
  1. 变容管调谐的X波段介质谐振器GaAsFET振荡器

    Varactor Tuned Dielectric Resonator GaAs FET Oscillator In X & Band

  2. GaAs超突变结变容管的C&V特性和击穿电压

    C-V Characteristic and Breakdown Voltage of GaAs Hyperabrupt Junction Varactors

  3. V波段变容管三倍频器

    A V-Band Varactor Tripler

  4. X波段变容管调谐GaAsFET集成VCO的设计

    Design of an X-Band Microstrip GaAs FET VCO with Varactor-Tuning

  5. 一种新型MOS变容管在射频压控振荡器中的应用

    A Novel MOS Varactor in Voltage Controlled Oscillators for RF Applications

  6. GaAs超突变结微波电调变容管

    GaAs Hyperabrupt Junction Microwave Tuning Diodes

  7. MOCVD生长超突变结GaAs变容管材料

    Growth of Hyperabrupt GaAs Varactor Structure Material by MOCVD

  8. 提出了应用于毫米波段的MOS变容管的建模方法。

    A modeling methodology for MOS varactor was presented for applications at millimeter-wave frequencies .

  9. 本文报道了GaAs常γ电调变容管材料的研究。

    This paper describes recent progress of GaAs epitaxial material for an electrically tunned diode with constant γ .

  10. 集成化平面肖特基变容管微波C-V特性物理模型

    A Microwave C-V Characteristic Model for Integrated Planar Schottky Varactor

  11. 8mm波段大动态平衡型变容管参量上变频器

    8mm Balanced Varactor Upconverter with Large Dynamic Range

  12. 采用微细加工技术研制压控振荡器用BST薄膜变容管。

    The BST thin films varactor used in voltage-controlled oscillator were fabricated using micro-fabricated techniques in this paper .

  13. 在此基础上,提出整个E波段毫米波混合集成VCO的方案:采用SIW谐振器作为谐振回路,利用并联结构的变容管进行电调谐。

    A millimeter-wave hybrid integrated VCO is proposed , which consists of a resonant circuit based on SIW resonant , and an electric tuning in parallel with varactor diode .

  14. 结果显示,栅氧厚度、硅膜掺杂、硅膜厚度等结构参数会对SOI变容管的调节范围和灵敏度有直接影响。

    It can be seen that the tuning range and the sensitivity of SOI varactor are influenced by gate oxide thickness , silicon film doping and silicon film thickness directly .

  15. 通过改变MOS变容管的接入方法实现了更好的压控增益线性度,并采用了新的低寄生电容、低导通电阻的数控电容阵列结构来补偿工艺变化带来的频率变化。

    A novel configuration of a MOS varactor is designed for good linearity of Kvco , as well as a new digital capacitor controlled array topology with lower parasitic capacitance and lower Ron .

  16. 在确保所需调制频偏的情况下,通过调整环路反馈系数可减小变容管调制电路对Gunn振荡器中心频率稳定度的影响。

    When the modulation sensitivity is enough , the loop feedback coefficent must be decreased for decreasing the influence of varactor diode to the oscillator frequency stability .

  17. 根据仿真结果设计的X波段推-推压控振荡器,采用封装硅晶体管及砷化镓变容管,在1GHz调谐带宽内,输出功率2~8dBm。

    An X band push-push VCO is designed using packaged silicon transistors and GaAs varactors . A 1-GHz tuning bandwith is obtained with an output power of 2 ~ 8 dBm .

  18. 在实际设计中,通过选取温度特性与谐振三极管相补偿的调谐变容管,采用恒流源供电以及分频等方式,使得VCO的温度稳定度比普通VCO提高了一到两个量级。

    In practice the method has gained one or two mete increase in temperature stability by selecting the tuning varactor , which has the temperature characteristic compensated for the resonant transistor .

  19. 采用MOS晶体管和电容组合来实现等效变容管,为降低芯片面积仅使用一个片上螺旋电感,并实施了低电压、低功耗的措施。

    The VCO uses the MOS transistors and capacitors to form the equivalent varactor , takes low-voltage and low-power into account and uses only one spiral inductor on chip in order to minimize the size of die .

  20. 本文介绍X波段变容管调频耿氏振荡器的一些实验结果,在全高波导腔获得电调范围420MHz,在减高波导达到电调范围990MHz。

    Some experimental results on X-band varactor-tuned Gunn Oscillators are presented . Electronic tuning range of 420 MHz is obtained in a full-height waveguide cavity , while electronic tuning range of 990 MHz is achieved with reduced-height waveguide cavity .

  21. 该器件采用了硅栅P-MOS工艺,而作为扫描电路的移位寄存器是采用的一种带变容管自举电路的三管动态无比电路。

    Silicon gate P-MOS technique has been adopted in developing the device , and a kind of three FETS dynamic circuit with varactor bootstrap has been adopted in developing the shift register used as scanned circuit .

  22. 变容管微波限幅器分析和实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Waveguide Microwave Limiter with Varactor Diodes

  23. 宽带变容管调谐全高波导耿氏振荡器

    Wide Band Varactor Tuned Gunn Oscillators in Full Height Waveguide Cavity

  24. 一种微波集成宽带变容管调谐体效应振荡器的设计

    A microwave integrated circuit design of wideband varactor tuned bulk effect oscillator

  25. 电流泵突变结变容管上变频器的交调问题

    Intermodulation Problem in Abrupt Junction Current Pumped Varactor Upconverters

  26. 本文讨论变容管微波限幅器的理论模型。

    A theoretical model of waveguide microwave limiter with Varactor Diodes is discussed .

  27. 超突变结变容管容压变化指数的研究

    C - V Index n of Hyperabrupt Varactors

  28. 变频器由双脊波导架、横杆结构和低耗参放变容管组成。

    The convertor consists of double-ridge wave-guide , crossbeam structure and low-loss varactor diode .

  29. 变容管倍频器谐振曲线的分析

    Analysis of Resonance Curves for Varactor Frequency Multipliers

  30. 模标志-波导或空腔谐振器中的宽带变容管调谐全高波导耿氏振荡器

    Wide-Band Varactor-Tuned Gunn Oscillators in Full-Height Waveguide Cavity