
  • Contraction;uterine contraction
  1. A组宫缩过强、胎心异常,羊水过度污染均低于B组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    But rates of excessive uterine contraction , abnormal fetal heart rate , and pollution of amniotic fluid were lower in Group A than those in group B ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 阶段III:联合应用阶段I和阶段II的结果,分组分娩镇痛,观察并记录各组不同时点的VAPS以及连续进行胎心、宫缩监护。

    Phrase III , primipara enters different groups according to the results from phrases I and II , observing and recording VAPS at different time required , monitoring fetus heart rate and uterine contraction continuously .

  3. 分娩的症状是宫缩和羊膜破裂。

    The signs of labor are contractions and rupture of membranes .

  4. 前列腺素E1治疗宫缩乏力性产后出血30例临床分析

    Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia with prostaglandin E_1 : clinical analysis of 30 cases

  5. 当时我用的应用程序是FullTerm,用来记录宫缩的持续时间和间隔时间。

    The app I was using is called Full Term , which kept track of the length and intervals of her contractions .

  6. NO、NOS与宫缩乏力性产后出血关系的研究

    The relationship between NO , NOS and postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia

  7. 胎心基线变异较对照组明显减弱,胎心宫缩激惹试验(CST)阳性率增加;

    Fetal heart base line mutation in diazepam group was weaker than that of the control group .

  8. 目的:探讨血清NO及NOS在预测宫缩乏力性产后出血发生发展中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the level of NO and NOS in serum can predict the occurrence and development of postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia .

  9. B-Lynch缝合术在宫缩乏力性产后岀血中的应用研究

    Clinical Research of B-Lynch Technique for Hemorrhage Caused by Uterine Inertia

  10. LD组的宫缩前、宫缩时脐血流S/D值明显高于对照组,SVD组的S/D值与对照组无差异。

    In LD group , the contraction and intermission S / D are obviously higher than the control group , while there are no difference between the SVD group and control group .

  11. 方法:采用计算机与胎儿电子监护仪连结起来,对68例胎儿的宫缩波与胎心率扫描,预测分析胎儿宫内窘迫的发生,与产后脐血pH结果对照。

    Methods : To scan the uterine contractive wave and fetal heart rate of 68 cases by connecting the computer and fetal electronic monitor . To predict the fetal hypoxia in uterus by the analysis of scan data , and compare with the umbilical blood pH.

  12. 由TMS320LF2407A构成的DSP模块完成对胎心信号、宫缩压力信号和胎动标记请求信号的实时处理,同时实现心跳的音量控制。

    The signals of fetal heart beating , uterine contraction and mark were processed with the DSP TMS320LF2407A . Meanwhile , the volume control of the heart beat sound was realized by the DSP module .

  13. 结果:(1)T2组术中探查和宫缩痛的VAS评分明显低于T0组,P<0.01;

    Results : ( 1 ) In T 2 Group the VAS score was significantly lower than that of T 0 Group during surgical exploration and uterine contraction ( P < 0.01 );

  14. 结果:一种抑制宫缩的新药&催产素受体拮抗剂依保(atosiban)是一种有效的、副反应较少的、具有广泛临床应用前景的治疗早产的药物。

    The recent introduction of the oxytocin antagonist , atosiban , represents a new Effective and safe drug of the uterotonic antagonist in treatment of preterm birth .

  15. 绕颈紧组胎心宫缩图(CTG)主要表现频发轻度可变减速(VD)及混合性减速图型其胎儿窘迫发生率显著高于绕颈松组和无绕颈组(P<0.005)。

    In taut UCAN group cardiotocograghy ( CTG ) showed mainly frequent light variable deceleration ( VD ) and mixed deceleration . Incidence of fetal distress in taut UCAN group was significantly higher than that in slack UCAN and no UCAN group ( P < 0.005 ) .

  16. 胎儿平均体重(242±049)kg,平均Apgar评分≥8分。结论在抑制宫缩治疗中利托君介导的孕妇心率增加可作为评价药物疗效的指标之一。

    Average fetal weight was ( 2 42 ± 0 49 ) kg , and the average Apgar 's score was ≥ 8.Conclusion In the treatment of inhibiting uterine contractions , the increasing of maternal heart rate caused by ritodrine can be used as an indicator of therapeutic effect .

  17. 本研究拟通过观察CSEA分娩镇痛时宫缩强度、胎心监护的变化及产程进展情况,并与自然分娩对照,来了解CSEA分娩镇痛对产程的影响。

    The objective of this study is to evaluated the influence of CSEA on labor progress by observing the intensity of uterine contraction , fetal heart rate changes and the progress of labor compared with the changes of spontaneous labor .

  18. 有宫缩组第一产程44例产妇随宫口开大,MMP9的水平呈增高趋势,平均为(22±20)ng/mg组织。

    In the 1st-stage-labour group from the 44 cases of cesarean section with uterine contraction , MMP-9 , ( 2.2 ± 2.0 ) ng / mg , tended to increase with the dilatation of cervix .

  19. 剖宫产术中及时行B-Lynch缝合术缝合子宫防治产后出血,剖宫产术后给予缩宫素20单位入液体静脉滴注促宫缩治疗。

    Timely cesarean section line B-Lynch suture repair of the uterine control of postpartum hemorrhage , cesarean section to give 20 units of oxytocin to promote uterine contractions into the intravenous fluid therapy .

  20. 识别胎动和旺肌的下限幅值为1.33kPa(10mmHg),时距上限值为10s.此四个阈值可用于宫外宫缩波的信号识别。

    The lower - limit amplitude value of recognizing fetal movement and abdominal muscle is 10 mmHg and the upper - limit interval value is 10s . The four characteristic values are available for recognizing extrauterine contraction .

  21. 目的:建立宫缩合剂的质量标准。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish the quality standard of Gongsuo mixture .

  22. 针刺对妊娠末期大鼠的促宫缩作用

    Mechanism of Acupuncture in Promoting Uterine Contraction in Late Pregnancy Rats

  23. 宫缩乏力是剖宫产出血的首要因素;

    The first factor of cesarean section hemorrhage is uterine inertia ;

  24. 硫前列酮治疗产后宫缩乏力出血

    Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia with sulprostone

  25. 卡前列素治疗宫缩乏力性产后出血疗效观察

    Efficacy of hemabate in treatment of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony

  26. 如果宫缩频率接近三分钟就叫我

    If her contractions occur closer than three minutes , call me !

  27. 基于双正交小波变换的宫缩信号消噪

    Contraction Signal 's De-Noising Based on the Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform

  28. 催产素剂量的增加速率在诱发宫缩中的作用

    Rate of increase in oxytocin dose on the outcome of labor induction

  29. 宫缩期脐血流与胎儿宫内窘迫的相关性分析

    The Relationship of Fetal Distress and Umbilical Artery Analysis During Uterine Contraction

  30. 而这时我的宫缩也开始变得有规律了。

    And at the same time I started to feel regular contraction .