
  • 网络Financial market integration
  1. 国际金融市场一体化是一把双刃剑,获得收益的同时还伴随着风险。

    International financial market integration generate enormous benefits to all of its participants and bring severe risks at the same time .

  2. 目前,有关金融市场一体化程度衡量的研究仍处于不断的发展当中,本文将择要介绍以为此项工作提供思路。

    This paper surveys the recent literature on financial market integration , and concludes with comments and suggestions for each research .

  3. 实际上欧洲央行鼓励金融市场一体化刺激了融资。

    Indeed it egged on the integration of financial markets that spurred the financing .

  4. 东亚国家与全球金融市场一体化研究

    Empirical Analysis on the Process of Financial Integration into World Financial Markets in East Asia

  5. 随着全球金融市场一体化和我国经济的对外开放,我国金融企业面临着国际国内两个市场的激烈竞争。

    As the global financial market integration and opening economy , our financial enterprises are facing fierce international competition in international and domestic markets .

  6. 当前世界金融市场一体化发展迅速,证券市场的国际化步伐也逐步迈开。

    The integration and cooperation of the world financial market have developed rapidly current , and the internationalization of the securities market has also gradually expanded .

  7. 同时,经济全球化和金融市场一体化趋势更加显著,银行业将不可避免地、越来越多地融入国际竞争当中。

    Meanwhile , the trend of economic globalization and integration of financial market are more remarkable , the banking will inevitably incorporate in more and more international competition .

  8. 因此,欧盟委员会和欧洲中央银行分别采取措施,支持和促进金融市场一体化的发展。

    The state of European financial integration can be observed through the European monetary market integration , the bond market integration , the equity market integration , and the banking integration .

  9. 资产证券化不但为市场机制作用的充分发挥奠定了基础,而且充分体现了金融市场一体化的客观要求。

    Assets Securitization , not only for giving full play to establishing the foundation of market mechanism function , but also has fully reflected the integrated objective request of financial market .

  10. 随着金融市场一体化的发展和金融技术的不断创新,导致了不确定性和风险的广泛存在,使得资产负债管理已经成为商业银行经营发展的核心内容。

    Nowadays , because of the uncertainty and risk that exist due to the integrating financial market and technological innovation , ALM have become the core concept of management in commercial bank .

  11. 在席卷全球的金融市场一体化浪潮中,我国金融市场对外开放程度不断扩大、国际化进程日益加速。

    Along with the integration of financial market all over the world , domestic financial market has been opening to the outside world at continuously increased extent and internationalizing more and more rapidly .

  12. 在经济全球化和金融市场一体化条件下,随着国际贸易、跨国直接投资、资本流动和现代信息技术的发展,资本市场定价所基于的信息集也应该是全球性的。

    As Economic globalization and financial integration deepen with the development of foreign trade , direct investment and capital flows , portfolio pricing in capital market should be based on a global information set .

  13. 而我省经济发展中货币化水平低、投资预期不高,在全国金融市场一体化的发展中处于劣势。

    As far as the development of economy in our province is concerned , poor capitalization degree and low investment expectation result in the unfavorable condition in the development of unifying the national financial market .

  14. 然而,全球金融市场一体化和电子化交易通讯技术的迅猛发展,使全球证券交易所面对的市场环境发生了深刻变化。

    However , due to the globally financial market integrity and the significant developments in both electronic dealing means and communication technology , the market circumstances of the stock exchange being facing has changed swiftly and violently .

  15. 金融市场一体化迅速向全球扩张,一大批新兴国际金融市场崛起,全球性金融中心、地区性金融中心和大批离岸金融市场构成一个覆盖全球的金融网络。

    The integration of the financial market extends to world and a lot of newly international financial markets are rising . The global financial center , regional financial center and many off-shore financial markets constitute a global financial network covering the world .

  16. 泡沫经济的产生,全球金融市场一体化使金融危机与经济衰退的传递速度加快,以及缺乏对于以对冲基金为代表的巨额资金在全球一体化金融市场上兴风作浪的应有监管。

    The phenomenon of pickle economy , increasing speed of transforming of financial crisis and economic depression because of globalization of world financial market , and lacking respond monitoring about mint expense representing by mutual charge fund in the unified global financial market .

