
shí zhènɡ zhǔ yì fǎ xué
  • positivist jurisprudence
  1. 分离命题是实证主义法学的核心命题。

    The separability thesis is the core proposition of the positivist jurisprudence .

  2. 凯尔森首倡的纯粹法学是西方法哲学中分析实证主义法学的一个主要流派。

    Pure Jurisprudence , advocated by Kelson , is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence .

  3. 哈特(HerbertLionelAdolphusHart)是英国法理学家,新分析实证主义法学创始人。

    Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart is a British jurists , the founder of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence .

  4. 实证主义法学的理论是商法的理论基础。

    Positivism 's theory is the academic foundation of commercial law .

  5. 霍布斯是现代实证主义法学和分析法学的先驱。

    Hobbes is a precursor of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence .

  6. 从规范实证主义法学的立场上看,权利源于法律,授权性规范就是授予权利的法律规范。

    Rights derive from the law in the view of the analysis jurisprudence .

  7. 现在或许该轮到实证主义法学派来进行反驳了。

    Now it is perhaps the positivist 's turn to beat a hasty retreat .

  8. 包容性实证主义法学之承认规则类别研究

    A Study on the Sorts of the Rules of Recognition in Inclusive Legal Positivism

  9. 通过批评以哈特为靶子的实证主义法学,提出了他的权利论法学。

    He comes up with rights in law by criticizing Hart for his legal positivism .

  10. 包容性实证主义法学视野中的法律与道德关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Law and Morality in the Field of Inclusive Legal Positivism

  11. 当代中国的分析实证主义法学研究随着中国法学的复兴而逐渐繁荣起来。

    Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research with the revival of jurisprudence of china accordingly has boomed up .

  12. 21世纪的中国分析实证主义法学研究,正处于一个空前的繁荣状态。第五部分:结语。

    All that are Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research has entered a prosperity status since 2000.Part five : conclusion .

  13. 以哈特为代表的新分析实证主义法学方法便是逻辑和经验实证主义方法结合的典型例证。

    The methodology of new analytical positivist jurisprudence , the famous user of which is Hart is the typical example .

  14. 分析实证主义法学的基本观点和方法中预设了若干社会性事实作为其论证的前提和基础。

    Analytical-positivist jurisprudence presupposes some social facts as its precondition and basement of discussion in its essential points and methods .

  15. 自然法学和实证主义法学是近代西方法律思想史上的两大流派。

    In the history of modern western legal thought , natural law and legal positivism are the great two schools .

  16. 中国学者对分析实证主义法学著作的翻译取得了巨大成就,大量西方分析实证主义法学研究成果传入中国。

    The translation of analytical-positivist jurisprudence works has got tremendous achievement , and analytical-positivist jurisprudence research results are going to China .

  17. 其间,中国学人对分析实证主义法学的创造性解读与发展,值得我们梳理和反思。

    During that period , it is worth carding and reflecting that Chinese scholars had creatively interpreted and developed analytical-positivist jurisprudence .

  18. 但是该如何处理法律效力与道德的关系又是分析实证主义法学的法律效力理论永远需要面对的难题。

    But how to treat the relations between validity of law and morality is an eternal difficult problem to the analytical jurisprudence .

  19. 他主要针对实证主义法学,特别是新分析法学以及美国现实主义法学区分实际的法律和应该的法律,而指出这种做法的错误。

    He introduced the practical law and ought law by comparing with positivism law , new analyzing law and American realism law .

  20. 分析实证主义法学较为注意法律的独立性、完善性、稳定性以及意义的固定性,主张从技术层面上支持法治。

    The analytical positivist school of law stresses on the independence , perfection and stability of laws , and technically supports the legalized rule .

  21. 经由承认规则的系谱类判准,包容性实证主义法学理论论证了法律效力乃是由一些明确的社会事实决定的;

    By the pedigree - based criteria of the rule of recognition , the inclusive legal positivism demonstrates that legal validity is a function of certain social facts .

  22. 本文首先在第一章中简要地将德沃金所批判的实证主义法学代表人物哈特的法理论作了初步的阐述。

    In Chapter 1 , this paper outlined the theory of law proposed by Hart , a leading exponent of legal positivism , which is criticized by Dworkin .

  23. 实证主义法学为适应时代的需要不断地完善和发展自己的思想,从而形成不同版本的实证主义。

    In order to meet the needs of the times , the positivist jurisprudence continues to improve and develop their own ideas , and then forms different versions .

  24. 尤其是在西学东渐的背景下,西学理论与本土文化之间的冲突与融合,一直是中国分析实证主义法学研究无法回避的问题。

    Especially when western learning has spread to the East , the conflict and fusion between western theory and traditional wisdom is a problem that researchers cannot avoid .

  25. 在西方法律思想史的发展过程中,主要产生了自然法学、功利主义法学、分析实证主义法学以及社会法学等流派。

    In the development of Western legal thought history , the natural law , utilitarianism law , analysis of legal positivism and social law and other schools were created .

  26. 这一法学思想既批判了传统法学概念中蕴含的形而上学因素,也通过批判法律命令说反对分析实证主义法学理论。

    Not only it rejects natural law theory through criticizing the metaphysics in traditional legal concepts , but also objects the analytical and positivism legal theory through criticizing the law-as-the-command theory .

  27. 通过论证分析实证法学的思想演进与理论特征,揭示出制度法学与实证主义法学思想的一脉相承。

    Then the paper exposes the consistency of methodological theory of Institutional Theory of Law and traditional Legal Positivism by illustrates the progress of Analytical Jurisprudence and the characters of its theory .

  28. 实证主义法学派自诞生之日起,便一直致力于回答法律是什么这个令人无比神往又使人颇为费解的问题。

    The positivist school of law has been committed to answer the question of " what law it is ", which is totally perplexing and fascinating , since the day of its birth .

  29. 在构建当代中国法治秩序的过程中,纯粹法学代表的本来意义上的分析实证主义法学极具特色的分析实证研究方法和关于法律规范效力性的基本观点极富启发意义。

    In the process of constructing the legal order in contemporary China , the methodology of analytical positivism in its original sense , represented by Pure Jurisprudence , and legal efficiency , are very instructive .

  30. 在法哲学的发展进程中,自然法学与实证主义法学尽管在对法的定性上存在巨大的差异,但他们却共同预设了本质主义思维与主体&客体的法认识论模式。

    In the development process of Jurisprudence , between natural law and positive law there are huge qualitative differences about the doctrine of law , but they share with a epistemology of the subject & object .