
  • 网络Win-Lost;contest competition
  1. 这个,因为…我不想和我的男朋友对抗竞争。

    Well , because ... I don 't want to compete against my boyfriend .

  2. 对抗竞争行为,如为了利益或奖品;敌对。

    The act of competing , as for profit or a prize ; rivalry .

  3. 生态旅游市场营销是旅游组织(政府)和企业对抗竞争的有力手段。

    Ecotourism marketing is very important competitive method for tourism organization ( administration ) and company .

  4. 成功的发展企业孵化器需要强大的联合工作,建设具有共同的商业关系并对抗竞争。

    Developing a successful incubator requires juggling multiple tasks , building stakeholder relationships and managing competing priorities .

  5. 但它们都把对竞争优势的思考建立在企业间彼此对抗竞争的基础上。

    Both of them put the thought of competitive advantage on the basis of antagonistic competition among enterprises .

  6. 这就要求企业必须改变纯粹对抗竞争的思维模式,辩证地处理竞争与合作的关系。

    It requires enterprises to transform their thinking mold of pure antagonist and an overall analysis is needed in dealing with the balance of cooperation and competition .

  7. 在特殊情况下,以知识产权为目标的企业并购行为还可以作为实现企业竞争战略目的、对抗竞争对手打击的有效手段。

    In certain circumstances , M & As aimed at property right can become an effective way of achieving goals in competitive strategy and resisting competition 's attacks .

  8. 随着全球经济化以及市场竞争的加剧,企业在市场上面临的竞争越来越激烈,一些企业已经从以前的对抗竞争转为合作竞争。

    Along with economic globalization and market competition intensifies , companies in the market face increasing competition , some enterprises have already changed from compete against the competition to co-operation .

  9. 它打破了企业之间只有对抗竞争的传统信条,为企业重新审视自己同竞争对手的关系提供了一个新的角度和范式。

    This organization shatters the doctrine that there are only opposing competitions between companies , and provides a new perspective and model for companies to handle their relationships with their rivals .

  10. 在产业集群背景下企业竞争行为发生了一系列转型:由对抗竞争向合作竞争转型、产品竞争向技术竞争转型、产品竞争向经营竞争转型。

    In the cluster context , corporate competition behaviors transform in a variety of ways : from conflict to cooperative competition , from product to technological competition , and from product to marketing competition .

  11. 近年来,供应链由于具有资源互补、合作共赢、共同对抗竞争的优点成为极为重要的一种组织形式和市场竞争的主要力量。

    In recent years , supply chain resources as a complementary , win-win cooperation and jointly fight against the competitive advantages of becoming a very important organizational form of market competition and the main force .

  12. 历史表明,在介绍用以对抗竞争对手的新产品的产品的时候,即使是小小的挫折也是生死攸关的。

    History has shown us that even the smallest setback when it comes to the introduction of products intended to compete with a rival 's new offerings can ultimately mean the difference between success and failure in the marketplace .

  13. 但是目前国有银行由于资本充足率低、不良资产率高等问题,在与国际大银行的对抗竞争中会存在诸多风险。

    But the state-run bank is low because of the sufficient rate of the capital at present . high problem of non-performing assets rate , there will be a great deal of risks in competing for with the face-off of the large international bank .

  14. 电子商务的崛起改变了企业和消费者的权力话语,因此对企业来说选择合适的赢利模式取得可持续发展、满足消费者利益要求和对抗竞争对手的挑战,就显得蔚为重要。

    The uprising electronic business changes the power balance between the enterprises and the consumers , so choosing a suitable profit pattern for the enterprise is very important to achieving sustainable development , meeting consumer 's benefit demand and battling against competitor 's challenge .

  15. 企业通过对抗性竞争走向兼并的可行性探讨

    A research on the possibility of corporation merger through competition

  16. 共生共存是相对于以往企业间你死我活的对抗性竞争思维模式而言的;

    " Coexistence " is opposite to the former thought pattern of antagonistic competition .

  17. 这不仅是对纯粹排他性、对抗性竞争观念的超越,而且是对利己性合作观念的抛弃。

    This not only goes beyond the ideas of absolute exclusion and contradictory competition but also abandons the idea of selfish cooperation .

  18. 不论是建筑企业间对抗性竞争,还是企业间合作竞争,核心竞争力在其中都起到至关重要的作用。

    Enterprises Core Competence plays a very important role for enterprise sustainable development , whether enterprise confrontational competition or enterprise cooperative competition .

  19. 篮球比赛中,双方的对抗与竞争不仅仅体现在技战术方面,还取决于运动员的心理调控水平。

    The competition and confrontation in a basketball match is reflected by not only the techniques of both teams , but also the psychological adjustment .

  20. 我国商业银行运行机制已经与国际银行业接轨,从当前市场竞争态势看,国内个人业务与对公业务相比,尚未形成银行同业间面对面的激烈对抗性竞争局面。

    The operation mechanism of Commercial Bank in our country has joined with that of international Banks . Seeing from the current market competition status , compared with domestic private business and public business .

  21. 微分对策是指在局中人之间进行对策活动时要用到微分方程来描述对策现象或规律的一种对策,是解决对抗与竞争问题的有力工具。

    Differential game refers to a countermeasure using differential equations to describe the phenomena or the law among the players when they begin the game . It can resolve the confrontation and the competition effectively .

  22. 其内涵包括住区社会的共生关系、合作性竞争关系和适宜密度关系。经济全球化与区域经济一体化的背景下,城市政府之间的对抗性竞争不具有可持续性,合作性竞争则是必然趋势。

    Its content includes the symbiosis relation , the cooperation competition relation and the appropriate density relations of the region society . Firstly , all the local government should change the conception of competition and establish reasonable competition rules .

  23. 由于利益的原因,在建立合作伙伴关系中,双方之间往往存在着对抗和竞争,需要供应链系统节点企业达成协调合作的关系。

    For the reasons of interests , there often exists confrontation and competition between the two sides in the establishment of partnership , which requires the node enterprise to form the relationship of coordination and cooperation in the supply chain systems .

  24. 依据层次对抗与竞争优势的层次互动模型理论建立起来的基于资源观的多元化经营理念能更恰当的反映现实条件下的企业运营规律。

    The concept of diversified management in view of resource concept , which is set up according to the theory of gradation antagonism and mutually conditioning of competition superiority is able to reflect the rule of business management on the real condition more properly .

  25. 但是以优胜劣汰为主导的经济学和管理学体系中,倡导自由竞争,强调通过竞争对抗获取竞争优势,企业间首选采取针锋相对的竞争策略。

    But in the economic and managing system base on survival of the fittest , they always emphasize the importance of free competition , they insist that the enterprise should gain the competitive dominance by competition and take the tit for tat policy to win the competition chiefly .

  26. 比赛;对抗参赛学校竞争足球的奖杯。

    compete The rival schools competed for the football trophy .

  27. 防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争

    ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM

  28. 在这种大背景下必然要求区域内的城市更多的合作而非对抗性的竞争。

    It required more cooperation but not nonantagonistic competition between cities in the region .

  29. 摔跤运动是一项徒手对抗运动,竞争激烈、身体对抗性强。

    Wrestling is a sport hand to hand combat with fierce competition and strong confrontation .

  30. 空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵。防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争

    Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons . ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM