
lún guàn
  • Rotational irrigation;rotation flow
轮灌[lún guàn]
  1. 计算结果表明,本文采用PSO算法的优化配水模型所得出的轮灌组引水持续时间均匀性略优于现有其他方法。

    The comparison of the calculation result shows that the uniformity of irrigation duration for rotational irrigation sets obtained by the proposed method is slightly better than that of other methods .

  2. 2缩短轮灌周期,调节供水压力;

    Shortening irrigation cycle , adjusting the pressure of supply water ;

  3. 灌溉渠道轮灌配水优化模型与遗传算法求解

    Optimization model of rotation irrigation channel distribution and solution with genetic algorithm

  4. 烟园轮灌可编程自动控制系统设计

    A Rotation Irrigation design of Programmable and Automatic Control System for Tobacco Field

  5. 灌溉渠道支斗渠轮灌配水与引水时间优化模型

    Optimal Model of Rotation Irrigation Distribution Channel and Branch Canal and Delivery Time

  6. 轮灌分组灌溉优化模型与二维编码的遗传算法实现

    Optimization Model of Rotation Irrigation Distribution and Its Implementation by Genetic Algorithm with Two-dimensional Encoding

  7. 配水渠道轮灌组合优化模型与引水时间的均一化处理

    Optimizing Model of Rotation Irrigation Combination of Distribution Canals and Uniformizing Treatment for Diversion Times

  8. 模型还可研究灌溉系统内各子系统的优化供水流量和优化轮灌方案。

    The optimum canal discharge and irrigation rotation schedule were also studied in the models .

  9. 通常情况下,微灌系统规划设计都采用轮灌的工作制度,即按照设计的轮灌组划片限灌。

    In usual condition , the work system of alternation irrigation is adopted in the micro-irrigation system design .

  10. 结果表明,不同轮灌条件下,土壤含盐量随灌溉咸水而增加,随淡水灌溉而降低。

    The results made clear that soil salt increased after saline water infiltration and decreased after fresh water infiltration .

  11. 同一水质在纯灌、混灌和轮灌不同方式下对玉米生殖生长和产量影响很小。

    There are little influence on com procreation growth and yield of the same reclaimed water on different irrigation manner .

  12. 采用混灌轮灌和良好的土壤改良管理措施,回归水可开发利用。

    Adopting appropriate irrigation system and soil management practices , the return water with low degree of mineralization can be reused .

  13. 该文改进了“定流量,变历时”渠道运行方式的轮灌配水优化模型,应用遗传算法进行了配水渠道流量优化的0&1整数规划模型求解。

    In this paper , the authors modify the optimization model of rotation irrigation branch canal distribution in 0-1 linear integral programming . Using genetic algorithm , the model is solved .

  14. 不同的灌溉工作制度在管网中产生不同的流量分配模式,直接影响管网的优化设计,针对轮灌工作制度下的管网优化本文进行了研究探讨。煤气生产调度及输配微机控制系统

    Different working scheme have different design discharge in delivery and distribution pipe of irrigation will influence the project investment . Microcomputer Control System for Production Adjustment Delivery and Distribution of the Gas

  15. 渠系优化配水是针对某次灌水来水量不足的情况下,对灌溉轮灌组组合进行优化,使整个配水过程时间最短或者灌区灌溉效益达到最大化。

    In a lack of water resources , optimal water for irrigation canal is to optimize the combination of irrigation rotation group to make the entire water distribution process time shortest and the Irrigation efficiency maximum .

  16. 山地滴灌系统中轮灌小区的合理划分对流量和压力均衡的实现起着重要作用,不同小区的组合有不同的效果。

    The reasonable divide of the irrigation blocks in drip irrigation system in mountain & hilly area make the important effect on implement flow rate and pressure balancing . Different combination of irrigation block will get different effect .

  17. 并提出了各轮灌组引水时间均一化处理方法,使各轮灌组在同一引水时间结束灌溉,从而可使配水渠道进水闸能在同一时间关闭。

    Also the method of treating same delivery time is proposed . Each rotational irrigation group is completed at the same delivery time and the intake gate of the distribution channel can be closed at the same time .

  18. 模型适用于支渠以下各级配水渠道在来水流量确定,分水渠道流量彼此相同且按定流量、变历时方式轮灌时的优化配水方案决策。

    This model is suitable for the decision of optimal distribution under the conditions of the intake discharge known , outlet flow for each second canal was remained constant with the rotational irrigation method of fixed flow and varied time .

  19. 特别是在水管理上,采用0&1整数规划进行轮灌组合,使配水工作更加科学,不仅能缩短灌水时间,而且还能达到节水减淤的目的。

    Especially in water management , the 0 & 1 integral number planning method was used for combination of rotation irrigation that lead to scientifically water distribution , which not only reduce irrigation time , but also deduct sedimentation and save water .

  20. 利用地轮泵水路穴灌坐水播种机样机单体,对穴灌水溅水范围进行台架试验研究。

    The sample monomer of irrigating-sowing machine of wheel pump waterways was tested on test bed .