  17. 目前,现金流量表已成为企业会计报表的重要组成部分,随着市场经济的进一步发展和金融市场一体化的到来,完善现金流量分析评价体系显得尤为重要。

    Now , cash flow form has become an important part of enterprises ' accounting forms . With the development of market economy and the coming of finance and market unity , to perfect the analysis and evaluation systems of cash flow has become very important .

  18. 第四章、第五章测算了东北区域市场一体化的程度,这部分采用实证分析的方法,对商品市场一体化程度、金融市场一体化程度以及劳动力市场一体化程度进行了测算。

    In the fourth 、 the fifth chapter , this article estimates the degree of market integration in northeast region using empirical analysis , including the degree of commodity market integration , the degree of financial market integration , and the degree of labor market integration .

  19. 它还应该能促进欧洲金融市场的一体化,促进投资,进而促进增长。

    It should also foster the integration of European financial markets , favouring investment and thus contributing to growth .

  20. 随着金融市场全球一体化进程的加快和中国的入世,股指期货等金融期货将会在我国金融市场上市。

    Stock price-index future is to be listed on China 's financial market as financial market is being globalized and China has joined the WTO .

  21. 经济一体化是21世纪世界经济发展的主导趋势,经济一体化的进一步发展必然促使金融市场的一体化。

    The economic integration is the leading trend of 21st centuries in the world economy development , and the further development of economic integration will urge the integration of financial market .

  22. 经济全球化和国际金融市场的一体化需要一套适合在世界范围内使用且高质量的会计准则。

    The globalization of world economy and the integration of international financial markets need a set of high quality accounting principles fit for and applicable to the scope of the whole world .

  23. 但在全球金融市场高度一体化、跨市场交易日益普遍的今天,不同股票市场股价差异也是决定资本流动水平的因素。

    However , within the higher integration of global capital markets and more opened opportunities of across markets transaction , the stock price differential between domestic and foreign stock markets should also be considered as a factor which determines the level of capital flow .

  24. 不同金融市场间的一体化程度有多深,这一问题一直是金融经济学研究的热点之一。

    For financial economics , the degree of financial integration has been one of the popular research topics .

  25. 近年来,随着社会环境的不断变化,诸如金融市场的日益一体化、资本流动的日趋全球化、企业经营活动的日渐复杂多样化等,企业收益信息的及时性和准确性变得尤为重要。

    With the rapid changes of the world recently , such as the increasing integration of financial markets , the becoming globalization of capital flows and the complicated diversification of business activities , it becomes more important for an enterprise to get income information timely and accurately .

  26. 随着金融市场的全球化、一体化、自由化,金融市场中的资金流动也相应的呈现自由化、全球化。

    With the globalization , integration and liberalization of financial market , the capital flows in the financial market also behave liberalization & globalization .

  27. 随着经济金融化、金融证券化以及金融市场一体化趋势的加强,虚拟经济和知识经济时代悄然而至。

    Along with the trend of economic globalization , financial market integration and financial system securitization , The fictitious economy and knowledge economy Era is coming before we knew .

  28. 研究发现,金融一体化促进了金融市场的融合和一体化,畅通了欧元区货币政策传导的渠道,改善了货币政策传导的效率。

    Study found that financial integration promotes convergence and integration of financial markets , the euro zone monetary policy transmission smooth channels , improve the efficiency of monetary policy .

  29. 20世纪末期,随着金融创新的不断出现以及全球金融市场一体化进程的逐渐加快,混业经营逐渐成为世界金融业经营体制发展的主流。

    In the last decades of 20th century , with the development of finance innovation and the progress of globalization , the full-service banking operation has become the trend of international financial industry .

  30. 随着世界经济、金融的开放程度日益提高,国际金融市场一体化程度逐渐加深,外汇市场和股票市场之间的联系正在不断加强。

    As the world economy and financial openness increasing , the integration of the international financial market gradual deepening , the correlation between the stock market and foreign exchange market is strengthening .