
  • 网络Foreign labor cooperation;foreign labor service cooperation;overseas labor service cooperation
  1. 行业中存在的问题日益突出,制约了我国对外劳务合作事业的进一步发展。

    Today , more and more problems and issues have restricted the development of Chinese overseas labor service cooperation .

  2. 入世与我国的对外劳务合作

    WTO and Chinese Foreign Labor Service cooperation

  3. 大力发展具有中国特色的对外劳务合作

    Making Major Efforts to Develop Foreign Labor-Service Cooperation with Chinese Characteristics

  4. 规范发展对外劳务合作。

    We will standardize development of cooperative overseas labor services .

  5. 对外劳务合作是实现重庆市富余劳动力就业的战略举措

    Foreign Labour Cooperation be Strategic Move of Chongqing 's Surplus Labour Getting Employment

  6. 析吉林省对外劳务合作中存在的问题

    The Problems of Foreign Labor Cooperation in Jilin Province

  7. 这些都说明,利用对外劳务合作转移农村劳动力是可行的。

    All of these make it feasible to transfer rural labor by foreign labor cooperation .

  8. 对外劳务合作。

    Foreign labor service cooperation .

  9. 陈健说,对外劳务合作是我国对外经贸合作的重要内容。

    Foreign labor cooperation is an important part of our international economic cooperation , Chen was quoted as saying .

  10. 我国一些农村在对外劳务合作方面也进行了尝试,并取得了良好的效果。

    Some rural areas in China have tried to develop foreign labor cooperation and have made a good effect .

  11. 我国的对外劳务合作业务至少要通过对外劳务合作合同和劳动合同两个合同得以实现。

    The external business of labor cooperation in our country is at least carried out by two contracts & the external labor cooperation contract and labor contract .

  12. 首先,分析了外部环境对我国对外劳务合作的影响,包括市场准入限制与障碍、管理体制的不完善两个方面;

    Fist of all , it analyses the exterior environment from both the entrance restrict or obstruct to labor market and the non-integrity of our managerial system .

  13. 对外劳务合作指以收取工资的形式向业主或承包商提供技术和劳动服务的活动。

    Service Cooperation with Foreign Countries refers to the activities of providing technology and labour services to employers or contractors in the forms of receiving salaries and wages .

  14. 本文对我国农村劳动力向国外输出进行了研究,意在探索转移农村劳动力的新途径&即通过对外劳务合作转移农村劳动力。

    Aiming at figure out a new way of transferring rural labor , this article discusses the export of rural labor in foreign labor cooperation of our country .

  15. 随着世界劳务市场的发展,发展技能型劳务外派将是我国今后提升对外劳务合作层次的趋势。

    With the development of world labor market , the development of skilled labor export will be the trend in improving the level of labor export and cooperation .

  16. 对外劳务合作已成为延边州的一项特色产业,在创造巨大经济效益的同时也带来了良好的社会效益。

    Foreign labor service cooperation has become a specialized industry in Yanbian and also brings a good social effect in the process of the creation of huge economic benefits .

  17. 我国的对外劳务合作经过二十多年的发展取得了一定的成绩,但与劳务输出大国相比仍有相当大的差距,与我国这样一个劳动力资源大国很不相称。

    China has achieved certain success during the past 20 years , but there is still a large gap between our country and great power in overseas labor service .

  18. 如何抓住机遇,应对挑战,我们不得不深入思考目前延边州对外劳务合作管理法律规制存在的问题。

    Careful consideration is needed in thinking the problems existing in the foreign labor service cooperation management in Yanbian and how to seize opportunities and meet challenges as well .

  19. 近年来,我国的对外劳务合作事业取得了巨大的成绩,为继续深入推进对外劳务输出打下了基础,并积累了丰富的经验。

    China has made a great achievement in foreign labor cooperation in recent years , which builds a good foundation and accumulates much precious experience of rural labor export .

  20. 对外劳务合作是我国对外经济合作的重要组成部分和我国走出去战略的重要内容。

    Foreign labor service cooperation is an important part of Chinese international economic cooperation , which is also an important part of the strategy of " stepping out " .

  21. 因此,充分认识和分析我国对外劳务合作存在的问题和原因,研究与制定出相应的对策和措施具有重要的现实意义。

    In this way , it has important operation significance to make the study of the problems and causes in this line of industry and to work out the corresponding measures .

  22. 接下来,笔者分析了延边州对外劳务合作管理法律规制的主要内容,以使读者对其有个全面的认识。

    Next , the author analyzes the main contents of the legal regulations in foreign labor service cooperation management in Yanbian so as to enable readers to have a comprehensive understanding .

  23. 第二部分介绍了我国对外劳务合作的运作机制和濮阳市跨境就业的运作过程,为理解农村劳动力跨境就业的动因提供了客观基础。

    Part two introduces the mechanism of foreign labor cooperation in China and the process of cross-border employment in Puyang city , which provides an objective basis for understanding the motivation of cross-border employment .

  24. 本文还分析了影响我国农村劳动力向国外输出的国内因素和国际因素,主要表现为我国对外劳务合作的运作体制和国际劳务市场的压力。

    This article also puts forward the domestic and international factors that influence foreign labor cooperation of rural labor , which is resulting from the operating system of foreign labor cooperation and the pressure of international labor market .

  25. 延边州在实践中认识到,及时制定立法及其相关制度,对对外劳务合作管理进行法律规制是推动对外劳务合作工作健康、有序发展的根本保障。

    In the practice Yanbian was convinced that timely development of legislation and its related systems and legal management of foreign labor service cooperation are the root to guarantee a health and orderly development of foreign labor service cooperation .

  26. 国家将出台重要举措发展规范对外承包劳务合作

    Important measures adopted by the state to promote and standardize foreign contracted business

  27. 开展对外承包和劳务合作,增加外汇收入。增加外汇收入与回笼货币;

    Develop contract construction and labor cooperation abroad to increase the income of foreign exchange .

  28. 四是对外承包工程和劳务合作迅速发展。

    Fourth , overseas project contracting and labor service have developed swiftly .

  29. 大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作;

    To work hard to develop overseas project contracting and labor cooperation ;

  30. 2000年我国对外承包工程和劳务合作实绩

    China 's performance of Foreign Contracted Business & labour services in year 2000