
  • 网络village appliance;Countryside;Home appliances going to the countryside;home appliances
  1. 中国家电下乡政策执行问题的有效性分析

    Analysis of Implementation Problem of China 's " Home Appliances to the Countryside " Policy

  2. 家电下乡生产企业农村营销策略探讨

    The Discussion on home appliances to the countryside manufacturers ' Marketing strategies on rural areas

  3. 澄清家电下乡策略《ChinaDaily》一篇社论称,尽管家电折扣下乡会促进农村地区的消费,但它只有在各厂家联合起来时才发挥作用。

    An article in China Daily says although selling household electrical appliances at discounts in villages will boost rural consumption , it only works when manufacturers cooperate .

  4. 从家电下乡项目看我国农村消费市场的开发

    Development of Rural Consumer Market from the Project of Spreading Household Electrical Appliances to Farmers

  5. 论国家援助的法律规制&从家电下乡计划谈起

    On Legal Regulations Of State Support

  6. 企业在家电下乡中开拓农村市场的营销策略

    Enterprises ' Marketing Strategies for Expanding the Rural Market in Home Appliances Going to the Countryside

  7. “家电下乡”计划已经提振了许多白色家电和消费电子产品制造商的收入和利润。

    That programme has already boosted revenues and earnings for many white goods and consumer electronics makers .

  8. 但是,农村居民说他们从家电下乡补贴中获益很多。

    However , rural residents said they benefited a lot from the home appliance subsidies for rural areas .

  9. 一位高管表示:今年家电下乡的销售量将占到我们国内销量的50%以上。

    Home appliances to the countryside will account for at least half of domestic sales , says one executive .

  10. 家电下乡中物流成本的构成与节约&以重庆为例

    Logistics Cost Composition and Thrift in " Domestic Appliances to the Countryside " & Taking Chongqing as an Example

  11. 家电下乡;价格补贴;现金补贴;消费者效用;经济效率;

    Home Appliance Going to the Countryside ; Price Subsidy ; Cash Subsidies ; Consumer 's Utility ; Economical Efficiency ;

  12. 3月份中国家电下乡销售额同比增长179%的消息,无疑表明真实情况并非如此。

    News that home appliance sales in rural areas increased by 179 per cent in March would certainly suggest otherwise .

  13. 家电下乡的瓶颈与对策分析&基于顾客让渡价值的视角

    The Bottleneck and Countermeasures of the Household Appliances to the Countryside that on Account of " Customer Delivered Value "

  14. 零售商们警告称,家电下乡项目增加产品种类、扩大覆盖地区后,引发了残酷激烈的竞争。

    Retailers warn that the expansion of the programme to ever more product categories and places has encouraged cut-throat competition .

  15. 为此,我国自2007年起,制定出台了家电下乡政策。

    To this end , since 2007 , our country implemented the policy called " Sending Home Appliances to the Countryside " .

  16. 家电下乡政策是我国政府为了应对国际金融危机而采取的措施之一。

    The policy of " electric appliance subsidiary " is one of measures taken by our government in response to the international financial crisis .

  17. 第二步,京东商城将家电下乡产品直接送到农民家中,并且全部免运费;

    The2nd pace , beijing east the store sends product of home appliance go to the countryside in farmer home directly , and avoid freight entirely ;

  18. 调研表明,家电下乡还应加大宣传力度、简便购补手续、强化质量监管。

    Research has shown that home appliances to the countryside should also step up publicity , easy to purchase up procedures , strengthen the quality supervision .

  19. 该计划与早些时候北京鼓励农村居民购买电器的“家电下乡”计划显著不同。

    The plan differs dramatically from an earlier " home appliances to the countryside " programme under which Beijing encouraged rural dwellers to buy electronic goods .

  20. 继续实施家电下乡和以旧换新政策。

    We will continue to implement the policies of providing subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and subsidies for trading-in old home appliances for new ones .

  21. 第三步,在三个工作日之内,家电下乡的指定厂家直接上门对产品进行安装、调试;

    The3rd pace , it is in3 weekday , the designation of home appliance go to the countryside manufacturer comes to undertake installing to the product directly , debug ;

  22. 但一半以上的农村家庭没有洗衣机,约四分之三的农村家庭没有电冰箱,因此提高农村家庭中这两类电器的拥有率似乎是此次家电下乡计划的关键所在。

    But more than half of rural homes lack a washing machine , and about three-quarters have no fridge making those items seemingly the linchpin to the new program .

  23. 具体测算了“4万亿元投资”和家电下乡“补贴政策对社会经济和城乡协调发展的影响以及缓解外需下滑的效果。

    The results show that the polices of " 4 trillion of investment " and " household appliances to the countryside " can induce the whole output to increase by10 .

  24. 本章首先是家电下乡分析,给出家电下乡的政策、目的、重要性、方式等。

    This chapter is the first analysis of home appliances to the countryside , given the purpose of home appliances to the countryside , the importance of policy , and so on .

  25. 着重分析了家电下乡政策对农村生活用电需求的影响。(3)对常用的预测模型进行了研究。

    The home appliance to the countryside policy impact on electricity demand for rural residents is studied in this paper . ( 3 ) The common prediction model is studied in this paper .

  26. “家电下乡”计划已在中国全面展开,不过,很多农民对此反应冷淡,甚至有人批评这一计划是坑害农民,让农民勒紧裤腰带为扩大内需作贡献。

    But many farmers are lukewarm on it , someone even criticizing it for harming farmers by making them live a tighter life so as to make their contributions to expand the domestic demand .

  27. 接着,从实践层面,探讨了家电下乡政策在决策、实施、监督、救济和法律责任方面所存在的各种不足。

    Then , from the practice level , discusses the policy of home appliances to the countryside in the decision-making , implementation , supervision , relief and legal liability of the existence of various defects .

  28. 结合现代信息技术的应用,采用快捷、高效、便利的信息传播手段,更有效地使家电下乡工作向深度和广度发展。

    Combining with the application of modern information technology and using fast , efficient and convenient means of information spreading can make the policy of home appliance into the countryside develop more effectively on depth and breadth .

  29. 今年伊始,农村地区的居民就可以以九折价格购买家用电器,该策略被称为“家电下乡”。

    From the beginning of the year , residents of rural areas across the country could claim a 10 percent rebate on household electrical appliances . The strategy is called " household electrical appliances go to villages . "

  30. 实施家电下乡,将家电产品出口的优惠政策直接补给我国的广大农民,而不是补给企业等中间环节,这将大大降低农民的消费支出成本。

    To implementing the policy of home appliances going into the countryside which directly supply home appliances product to our farmers but not the enterprises and other intermediate links , which will greatly reduce farmers ' consumption costs .