
  • 网络auditing research;Audit research
  1. 军队绩效审计研究是军队审计的一个前沿课题,也是一个难点课题。

    Army performance auditing research is not only a front task in army audit but also a difficult one .

  2. 笔者在资料收集过程中发现,现有的经济责任审计研究多是针对行政事业单位和国有企业提出的,以地勘事业单位为研究对象的却很少。

    In the process of data collection , I find that the existing economic responsibility auditing research mostly addressed to the executive institutions and state-owned enterprises , few aims at the geological survey institutions .

  3. 国际政府绩效审计研究:一个文献综述

    The Study on International Government Performance Auditing : A Literature Review

  4. 东北老工业基地振兴中政府审计研究

    Research on the Government Audit in Rejuvenating the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  5. 公司治理框架下的内部审计研究

    The Study of Internal Audit in the Framework of the Corporate Governance

  6. 基于改进逻辑框架法的公共投资项目效益审计研究

    Study of Improved Logical Framework Approach on Public Investment Project Performance Audit

  7. 网络处理器平台下基于角色的分片审计研究

    Research on the Role-Based Fragment Audit Based on Network Processor

  8. 关于抽样审计研究中两个问题的再研究

    Further Research on the Two Issues Concerning Sample Audit Study

  9. 本论文属于应用性与实务性的审计研究。

    This dissertation studies the applicable auditing theory and practices .

  10. 关于绩效审计研究的新思考

    New Th in k in g on the Performance Audit in g

  11. 我国金融衍生工具审计研究

    The Audit Study on Our Nation 's Financial Derivatives

  12. 基于企业改制问题的内部审计研究

    A Research on Internal Audit Based on the Problems in Restructuring of Enterprise

  13. 非战争军事行动经费物资保障审计研究

    On audit of non-war operation funds and materials ensuring

  14. 邮政企业货币资金内部控制审计研究

    A Research on Internal Control and Audit of Currency Funds in Postal Enterprises

  15. 设计院内部控制和风险管理审计研究

    Research on the Audit in Internal Control and Risk Management of Design Institutes

  16. 电子商务的风险管理与审计研究

    Study on Risk Management and Audit of E-business

  17. 政府投资绩效审计研究

    A Study on Performance Audit of Governmental Investment

  18. 私营企业内部审计研究

    Study on Internal Auditing in Private Enterprises

  19. 地方金融审计研究不能离开所处的时代和审计环境。

    Local financial audit research is inseparable from the era and environment it is in .

  20. 国有控股企业审计研究

    The Audit Research of State Holding Enterprises

  21. 基于增加价值导向的建筑企业内部审计研究

    Research on Construction Enterprises'Value-added Internal Audit

  22. 企业环境信息审计研究

    The Audit of Enterprise Environment Information

  23. 环境审计研究

    The Research of Environmental Auditing

  24. 会计信息化审计研究

    Research on Information-based Accounting Audition

  25. 审计研究可以分为三类:审计市场研究、审计技术研究和审计行为研究。

    The research on audit is divided into three sorts : audit markets , audit techniques and audit behaviors .

  26. 立足于共同产权、共同治理与利益相关者理论,以产权保护为主线,分别对产权保护会计、产权保护财务以及产权保护审计研究进行了回顾、介评与展望。

    From the perspectives of the joint property rights , joint governance and stakeholder theories , this paper researches property rights protection .

  27. 也发扬了数学方法在审计研究风险中的作用,为以后深入研究开辟了新的研究方向和切入点。

    Meanwhile , the passage also developed the use of mathematical method in audit-risk and opened up a new direction and point of entry .

  28. 审计研究中借鉴行为学研究成果形成的审计行为研究对我国审计研究发展有重大意义。

    Audit behavior research is the result of audit research that draw lessons from behavior research , which is of great significance to civil audit research .

  29. 相信该指标体系将在很大程度提升了审计研究的严谨性和科学性,同时也为今后的具体的基础设施分类研究奠定了基础。

    I believe that the indicators system will largely improve the rigorous and scientific of audit , but also lay the foundation for future research of various types of infrastructure .

  30. 以电力企业为研究背景的风险导向内部审计研究,探索了一种新的研究角度,有其积极的现实意义与宝贵的研究价值。

    The power enterprises in the background of the risk-based internal audit research , explore a new research point of view , has a positive meaning and valuable practical research value .