
  • 网络customer manager system
  1. 农业银行基层支行客户经理制完善

    On the Perfection of the Customer Manager System in ABC Branches

  2. 如何在现有条件下推行客户经理制?

    How to boost the customer manager system based on the condition we are in ?

  3. 基于电力CRM的大客户经理制的实践研究

    Appliance of Key Customer Manager System Based on Electric Customer Relationship Management

  4. 商业银行客户经理制的问题与建议

    Problems and Suggestions Concerning the Account Manager System in Commercial Banks

  5. 提出推行个人银行客户经理制。

    It puts forward carrying out individual banking client manager system .

  6. 客户经理制与银行经营模式创新和银行再造;

    Client manager system and bank operation mode innovation and bank reconstruction ;

  7. 客户经理制的总体特征和背景;

    Overall features and back ground of client manager system ;

  8. 完善基层行客户经理制

    Consummating System of Serving Clients by Bank-managers in Grass-root Banks

  9. 第三部分界定客户经理制的概念,然后着重阐释了客户经理制的基本含义。

    The third part explicates the concept of the customer manager system ;

  10. 郑州市农村信用社客户经理制研究

    Study of Client Manager System in Zhengzhou Rural Credit Cooperation

  11. 客户经理制是现代商业银行的通行做法。

    Customer manager system is the current practice of morden commercial banks .

  12. 商业银行试行客户经理制的思考

    Ideas upon commercial bank 's trial implementation of customer-manager system

  13. 而我国商业银行实行客户经理制较晚,有许多需要完善的地方。

    At present , customer manager was effected by commercial banks in China .

  14. 邮政储蓄实施客户经理制的研究

    The Study of the Performance of Client Manager System in Postal Savings Business

  15. 完善客户经理制,实施个性化营销;

    The system of client-manager must be improved , and individual marketing promoted .

  16. 关于商业银行实行客户经理制的几点思考

    Thinking on Practising Customers Manager System of Commercial Bank

  17. 在内部营销方面,要大力推进人本管理,有效实施客户经理制;

    The system of client-manager must be promoted , and internal marketing forwarded .

  18. 实施客户经理制存在的差距;

    Gap existing in implementation of client manager system ;

  19. 实施客户经理制的要点。

    Key points of implementation of client manager system .

  20. 基层商业银行推行客户经理制须逾越四大障碍

    How Local Commercial Banks Coping With Four Difficulties in Implementing System of Customer Manager

  21. 客户经理制实施中的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Correspondent Manager 's Implementation

  22. 商业银行客户经理制探讨

    The Research of Customer Manager in Commercial Bank

  23. 为保证客户经理制的完善,提出重塑企业文化、运用管理会计原理考核客户经理的绩效等观点。

    Reform culture of enterprise and using administration accountancy in the assess of customer manager .

  24. 对商业银行推行客户经理制的探讨

    On Guest Manager System in Bussiness Bank

  25. 论银行客户经理制

    Study on Client Manager System

  26. 现代商业银行客户经理制经营模式的研究

    Investigation of the Management Method about the Merchant Bank ′ s Institution of Customer ′ s Manager

  27. 完善银行客户经理制之思考

    Promoting Bank Customer Manager

  28. 客户经理制是电信企业为应对电信市场竞争日益加剧和营销策略升级需求而做出的一种制度革新。

    The customer manager system is a system innovation in order to face market aggravating competition and marketing upgrade tactics .

  29. 本文通过分析建设银行实施客户经理制的内外部环境,阐明建行实施客户经理制的必要性和紧迫性。用千兆网搭建企业网的网管中心设计

    The customer manager system is the center of the bank re-engineering . Design for Building Intranet Manager Center with Gigabit Network

  30. 最后指出了在大客户经理制实施过程中其他方面应注意的问题,并给出了可操作的对策。

    In the end , the paper points out the other problems in the KCMS , and offers some operable countermeasures .