
  1. 分析了Loft建筑产生的历史背景、并对其空间特点进行了详细阐述,最后对Loft的发展前景进行了展望,以拓展出室内装饰风格式样的新领域,在装饰设计上带来前所未有的自由度。

    This paper analyzes the historical background of Loft building 's appearance , illustrates its spatial characteristics , and forecasts its developing prospect , in order to extend new realms of indoor decorative style and to bring unheard-of degree of freedom to decorative design .

  2. 传统室内装饰风格与现代居室环境的交融

    A Blending of Traditional Interior Decoration Style and Modern Domestic Environment

  3. 中式室内装饰风格在大多数心理量的得分要高于现代和日式的室内木质装饰风格。

    Then most values of psychological parameters in Chinese decorative style are better than ones in modern and japanese decorative styles .

  4. 自家人在享受DIY的乐趣之余,还可以更加简便地改变您室内的装饰风格。

    Apply on enjoying the fun of DIY , it also can more easily change your room d é cor.

  5. 室内装饰与建筑风格的统一&记上海国际会议中心酒店部分装饰设计

    Interior decoration unity with the architectural style

  6. 希望能够将声学的设计风格、手法、主题进行整体统一的设计,设计出符合电视演播室室内空间的装饰风格,符合传媒视觉冲击力的符号要素。

    Hope to get overall unified design for acoustics design style and technique theme , design that meets TV studio interior space adornment style , accord with media visual wallop symbols elements .

  7. 如今,收纳凳的出镜频率越来越高,收纳箱的材质、花色、图案和摆放也开始影响室内装饰的整体风格,成为室内装饰的必备成分。

    Today , Storage Box is used more frequently and its quality , design and display have been changing the style of interior decoration , making it become the essential element of interior decoration .

  8. 浅谈室内装饰设计中的风格设计

    A Discussion on Style Design in Interior Decoration Design

  9. 论现代室内设计的主要装饰风格

    The Main Decoration Style of Modern Indoor Design

  10. 我的作品复兴了上个世纪前半叶,伟大法国室内装饰的线条与风格,也微妙的结合了原始和东方艺术的隐喻。

    My project revives the lines and styles of the great French interior decorators from the first half of the last century combined with subtle hints of primitive and oriental art .

  11. 在现代室内设计中,随着室内装饰风格的不断变幻,人们越来越多的关注到具有中国传统民族特质的装饰风格以及装饰材料,地域民族特色、民间传统艺术、传统文化内涵变得愈来愈重要。

    The modern style of interior decoration art design is diverse and varied . And the decorative design with Chinese folk characteristics is becoming more and more popular which is why keeping regional ethnic characteristics along with traditional folk culture is particularly important .