
zhē bì
  • cover;screen;overshadow;obstruct;blot out;enshroud;hide from view
遮蔽 [zhē bì]
  • [cover; hide from view] 遮挡;拦挡

  • 在黑暗的遮蔽下犯的罪行

遮蔽[zhē bì]
  1. 例如,云层及其产生的阴影会有遮蔽影响;

    For example , clouds and its shadows would have cover effects ;

  2. 大众文化反抗意识的表现与被遮蔽

    The Expression and Cover of Resistance Consciousness of popular Culture

  3. 这里的海岸线属于世界上最无遮蔽的一段了。

    This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world

  4. 把杆子扎成一个穹顶小棚就成了遮蔽所。

    The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome

  5. 天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。

    The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud .

  6. 月亮被乌云遮蔽了。

    The moon was covered by the dark clouds .

  7. 食用品质最好的品种之一是奥尔良雷内特,但它需要在温暖、有遮蔽、土壤完美的地方种植,所以对大多数喜欢它的苹果爱好者来说,它是非常难得的。

    One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette , but you 'll need a warm , sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it , so it 's a pipe dream for most apple lovers who fall for it .

  8. 上个月,疾控中心的一项研究表明,双重遮蔽可以显著减少新冠病毒的传播。

    Last month , a CDC study showed that double-masking can significantly decrease the spread of the coronavirus .

  9. 但在3维GIS等遮蔽关系的应用领域中,空间对象的维数是多样的。

    But in 3D GIS or other occlusion relation applied area , the dimensions of objects are multiple .

  10. 一种满足FCC辐射遮蔽的UWB通信脉冲设计方法

    A Novel UWB communication pulse design method for FCC emission mask

  11. 基于GPU的实时碰撞检测算法在雷达遮蔽盲区研究中的应用。

    The application of real-time collision detection on GPU in the research of blind zone of radar .

  12. 检查与您的硬件推销员所有BIOS更新,功能失效BIOS记忆选择譬如贮藏或遮蔽。

    Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates , Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing .

  13. 第三阶段是2003年~现在,称为超越遮蔽阶段。研究者开始质疑遮蔽理论,并发现在某些情况下T1和T2没有遮蔽也能产生AB。

    Researchers begin to doubt the theory of masking and find that AB occurs without masking of T1 & T2 in certain condition .

  14. 本文根据建设项目环境影响评价技术导则,参考美国AD报告中关于装备美军的六种遮蔽剂对环境影响的对比方法,研究了军用烟幕对大气环境影响的评价方法。

    According to the guide of the environmental impact assessment and the technical report of NTIS on screening smoke , the atmospheric environmental impact assessment of screening smoke was studied in the paper .

  15. 双绞线缆线的二类型是遮蔽双绞线(STP)和无遮蔽双绞线(UTP)。

    Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair ( STP ) and unshielded twisted pair ( UTP ) .

  16. 韩国的Ko写道:我不能想象植物大部分时间在荫凉的遮蔽下,没有阳光照射是什么样子。

    Ko from South Korea wrote : I can 't imagine plants in the shade for most of day without sunshine !

  17. 方法采用重T2加权MR水成像技术对36例患者行MRCP检查,图像经三维最大信号强度投影及三维表面遮蔽显示技术后处理。

    Methods MRCP were performed in 66 cases ues a heavy T2 Weighted MR hydrography technique , the images were post-processed by three dimensional maximum intensity projection and three dimensional surface shaded display .

  18. 本文通过p-A碰撞的核Drell-Yan过程研究了核遮蔽效应及其空间相关性。

    In this paper the nuclear shadowing effect and its position dependence is studied by the p-A Drell-Yan process .

  19. LMSS中的遮蔽衰落模式分析

    Models Analysis of Shadowing Fading in LMSS

  20. 空气氧化水溶液中亚铁离子的研究&1.溶液pH值对氧化速率的影响及铁的水解产物破坏水合亚铁离子遮蔽效应的催化机理

    A study on the ferrous ion oxidized by the air in aqueous solution & i. the effect of pH value on the oxidi ing rate and the catalytic mechanism of the " screen effect " on hydrated ferrous ion destroyed by the hydrolytic product of ferric ion

  21. 目前对该问题的实验研究主要有两种方法,一是情绪Stroop范式,另一种是遮蔽技术。

    Among these studies , two main methods was involved : one is Stroop paradigm of emotion which is used most , the other one is masking technique .

  22. 方法6例肝占位病变患者,例15肝移植患者进行CT扫描检查,三维重建技术应用最大密度投影法()MIP和表面遮蔽法()SSD。

    Methods Six patients with liver lesions and 15 patients with liver transplantations underwent multislice spiral CT angiography of the abdomen . Three dimensional reconstruction was performed by using the shaded surface display ( SSD ) and maximum intensity projection ( MIP ) .

  23. 结果表明,CRK法的计算误差小于传统计算方法,在进行遮蔽段传热计算时,错流温差校正系数可近似按1处理。

    The correct coefficient of temperature difference can be taken as one , when this method is used to calculate the heat transfer coefficients of shield section .

  24. 利用Cox-Munk模型和遮蔽函数数值计算了海面的反射率随入射角、反射角、风速的变化,以及发射率随入射角和风速的变化关系。

    With the use of Cox-Munk model and shadowing function , the relation between sea surface reflectivity and incidence angle , reflectivity angle and wind speed is discussed as well as the relation of emissivity to incidence angle and wind speed .

  25. 海上来的雾遮蔽了群山。

    A fog had come over the mountains from the sea .

  26. 这一双重的遮蔽有碍于美学或者说艺术考察本身的发展。

    The double shielding hinder aesthetic or artistic study their development .

  27. 高分辨率卫星影像上被行道树遮蔽的主干道的提取

    Main Road Extraction by Shade Trees From High Resolution Satellite Image

  28. 拉窗帘遮蔽[放进]阳光

    Draw the curtains to shut out / let in the sun

  29. 我们用树枝和树叶建造一个简陋的遮蔽处。

    We used branches and leaves to form a rough shelter .

  30. 译者的主体地位长期受到遮蔽。

    The subjectivity status of the translator has long been obscured .