
  • 网络Household purchasing power;family consumption capacity
  1. 轿车家庭购买力模型的构建与市场容量分析

    The Model Construction of the Family Consumption of Cars and Analysis of the Market Capacity

  2. 弱势货币导致进口昂贵(由此保护了进口竞争型国有企业并提高了出口企业利润),从而也降低了家庭购买力。

    A weak currency reduces household purchasing power by making imports expensive , thereby protecting import-competing SOEs and boosting exporters'profits .

  3. 日本零售业销售额上个月出现逾两年以来幅度最大的下滑,突显出日本家庭购买力疲弱。

    Japanese retail sales suffered their sharpest decline in more than two years last month , underlining the weakness of household spending .

  4. 然而,政府出台措施稳定物价增长的速率,并提高退休金和福利补助来和保护家庭购买力总好过放任通货膨胀如野草般疯长。

    But the government has kept price increases steady rather than allowing inflation to take off , and has protected household purchasing-power by expanding pensions and welfare benefits .

  5. 以美元计价,大宗商品价格在不断飚升,即便以其他货币计算,其价格也在上涨。这加剧了通膨,进一步蚕食了家庭购买力,致使各国央行在制订货币政策时更加谨慎。

    And commodity prices , which are surging in dollar terms and even rising when denominated in other currencies , are raising inflation , taking a further bite from households ' purchasing power and leading to greater caution among central banks in setting monetary policy .

  6. 通货膨胀使低收入家庭的购买力不断下降。

    Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income .

  7. 他们还认为,是时候把日本经济从出口型经济转变为消费型经济了,而日元升值将增强日本家庭的购买力。

    They also believed it was high time to shift the Japanese economy from exports to consumption and that a stronger yen would raise the purchasing power of households .

  8. 私营部门的就业人数继续减少,而且就业机会的减少以及食品和能源价格早些时候出现的上涨侵蚀了家庭的购买力。

    Private payrolls have continued to contract , and the declines in employment , together with earlier increases in food and energy prices , have eroded the purchasing power of households .

  9. 他们发现最贫穷的家庭(那些购买力平价下日均生活开支低于1美元的家庭【注6】)将约30%预算用于购买礼品和节日往来,这个数字是同样赤贫的印度家庭的两倍。

    They found that the poorest households ( those living on less than $ 1 a day at purchasing-power parity ) spent about 30 % of their budgets on gifts and festivals , twice as much as similarly impoverished Indians .

  10. 通过引入住房政策后,如住房公积金政策、住房补贴政策等,居民家庭住房效用和购买力得到了显著提高。

    Via adopting housing policies , such as housing Accumulation Fund policy , housing subsidy policy , etc. Residents family housing utility and purchasing power are remarkably improved .