
  • 网络futsal;Indoor Soccer;indoor football
  1. 不过国际足联没有松懈,试图说服国际奥委会,以期让室内足球能进入2008年奥运会或2010年温哥华冬奥会。

    FIFA is still trying to convince IOC to make futsal a real game in the Olympics 2008 or 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver .

  2. 为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle , employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26000-square-foot fitness center , with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball , indoor soccer and badminton courts , and free exercise classes .

  3. 最近,这支球队迎得了芝加哥室内足球联赛的比赛。

    And they recently won the Chicago indoor soccer league .

  4. 但同时,这对他的行为并没有什么影响,如果说他这时有什么真正的信仰,那恐怕只有室内足球……

    but at the same time it had not the slightest influence over his actions . If he had any religion at this time it was House football ....

  5. 室内五人制足球比赛传接球特征的研究

    Research on Characteristics of Passing and Receiving Ball in Five-people Room Soccer

  6. 有时也有室内篮球和足球。

    And sometimes basketball and football .

  7. 主要采用数理统计法和对比分析法对2008年世界杯室内五人制足球比赛前四名球队射门情况进行调查与研究。

    The shootings of top4 teams in the2008 five people indoor soccer world cup have been analyzed by using the method of mathematical statistics .

  8. 中国室内5人制足球已走向世界,只要进一步开展,深入研究,参加国际比赛,取得名次会比11人制快、好。

    China 's indoor five-a-side football has tended towards the world , so it should be earlier and better to take part in the international game and get better place than eleven-a-side football by developing and studying it further .