
  • 网络Width control;AWC;RAWC
  1. 结合实际的科研课题,开发了宽度控制模型解析工具。

    The analyzing tools of AWC models are developed in combination with the practical scientific research subject .

  2. 基于RBF网络直接广义预测精轧宽度控制

    Direct Generalized Predictive Control Method Based on RBF for Finishing Strip Width Control

  3. 对用可编程逻辑器件技术实现模拟集成电路的功能进行了探讨,研究了实现单稳态触发器脉冲宽度控制的两种方法:用外接RC的单稳态触发器;

    The function of integrated analog circuits realized with CPLD is discussed . Two methods of controlling the pulse width of monostable trigger are studied .

  4. 热轧带钢轧机自动宽度控制(AWC)系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Automatic Width Control in Hot Strip Milling

  5. 和固定滞环宽度控制方法相比,应用改进的正弦滞环宽度控制方法,系统具有更小的THD。

    Compared with the fixed band hysteresis current control method , smaller THD is achieved in the system with sinusoidal band hysteresis current control .

  6. 介绍一种典型的应用于激光电源的对IGBT功率开关器件进行PWM脉冲宽度控制的电路,它能满足对激光电源的大功率,高稳定性,以及高伍流性等要求。

    Recently , the high power IGBT thyristors are used widely in the field of the laser power supply . The paper introduces a typical PWM control circuit . It can meet the high power , h.

  7. 攀钢1450mm热连轧机自动宽度控制(AWC)技术

    Automatic Width Control technique for 1 450 mm hot strip rolling mill in Panzhihua New Steel and Vanadium Co Ltd

  8. 热轧半无头轧制工艺下宽度控制策略

    Automatic Width Control of Semi-endless Rolling in Continuous Casting and Rolling

  9. 裂缝宽度控制钢筋直径选用图表

    The charts of diameter of steel bars for cracks Limited

  10. 整体式封闭煤场温度作用取值及裂缝宽度控制

    Temperature load use and crack width control for monolithic closed coal yard

  11. 提高热轧带钢宽度控制精度的综合措施

    Complex measures of improving the width control precision of hot rolled strip

  12. 自抗扰控制在监控精轧宽度控制系统中的应用

    Monitor Finishing Automatic Width Control System Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control

  13. 粗轧基础自动化宽度控制和仿真系统研究

    Simulation System Investigation and Basic Automation of Width Control for Rough Rolling

  14. 基于改进广义预测算法的精轧宽度控制方法

    Width control approach of finishing strip mills based on improved generalized predictive control

  15. 热轧带钢宽度控制系统的三项重要功能

    Three important functions of hot strip width control system

  16. 可逆变流器正弦滞环宽度控制方法

    Reversible converter sinusoidal band hysteresis current control method

  17. 连续结合梁桥负弯矩区混凝土板裂缝宽度控制方法研究

    Methods for controlling crack width of concrete slab in negative moment area of continuous composite bridges

  18. 太钢1549mm热连轧机宽度控制系统的改造

    Revamp of the Width Control System of TISCO . 1 549 mm Continuous Hot Strip Mill

  19. 以裂缝宽度控制为标准的受弯构件最小配筋率

    Method of Determining Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members With Standard of Controlling Crack Width

  20. 粗轧宽度控制系统的核心设备是液压压下系统,要想提高粗轧宽度控制能力,必须提高液压压下系统的控制性能。

    For improving the width control ability , we have to improve the control ability of hydraulic width control system .

  21. 场脉冲信号形成及宽度控制电路产生宽度受伴音电平控制的场脉冲信号A。

    The field pulse signal forming and width control circuit generates a field pulse signal A with the width being controlled by the accompanying sound electric level .

  22. 快速傅里叶变换结果表明,应用改进的正弦滞环宽度控制方法,系统具有更小的谐波含量。

    The result of fast Fourier transform indicates that the har-monic content of the improved method is also smaller than that of fixed band hysteresis current control .

  23. 介绍了太钢1549mm热连轧机技术改造后的宽度控制系统,主要包括设备的改造情况和自动宽度控制系统。

    In this paper presents the width control system after the revamp of 1 549 mm continuous hot strip mill of TISCO , including the edger mill and the automatic width control system .

  24. 为热连轧粗轧机组短行程控制和精轧宽展预测提供了理论依据,从而提高宽度控制水平,提高了成材率,降低了生产成本。

    It provides the theoretical basis for hot strip mill roughing mill short stroke control and forecast of finishing width extension so as to increase the width control level , increase the yield of product , reduce cost .

  25. 结合国内外常规热轧带钢轧机的改造实践,从轧机组成、宽度控制、厚度控制、板形控制等方面论述了如何对老轧机进行现代化技术改造的问题。

    How to modernize the old rolling mills is discussed based on the reformation practice of conventional hot strip rolling mill at home and abroad , such as mill configuration , strip thickness , width and shape control , etc.

  26. 为了提高热连轧粗轧机组的宽度控制精度,利用轧钢现场足够多的实际数据,通过线性回归和统计回归的方法,对粗轧宽度自动控制模型的系数进行优化。

    In order to improve the control precision of rough width in the hot strip mill ( HSM ) the parameters of automatic width control ( AWC ) models are optimized by means of linearity regression and statistic regression using numerous data on-site the rolling mill .

  27. 利用定子电流的滞环宽度模糊控制,及模糊神经元自适应加权PID直流电流控制方法。

    We use the stator current wide fuzzy control and fuzzy-neural cell self-adaptive PID control method .

  28. 石墨烯的自卷曲和最终形成的纳米复合结构可以通过石墨烯和Fe纳米线的相对位置、初始角和石墨烯的宽度进行控制。

    The self-scrolling of graphene and the final core-shelled nanostructure can be controlled by the relative orientations of the graphene and the Fe nanowire , initial angle and graphene width .

  29. 基于开关磁阻电机的线性模型对其电流斩波控制(CCC)、角度位置控制(APC)和脉冲宽度调制控制(PWM)3种控制方式做了仿真分析。

    The paper mainly analyzes three control methods : Current Chopping Control , Angular Position Control and Pulse Width Modulation control based on switched reluctance motor linear model .

  30. 它采用集成化的智能功率模块IPM,正弦形脉冲宽度调制控制信号由专用芯片产生,在逆变器内同时完成变频变压。

    The transducer adopts integrated intelligence power module IPM . SPWM control signal is produced by special chip , in inverter VVVF at one time is completed .