- 网络feudal land ownership;feudal ownership of land

The insurrectionary army raised a clarion call to " average the land and stop the taxv and directed the spearhead of struggle to the feudal land ownership , which symbolizes that the peasant war in our country had entered a new stage .
The White Revolution smashed traditional feudal land ownership in rural Iran and quickened industrialization and urbanization .
But the Han Dynasty enfeoffs the system is the establishment above the feudalism land ownership foundation .
Shandong in the Qing dynasty is a backward big area in agriculture , and it 's agriculture was often putin crisis .
Thereafter , with the development of social economy and strengthen of centralization of land tenure , functions of Yaren has greatly increased .
Because of the domination of feudal land ownership , commodity economy cannot get quick development and the constitutionalism is hard to come out .
This chapter includes the relation of folk overseas trade and feudal land ownership , and the relation of folk overseas trade and capitalism sprouting two parts .
Then he concluded that the essential reason for all those were imperial invasion , feudal land system and separatist warlord regimes . He also did some effective discussion on how to solve economic problem in China .
During the period of the Republic of China , feudal land ownership is the fundamental economic system to maintain the feudalism , and the national bourgeoisie , which has attached tightly to it , stiffly maintains feudal land ownership .
Mencius lived in intermediate stage of the Warring States , when the social productive forces had progressed by leaps and bounds compared with Spring and Autumn Period and the new feudal landed property and the feudalism productive relations had formed gradually .
Since Wei-Jin Dynasties , feudal patriarchal landowners obtain their division of social control by ruling large numbers of households , forming relatively independent power centers .
After the mid-Tang Dynasty , The system of equalized field allotments collapses , the feudal country land ownership moves toward the decline gradually , replaced by a host of land ownership as the main indicator of the feudal private ownership of land .