导体,英飞凌科技和飞利浦电子公司。

    In2004 , Freescale joined STMicroelectronics , Infineon Technologies and Philips Electronics NV in a consortium intended to promote lead-free packaging .

  5. 飞利浦电子公司上周五说它计划将出售其消费电子部门的几个工厂,作为以削减成本为目的的结构调整的一部分。

    Philips Electronics NV said Friday it plans to sell several factories in its consumer-electronics division as part of a restructuring aimed at shedding costs .

  6. 这项由飞利浦电子公司进行的调查发现,1/10的英国人每天会和另一半发生一次争吵,1/20的人甚至一天吵好几次。

    The study by electronics firm Philips found that one in ten of us has a fight with our partner daily , while one in twenty has several fights per day .

  7. 当她主动找到飞利浦电子公司要求对方给自己面试机会时,她转运了。她顺利通过首轮面试,但在第二轮面试中被淘汰,最终未被录用。

    She had better luck after forcing an interview with Royal Philips Electronics , and passed the first round successfully , though failed to get an offer after not passing the second interview .

  8. 荷兰的皇家飞利浦电子股份有限公司(KoninklijkePhilipsElectronicsN.V.)推出名为“精于心,简于形”(senseandsimplicity)的宣传活动,强调其如何开发富有内涵又便于使用的产品。

    Philips Electronics NV of the Netherlands has a campaign called'sense and simplicity'highlighting how it is developing products that make sense and are easy to use .