
  • 网络Physical Flow Simulation
  1. 基于实体流的三维等温RTM数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Three-dimensional Isothermal RTM Process Based on Solid Flow

  2. 在此基础上提出了两类军队技术干部队伍结构预测模型:动力学模型和实体流模型。

    Based on this , it provides two kinds of forecast model & dynamics model and entity flow model .

  3. 基于笔者在欧拉描述下模拟注射填充过程的显式算法,应用实体流模型实现了用于注塑填充过程的全矢量化运算显式算法。

    On the basis of previous explicit algorithms realized by the authors , a new vectorial and explicit algorithm is proposed and developed for solid flow model under the frame of Eulerian description .

  4. 研究信息流对物流的影响,相当于研究虚拟流对实体流的影响问题,这是关系到21世纪社会发展的重大问题。

    Studying the influence to logistics of information technology , which equals studying the influence to material flow of virtual flow , is of great importance to the social development in 21st century . The dissertation consists four chapters .

  5. 网络支付系统是电子商务体系的重要组成部分,具有快捷、高效、实时等优点,主要用来解决各交易实体间资金流和信息流在Internet上的即时传递及其安全性问题。

    Network payment system , mainly used to solve instant messaging and security of funds and information flows between trading entities on the internet , is an important part of e-commerce .

  6. 通过业务信托结构,和记黄埔可以用上市实体的现金流(而非留存利润)支付股息。

    The business trust structure allows Hutchison to pay dividends from the cash flow of the listed entity rather than from retained profits .

  7. 建立了耦合的信息/指挥网络Agent模型和决策实体之间的信息流结构模型。

    An agent model of the coupled network and the structure model of information flow among decision-makers were proposed .

  8. 小儿常见恶性实体肿瘤耐药性分析流式细胞仪同时检测实体肿瘤P53蛋白和DNA含量

    Simultaneous analysis of P53 expression and DNA content in solid cancer using flow cytometry

  9. 将可调整大小的实体添加到数据流图表中。

    Adds a resizable entity to your data flow diagram .

  10. 关于实体收入、现金流,收益率和财务状况。

    On earnings , cash flows , profitability and the financial position of the entity .

  11. 在分布功能平面中,分布业务逻辑(DSL)是实现SIB功能时各个功能实体的动作和各个功能实体间的信息流;

    In Distributed functional plane , there is one set of distributed service logic ( DSL ) per SIB and it uses Function Entity Actions ( FEAs ) and information flows .