
láng dào
  • Corridor;gallery;passages set inside the dam
廊道 [láng dào]
  • [passages set inside the dam] 在坝体内设置的通道(断面多为圆拱矩形),以便汇集坝体和坝基的渗水,检查和观测大坝的有关情况

廊道[láng dào]
  1. 廊道CAD软件的钢筋拼接设计

    Connect Technology of Steel Bar of CAD Software of Gallery

  2. 以混凝土坝内廊道结构为例,论述了廊道CAD软件设计中钢筋的模块化设计思想和解决模块间拼接技术难题的方法。

    This paper instance gallery in concrete dams , discusses design idea of CAD software on blocks of steel bar of gallery and method of connect technology of the blocks is solved .

  3. 基于GIS的城市生态廊道形态研究

    Study of Morphology of Urban Ecological Corridor Based on GIS

  4. 坝内外交廊道钢筋CAD软件研究

    Research on the Reinforcement CAD Software of Oblique intersection Galleries in a Dam

  5. 坝内廊道的计算机辅助几何设计及CAD软件的研制

    The Computer Aided Geometrical Design and Development of the CAD Software for Galleries in Concrete Dams

  6. 在苏丹Unity电站装置中,其电缆采用电缆桥架敷设方式,该电站装置的136km电缆均沿工艺廊道敷设在桥架内,桥架上下高度变化大,转弯多,施工难度大。

    Cable laying way is with cable bridge at the Unity power station of Sudan .

  7. 船闸短廊道输水系统最优kv取值探讨

    Analysis of optimal value of k_v of shiplock ′ s filling and emptying system with a short culvert

  8. 利用GIS方法分析试验区内的廊道分布状况以及与各类景观之间的空间关系。

    Using Geographic Information System ( GIS ), the corridor distribution and its spatial relationship with other landscape types in the Jinta Oasis were analyzed .

  9. 某水电厂地下15m廊道出现多处渗漏,严重危及安全生产。

    Leak problem found in many locations of the corridor , seriously endangering production safety .

  10. 聊城市城市绿地由斑块绿地和廊道绿地组成,斑块绿地CA值为968.3632hm~2,廊道绿地的CA值为369.0288hm~2。

    The urban green space of Liaocheng is composed by the green patches and the green corridors , the CA of green patches is 968.3632 hm ~ 2 , green corridors is 369.0288 hm ~ 2 .

  11. 距两大洞室边墙约10m的四周均设有上下两层断面为2.5×3m的排水廊道。

    There are two ply unwatering galleries whose section is 2.5 X 3m , about 10m from side wall of the two cave rooms .

  12. 适用于船闸输水廊道中非稳定流脉动参量计算的MRSP程序系统

    MRSP program syste applied to calculating the unsteady flow fluctuating parameters in lock culvert

  13. 结果表明,砾石廊道系统对微污染河水中的COD、氨氮、色度具有稳定的去除率,其去除率分别为70%、90%、75%;

    The results showed that the removal rate of COD_ Cr , NH_3-N , and chromaticity in micro-polluted river water purified by gravel corridor system was 70 % , 90 % and 75 % , which was a stable level .

  14. 此外还可以按同样的方法将多廊道反应池改造成类似UCT工艺的废水处理流程。

    Moreover , the corridor-type reaction pool can be transformed into the wastewater treatment process similar to UCT craft with the same method .

  15. 结果证明,城市廊道系统对城市空间热环境有明显的影响,但影响范围一般不会超过300m,这一结论对城市廊道系统的规划具有重要的指导意义。

    The results prove that the allure structure system have influenced the mini-climate of the city . But the affected range is less than 300 meters . This conclusion has an important guidance meaning to city programming of allure system structure .

  16. 第三方案3Km廊道的取水量为5820.4m~3/d,需水量难以达到工程要求,同时对岸地下水位有更大的影响,水位普遍下降了0.65m左右。

    The pumping in the 3rd plan is 5820.4 m3 / d with 3 Km ' corridor and the pumping is not enough for the demand of the project , this has great effect on the groundwater level of the west and the range of drop averagely is about 0.65m .

  17. 引带短。水系和道路为廊道;

    Gubernaculum short . water region and road , the corridor ;

  18. 增设排水廊道对大坝渗流场的影响分析

    3-Dimensional Seepage Analysis Caused by Excavating Another Drainage Corridor in Dam

  19. 城市景观生态规划中的廊道效应研究&以北京市区为例

    The corridor effects in urban ecological landscape planning a case study

  20. 坝内廊道配筋的非线性计算方法

    A Non-linear Calculation Method for Reinforcing the Gallery in a Dam

  21. 最后分析了突扩廊道体型的水流空化特性。

    Finally , cavitation characteristics of sudden expansion culvert are analysed .

  22. 白山重力拱坝基础廊道孔口应力分析

    Stress analysis of foundation galley orifice of Baishan gravity arch dam

  23. 底环与座环用螺栓连接,底环从尾水廊道处装拆。

    The bottom loop can be excreted from tail water corridor .

  24. 遗产廊道是遗产保护的重要组成部分。

    Heritage corridor is an important part of the heritage protection .

  25. 上海城市森林生态廊道的规模

    The Scale of Ecological Corridor in the Urban Forest of Shanghai

  26. 黄土丘陵区廊道研究初探

    Preliminary study on corridor of landscape in the Loess Hilly Region

  27. 船闸短廊道输水进口淹没水深的研究

    Study on Submerged Depth of Intake Ports of a Short Culvert

  28. 基于道路廊道的辽宁省旅游景区(点)空间格局分析

    Spatial pattern of tourism resources in Liaoning Province based on roads network

  29. 正交廊道钢筋三维数学模型研究

    Study on the Three-Dimensional Mathematical Models for Reinforcing Steels of Orthogonal Galleries

  30. 三峡永久船闸输水廊道水动力学特性研究

    Hydrodynamic study on water-filling tunnel of the Three Gorges Lock