
jì shēnɡ shēnɡ huó
  • parasitism;parasitic life
寄生生活 [jì shēng shēng huó]
  • (1) [parasitism]∶寄生物的行为或惯例

  • (2) [spivery]∶寄生者(寄生虫)的行为;比喻自己不努力而靠白吃别人的东西来维持生活

  1. 该线虫营寄生生活,寄主广泛,寄生率几乎等于害虫的死亡率,具有很大生物防治潜力。

    This species carry through the parasitic life , have a wide range of host and parasite rate is almost equal to host mortality , so it has the great biological control potential .

  2. 此外,脂筏在朊蛋白感染、HCV基因组复制、多种细菌毒素作用以及维持疟原虫的胞内寄生生活等方面也都有重要作用。

    Furthermore , lipid rafts are involved in such diverse aspects of pathogen attack as prion infection , HCV genome replication , bacteria toxin effect as well as malarial parasite life cycle .

  3. 从体表外观上看,在寄生生活后期,宿主仅表现出轻微的染病症状。

    The host only shows slight infectious symptom from the appearance .

  4. 他靠向友人借贷过寄生生活。

    He lives a parasitic existence , borrowing money from his friends .

  5. 硬蜱属蜱的生活史与它们的宿主特异性有关,在长期的进化和寄生生活中形成某些针对其宿主的机能来抑制止血和免疫应答。

    The evolutionary history of the Ixodidae has been considered to relate to their host specificity .

  6. 七鳃鳗隶属于圆口纲,是一类因营半寄生生活而引发机体显著特化的动物。

    A commensal organism , especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species .

  7. 本研究对日本七鳃鳗的唾液腺分泌蛋白的组分进行分析与鉴定,旨在发现和研究与其特殊的寄生生活方式相适宜的特有功能蛋白质。

    In this study , we report the analysis and identification of protein components of lamprey salivary gland , design to find and research the special functional proteins which appropriate to their parasitic way of life .

  8. 根据说明,这是一种寄生的生活。

    By definition , this way of life is parasitic .

  9. 不同温度下两种索科线虫寄生前期幼虫生活力及感染力的研究

    The study on viability and infectivity of pre-parasitic larvae of two species of mermithidae at various temperature

  10. 疏伐对林木病害的影响可能因病原物的寄生性、生活史和侵染方式的不同而不同,但在大多数情况下,疏伐可对林木病害发挥抑制作用。

    The consequences of thinning in forests are likely to be different according to the parasitic status , the life cycles and the mode of infection of pathogens .

  11. 然而由于寄生植物特殊的生活方式,致使它们的种子即便在满足种子基本萌发条件的情况下,也并不一定能顺利萌发。

    However , due to the special way of life , resulting in their seeds germinate does not necessarily smooth , even if the seeds meet the basic of the seed germination conditions .