
  1. 她把脚趾浸在小河里嬉水。

    She dabbled her toes in the stream .

  2. 他们用这条小河里的水浇庄稼。

    They irrigated their crops with water from this river .

  3. 她把猪赶到小河里去洗澡。

    She drove the pigs down to the Creek for a bath .

  4. 一到秋天,大河、小河里的水都涨了起来,流入黄河,河面顿时显得非常宽广。

    When autumn came , all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River . The surface of the River at once appeared much wider .

  5. 球滚下山丘掉进小河里。

    The ball rolled down the little hill into the stream .

  6. 我很喜欢在小河里游泳。

    I really go for swimming in a river .

  7. 他在我们家附近的小河里钓鱼。

    He fishes in the river near our house .

  8. 他们在大江小河里用各种鱼网来捕鱼。

    They fish in all manner of waters with all manner of nets .

  9. 鱼儿在清澈的小河里游泳。

    Fish were swimming in the clean river .

  10. 小河里的冰都融化了,很多鱼儿在那里面游来游去。

    The ice in the rive melts away and some fishes swimming in it .

  11. 小河里的水流动缓慢,我说不出水往哪个方向流。

    The stream was so sluggish that I could hardly tell which way it flowed .

  12. 那孩子掉进小河里了。

    The child fell in the brook .

  13. 小河里的水到底是深呢,还是浅呢?

    Is the water deep or shallow ?

  14. 结果跌了跤,掉入一条小河里,然后在灌木丛里摸索地爬行。

    He stumbled , fell in a small river , and climbed through the bush blindly .

  15. 祖父家旁边的小河里冬天结的冰起码有一英尺厚。

    The creek adjoining grandpa 's house had ice at least a foot thick in winter .

  16. 答:让小河里的水流到大海里去,再放点盐就变成大海了。

    Answer : Lead the river water to the sea , and then add some salt .

  17. 拇指姑娘哭花了她的小脸,眼泪滴进了小河里。

    How the tears stained her pretty little face ! How fast they fell into the stream !

  18. 学校也放假了,孩子们有大把的时间玩,在小河里钓鱼。

    School ends , and children have time to play and to fish for trouts in the brook .

  19. 一天,有个小男孩儿正在小河里玩耍,突然他被绊了一下,掉进了深水中。

    One day a boy was playing in a stream when he stumbled and fell into a deep pool .

  20. 他最喜欢的一句话是:6英尺的人有可能淹死在平均水深5英尺的小河里。

    His favourite observation is that a 6ft man can drown in a stream whose average depth is 5ft .

  21. 他在这河里捕鳟鱼。他们在大江小河里用各种鱼网来捕鱼。

    He fished the stream for trout . They fish in all manner of waters with all manner of nets .

  22. 一到秋天,大河、小河里的水都涨了起来,流入黄河。

    When autumn came , all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into theYellow River .

  23. 他在过桥时,往下面的小河里望去,看见了水中自己的影子。

    While he was crossing it , he looked into the stream below , and saw his own shadow in the water .

  24. 寡妇河东岸,从十字弓山到车辙草甸,还有小河里所有的岛。

    The east bank of the Widow 's Wash , from Crossbow Ridge to Rutting Meadow , and all the islands in the stream .

  25. 他冷冷地说着这些话;前面的那个只顾一瘸一拐地向流过岩石、激起一片泡沫的白茫茫的小河里走去,一句话也不回答。

    He spoke without enthusiasm ; and the first man , limping into the milky stream that foamed over the rocks , vouchsafed no reply .

  26. 八年来,他眼见南门村小河里鱼虾绝种、水藻枯死,更目睹了村民们患病的痛楚。

    Eight years , he saw a small river south gate of the village fish species , algae dead , more sick villagers witnessed the pain and suffering .

  27. 卡洛的丈夫琼去年夏天在附近的小河里抓到了一条大鲶鱼,但他们怕污染没敢吃。

    When Carol 's husband , Joe , caught a big catfish in nearby Joachim Creek last summer , they did not eat it , for fear of contamination .

  28. 她分一些给托托吃。她从架子上拿下一只木桶,到小河里去汲满了清得发亮的水。

    She gave some to Toto , and taking a pail from the shelf she carried it down to the little brook and filled it with clear , sparkling water .

  29. 现在,许多工厂为了多赚钱,少花成本,就少买排污管,把污水都排到附近的小河里。

    Now , many factories in order to earn more money , spend less cost , less to buy , sewage , the sewage is routed to a nearby small river .

  30. 好比鲸鱼在小河里就必被发现一样,唯有泥鳅等小鱼才能隐藏其中。

    A good official should deserve the honor and position , as a whale can be detected easily in the river and only small fishes , such as loach , can hide in it .