
  • 网络time deposit rate;Term Deposit Rate
  1. 其中,服务质量、职业风险以及定期存款利率对契约持续的影响最大。

    Service quality , risks of occupation and fixed deposit rates have outstanding influence on life insurance contract duration .

  2. 2011年,居民一年期定期存款利率仅为3.5%,低于通货膨胀率。

    In 2011 , households with funds in a one-year fixed-term deposit received just a 3.5 % return ─ below the rate of inflation .

  3. 与此同时,出于战略原因,香港银行仍在通过提供不经济的定期存款利率,来争夺人民币存款的市场份额。

    Meanwhile , for ' strategic ' reasons , Hong Kong banks continue to fight for market share on RMB deposits by offering uneconomical time deposit rates .

  4. 中国目前浮息债券基准利率有一年期定期存款利率和7日回购利率两种。

    At present , there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt , one year fixed deposit rate and 7 - day repurchase rate , in China .

  5. 定期存款的利率是多少?

    What 's the interest rate for time deposits ?

  6. 据我所知,定期存款的利率比普通储蓄存款的利率要高得多。

    I understand the interest rate is much higher for time deposits than regular savings accounts .

  7. 在日射和近红外区段内,讨论吸收率比讨论发射率更为普遍。定期存款的利率比普通储蓄存款的利率要高得多。

    In the solar and near infrared region it is more usual to speak of absorptivity than emissivity . The interest rate is much higher for time deposits than regular savings accounts .

  8. 六个月定期存款的年利率是2.1%。

    The interest rate for a six-month time deposit is2.1 percent .

  9. 银行定期存款一年的利率为百分之十二。

    Time deposits at the bank bring in12 per cent a year .

  10. 人民币存款的迅速增长实际上正在将港元流动性吸出银行系统,迫使香港银行为港元定期存款开出较高的利率&远高于当前美国利率背景所能确保的水平。

    Rapid growth in RMB deposits is effectively sucking Hong Kong dollar liquidity out of the system , and forcing Hong Kong banks to offer much higher Hong Kong dollar time deposit rates than would be warranted by the current US interest rate context .