
  • 网络group classification;Population classification
  1. 分析了交通拥挤的社会成本构成,对交通拥挤时间延误损失估算方法进行了概述,并在此基础上提出了基于道路分级、群体分类及考虑时空特性的交通拥挤时间延误损失估算方法。

    Analysis the social cost constitutes of traffic congestion , we for the first time set up a new estimation method for loss in time delay caused by traffic congestion based on road classification , population classification , and time-varying characteristics .

  2. 水稻群体茎蘖消长模型及群体分类研究

    Study on Basic Dynamic Model for Stem and Tiller Growth and Population Classification in Rice

  3. 然后提出了将数据挖掘应用到移动通信企业的CRM中,在这个过程中数据挖掘主要用于客户群体分类、客户盈利能力分析、客户获取和客户保持、客户满意度分析等。

    Then CRM of mobile communication enterprises using data mining was researched , and data mining was mainly used in the classification of customers , customer profitability analysis , customer acquisition and customer retention , customer satisfaction analysis and so on .

  4. 复杂工作环境下的仿真实验表明,所提算法的Pareto解数量较多,分布广泛、均匀。(2)另一种是基于群体分类的多目标优化遗传算法。

    In a complex working environment , Simulation results show that Pareto solutions of the proposed algorithm are more , more widely distributed , and more even . ( 2 ) The other is Multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm based on Category groups .

  5. 基于群体分类的复杂约束多目标优化遗传算法

    Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Complex Constraints Based on Colony

  6. 基于属性集的高校科研群体分类方法研究

    Research on the classification of university R & D community based on the attribute set

  7. 影响西安市居民体育消费需求的社会群体分类研究

    Research on the Classification of Community Groups of Influencing the P.E. Demands of Urban Residents of Xi'An City

  8. 将改进算法应用到客户群体分类中,并对应用结果进行分析。

    As a result , the improvement cluster analysis algorithm to the classification of customer community is applied and the cluster result is analyzed .

  9. 将一种新的聚类方法引入多目标进化算法,提出一种改进的基于群体分类的约束多目标进化算法。

    A new cluster analysis method is introduced in multi-objective evolutionary algorithm , and an improved constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on group classification is put forward .

  10. 通过建立不同类型的支持向量模型,解决了包括客户群体分类、信用评估、客户盈利能力预测等客户分析领域的众多复杂问题。

    Different support vector classification and regression predict models are constructed and applied to the solution of the customer classification , credit scoring , business prediction and so on .

  11. 以当前高校科研人员为研究对象,通过定义对象的特性向量,提出了一种基于属性集的高校科研群体分类方法。

    Takes the current university scientific workers as the object , and through the definition of its characteristic vector , presents a kind of classification of university R & D community based on the attribute set .

  12. 在本文中,作者设计了新农合管理决策的六个支持模块,即基金运行监测、筹资补偿方案测算、疾病分布监测、参合群体分类分析、新农合监督管理、综合评价。

    The author designed six decision support module , including NCMS fund monitoring , calculate and estimate the financing and payment scheme , monitor the distribution of the diseases , participate group analysis , NCMS evaluation . 4 .

  13. 根据中国用户的调研报告,采用定量与定性相结合的方法对用户生活方式及其潜在需求进行深入研究;并对调研用户进行群体分类,选出代表用户作为实际案例进行设计。

    According to the studies and investing reports about Chinese users , the dissertation adopts quantificational and qualitative methods to the study of users ' lifestyle and potential demands . Then group classification is made and type is selected as cases to be designed .

  14. 选取40对在染色体上均匀分布的InDel标记,利用STRUCTURE2.2进行基于数学模型的群体结构分类,结果可以将该群体划分为4个亚群。

    Forty InDel markers were used to analyze the population structure based on math model by STRUCTURE software . The result indicated that there were four sub-populations in this population .

  15. 群体交叉分类效应的代数模型及其潜在加工过程

    The Algebraic Models and the Underlying Processes of Crossed Categorization

  16. 认识群体的分类及互补

    The classification and complement of the cognitive group

  17. 本文对当前弱势群体加以分类,并揭示不同类型群体的心理缺失特征。

    This article gives the classification to the weak group and shows their psychological defects of their own way .

  18. 国土资源信息服务平台构建主要从用户群体的分类、信息需求和服务方式三个方面进行的阐述。

    Land and resources information service platform elaborate mainly from the classification of user groups , information needs and services .

  19. 高校弱势学生群体界定分类研究刍议一类不定二次规划问题的分枝定界法

    Opinion On the Limit Types of the " Disadvantaged " University Students A branch and bound algorithm for a kind of indefinite quadratic programming

  20. 并对农村消费者群体进行分类,概括了其基本特征,数量分析了农村冰箱市场容量,在此基础上根据农村电冰箱市场的现状、销售渠道状况等对农村冰箱的未来需求进行了大胆的预测。

    It makes a quantitative analysis of the capacity of the countryside refrigerator market . This article expounds the current situation , the state of mediums , the analysis of brand 's characteristics and the forecast of the future demands .

  21. 通过对大学生群体的分类,探讨了群体成因及各群体内成员个体意识与群体意识的关系,并对大学生教育模式提出展望。

    Through the classification of the groups of university students , this paper probes into the genesis of the groups and the relation between the individual consciousness of the members of each group and the group consciousness , and puts forward prospect of the education mode for university students .

  22. 然后对集体词结构的群体关系进行分类和介绍。

    Finally , a suitable class of collective structures and its introduction was given .

  23. 本文从宗教社会学的视角,对唐代道教女冠这一群体进行了分类探讨,以求增进对中国妇女史的完整诠释。

    Women in Daoism in Tang Dynasty have been researched from the religious sociology , in order to improve the interpretation of Women ' History in China .

  24. 本文对群体决策中分类问题给出了一种新的有效算法:贴近度分析法。

    In this paper , in oder to deal with the classification problems of Group Decision Making . We introduce a new effective algorithms & closeness degree .

  25. 聚类分析与主分量分析反映了人工绿地的群体特征,分类结果与功能区划分基本一致,个别样地则不一致;

    The result of the classification of the urban forests by cluster and PCA analysis coincided with that based on the functional area , except a few patches of the forests .

  26. 本文通过对PSO算法模型和分类模型的分析,提出了应用多群体PSO算法实现分类规则的方法。

    A new approach for classification rules using multi-particle swarm is proposed .

  27. 利用多群体PSO算法生成分类规则

    Design Classification Rules Using the PSO of Multiple Swarms

  28. 然后采用多元线性回归训练特征向量与密度等级的关系,并确定各个特征量在密度估计中的权重,最终实现群体密度估计与分类。

    Then using multiple linear regression to train the relationship between multi-features and density levels . Finally , this approach achieves density classification .

  29. 首先,通过上文对城镇群体空间结构的分类,根据不同的空间结构类型,构建了与之适应的交通网络结构。

    First , in light of the aforementioned classification of spatial structures and different modes of spatial structure , the author designs relative network structures of transportation .

  30. 本文进一步以这些制度体系设计原则为指导,提出在对农民工群体进行了细致分类的基础上分层次解决农民工养老保险问题的政策主张和对策建议。

    Furthermore , on the guidance of these design principles , proposals and suggestions are put forward to solve the problem of endowment insurance of migrant workers on the basis of a detailed classification of migrant workers groups .