
  1. 探讨《七略》前一书目录的产生、形式、编排方式、作用以及对群书目录的影响等。

    Deals primarily with the origin , form , categorization and effect of the bibliography of a book prior to Seven lue as well as the impact on the bibliography of book group .

  2. 结论为:目录与书目二术语都可表群书目录与一书目录之意,有时可以通用,但在一些具体的语言环境中,二术语时常又存在不可互换的情况,并带有一定的规律性。

    It conclude that , following certain laws , these two terms sometimes are interchangeable , both of them can be used to express the meaning of the catalogue of ether a group of books or a single book , and sometimes are not interchangeable in some concrete context .