
  • 网络broad-crested weir;broad-crest weir;broad crested weir
  1. 宽顶堰上平板闸门水力计算的探讨

    Discussion on Hydraulic Calculation of Plane Gate on Broad-crested Weir

  2. 边界层理论在宽顶堰流水力计算中的应用

    Application of the Boundary Layer Theory to the Hydraulic Computation of Broad-crested Weir

  3. 本文采用k-τ紊流模式求解完整的Reynolds方程,模拟了有坎宽顶堰自由堰流。

    Based on the k - ε turbulent model , this paper presents the solution to the complete Reynolds equation , and successfully models the free weir flow of the broad-crest weir .

  4. 论文通过对溃堤机理的研究,采用Fread提出的宽顶堰流公式来计算堤防决口口门过流量。

    The break-dam flux is calculated by Fread formula based on analysis of the mechanism of break-dam .

  5. 对淹没宽顶堰泄流能力计算公式的探讨

    A Calculating Formula for Spillway Capacity of Drowned Wide Crest Weirs

  6. 宽顶堰流的边界元法计算

    BEM Applied to the Calculation of Flow over Broad-Crested Weirs

  7. 平板闸孔宽顶堰下游出流的判别

    The Discrimination of Downstream Outflow from Broad crest Weir in Flat Sluice

  8. 用临界淹没法计算宽顶堰流

    Critical Submerged Method Applied to the Computation of Flow over Broad crested Weirs

  9. 宽顶堰紊流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Turbulence for Broadly - Crested Weir

  10. 无坎宽顶堰堰流流量系数的探讨

    Discussion on weir flow coefficient for broad-crest ridge-free weirs

  11. 论宽顶堰的自由溢流条件

    Freedom The Modular Limit of Broad-crested Weir Flow

  12. 提出用宽顶堰理论检验法计算小桥涵洪水流量。

    The text submit calculation flood rate of discharge of small bridge with broad crested weir thory .

  13. 给出平板闸孔宽顶堰下游出流形式的简化判别方法。

    The discrimination method of downstream water pattern from broad crest weir in flat sluice was developed in this paper .

  14. 在进行溃口计算过程中,本文采用无坎宽顶堰流公式来进行计算;

    During the computation of dike burst , this thesis used the formula of the broad-crested weir without bank to fulfill it .

  15. 提出整治工程漫顶溢流时溢流量按宽顶堰或短渠计算;

    The text introduces the calculation of overfalling quantity should be based on broad crested weir or short canal when renovating overtopping flooding .

  16. 将原无闸控制的宽顶堰改为有闸控制的驼蜂堰,不仅运行调度灵活,而且增大泄洪能力;

    Transform the former no - sluice wide-top weir into sluice-controlled hump weir can make the dispatching more easy and increase the flood discharge capability .

  17. 该计算方法是通过实地调查桥前水深等资料,采用严密的宽顶堰理论推导,求得洪水流量,进而推求设计流量。

    The method was adapt broad crested weir theory derivation to calculation flood rate of discharge and conjecture design rate of discharge through field investigate information of bridge .

  18. 具体水力学方法包括:断面流量模数法、宽顶堰淹没出流法、局部水头损失法和恒定渐变流法。

    The specific methods include the method of cross section modulus of dischange , method of submerged broad crest weir outflow , method of local head loss and method of gradually varied steady flow .

  19. 运用曲线拟合的最小二乘法,构造直角式翼墙进口无坎宽顶堰流量系数经验公式。

    This paper introduced how to use curved imitating and Method of the Least Square to structure the experienced volume coefficient formula of right angle type of wing wall imported pit-free and wide ceiling weir .

  20. 采用边界层理论和临界水深理论,实现了流线形宽顶堰流的水力计算,此方法为宽顶堰流流量的计算开辟了一条新途径。

    Using boundary layer and critical depth of flow theories , the hydraulic calculations are carries out for streamlined broad-crested weir . The method open a new way in the calculation of the broad-crested weir .

  21. 若堰顶设有闸门,如果在水力设计中考虑了上述极限控制条件,则在任意堰顶水头情况下,都可以完成从孔流到宽顶堰溢流的过渡。

    If a gate is to be installed on the crest , orifice flow can be trans - formed into broad-crested weir flow at any water heads , provided that the suggested limitations are taken into consideration in hydraulic design .

  22. 提出在自由出流条件下,按常规设计的闸墩结构和闸室上下游连接段为矩形断面的无坎宽顶堰,堰流流量系数m在036~0375之间取值更为适宜。

    It is concluded that the flow coefficient in the range of 0.36 ~ 0.375 is suitable for broad crest ridge free weirs with a rectangular conjunctive section between the upper and lower reaches of lock chambers under free outflow conditions .