
  • 网络Foreign trade volume;value of foreign trade;ValueofForeignTrade;Foreign Trade Value
  1. 今年一季度,中国对外贸易额同比下降24.9%,而同期内国内生产总值(gdp)增长6.1%。

    Foreign trade for the first quarter fell 24.9 per cent year-on-year , but overall gross domestic product grew by 6.1 per cent during the same period .

  2. 伴随着中国加入WTO与世界经济全球化的发展,我国与世界上其他国家的关系往来日益紧密,对外贸易额显著增加,尤其是在工程领域更是突飞猛进。

    Along with the globalization of the world economy and China s accession to the WTO , China had had an increasingly close relationship with other countries , foreign trade volume increased significantly , especially in the engineering field by leaps and bounds .

  3. 山东对外贸易额进一步扩大;山东将实现出口市场的多元化;山东出口产业结构将进一步优化.然而,与此同时,CAFTA的建立也必定会给山东带来巨大的挑战。

    The export of Shandong will be further expanded ; the export markets of Shandong will be diversified ; the export industrial structure will be optimized , and so on . At the same time , however , there are still huge challenges to Shandong .

  4. 现在中国对外贸易额占世界贸易额的比例很小。

    China 's foreign trade makes up a very small portion of the world 's total .

  5. 对外贸易额突然下跌可导致一场经济混乱。

    An abrupt falling off in foreign trade may send the economy into a tail spin .

  6. 现在我国的对外贸易额是四百多亿美元吧?

    The volume of our foreign trade now stands at a little over $ 40 billion . Right ?

  7. 对外贸易额大幅度增加,经常项目持续顺差,由此也引发了许多贸易摩擦。

    Foreign trade volume has increased largely , while sustained current account surplus led to lots of trade frictions .

  8. 1999年,经济特区的对外贸易额占全国总额的近五分之一。

    In 1999 , the foreign trade volume of SEZs accounted for nearly one fifth of the nation 's total .

  9. 这些城市的商业发展都有各自的特色与发展优势,商业交易量、对外贸易额等也在不同时期呈现出不同的变化状态。

    The quantity and quality of domestic and foreign trade in these cities changed in different times with their special characteristics and advantages respectively .

  10. 如果对外贸易额翻一番,达到一千亿美元,国际上的市场不就扩大了吗?

    If China could double that figure , making it $ 100 billion , the world market would be expanded , wouldn 't it ?

  11. 东北经济区对外贸易额的87.6%、辽宁省对外贸易额的94.7%都是通过港口运输完成的。

    The Northeast economic zone foreign trade turnover 87.6 % , Liaoning Province foreign trade turnover 94.7 % are all completed through the port transportation .

  12. 塔吉克斯坦在索格特州和哈特隆州的下喷赤成立的两个自由经济区将推动我国对外贸易额的增长。

    The two liberal economic zones established in Soget Prefecture and Shapench of Hartlon prefecture will boost the growth of foreign trade volume of our country .

  13. 经过30多年的改革开放和稳定发展,中国的经济总量、对外贸易额都进入世界前列;

    Thanks to three decades of reform and opening-up and stable development , China has become one of the largest economies and traders of the world .

  14. 据统计,目前以信用证方式结算的贸易额占世界贸易总额的90%,占我国对外贸易额的80%以上。

    Statistics show that 90 % of the world 's trade , and over 80 % of China 's foreign trade is paid in letter of credit .

  15. 如果我们能够实现翻两番,对外贸易额就会增加许多,中国同外国的经济关系就发展起来了,市场也发展了。

    If we succeed in quadrupling the GNP , the volume of our foreign trade will increase considerably , promoting economic relations with other countries and expanding the Chinese market .

  16. 结果说明,集装箱港口吞吐量与对外贸易额、港口固定资产投资正相关,与国民生产总值、利率负相关,和国际上流行的集装箱港口吞吐量发展理论相悖。

    The research shows that China 's container port throughput has a positive correlation with foreign trade volume and port fixed assets investment , negative correlation with GDP and interest rate .

  17. 综合各方面因素,今年对外贸易额仍将稳定增长,进口增加,出口增长速度有所放慢。

    Taking all factors as a whole , this year 's amount of foreign trade will be increased steadily , the import will be increased and the increasing speed of the export will be somewhat slowed down .

  18. 目前,黑龙江省对俄贸易高速增长,对俄贸易占全省对外贸易额的55.8%,接近全国对俄贸易额的1/5。

    Presently , the trade with Russia has witnessed rapid growth , accounting for 55.8 % of the overall trade volume of the province , up to 1 / 5 of the trade value between China and Russia .

  19. 进入新世纪,随着对外贸易额和外资流入量占全球比重不断提高,我国经济同世界经济的联系日益紧密,内外影响不断加深,经济利益相互交织。

    Foreign trade turnover as well as foreign investment inflow has accounted for the global proportion increasingly since the new century , which has led China to a closer relationship with the whole world economy and a more interplayed economic interest .

  20. 东北地区如何在新一轮的市场竞争中扩大对外贸易额,改善出口商品结构,提高外贸竞争力,以带动经济的快速发展成为亟待解决的关键问题。

    It is the key problem in the Northeast that needs to solve on how to expands foreign trade turnover , improve the structure of the export commodities , raise the foreign trade competitiveness in order to drive economic development in the new round market competition .

  21. 对外贸易(额)增长到史无先例的数字。

    The foreign trade has risen to unprecedented figures .

  22. 中国于2001年底加入世贸组织时,对外贸易出口额仅占世界总额的4.3%。

    WHEN China joined the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) in late 2001 , its share of world exports stood at 4.3 % .

  23. 进入新世纪以后,我国农产品出口额在对外贸易出口额中的比重逐年下滑,而且自2003年来我国农产品出口贸易一直保持逆差的格局。

    In the new century , the rates of our agricultural exports in foreign trade exports decline year by year , and since 2003 , Chinese agricultural export trades have maintained a pattern of deficit .

  24. 新加坡是个高度依赖对外贸易的国家,1997年的对外贸易额相等于国内生产总值的4倍。

    Singapore is highly dependent on foreign trade , the volume of which is about four times our GDP in 1997 .