
qún chén
  • entire body of ministers
  1. 晋侯墓地M114出土的叔矢方鼎,铭文记载周王在成周举行盛大祷祀,并于祀后召见群臣。

    The tripod unearthed from M114 at the royal tomb of Marquis of Jin bears an inscription relating that the king of Zhou offered a big sacrifice at Chengzhou , and thereafter met with his ministers .

  2. 慈禧、光绪曾多次在此召见群臣,接待外国使节。

    Turning , Guangxu repeatedly summoned officials here , the reception of foreign envoys .

  3. 皇帝再将御制的千秋镜回赠给群臣。

    Then the emperor presented mirrors made by his order to his ministers in return .

  4. 你的群臣,你的仆人常侍立在你面前听你智慧的话是有福的。

    How happy your officials , who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom !

  5. 命令一下,群臣前去进谏的,一时川流不息,朝廷门口每天像市场一样热闹。

    The area in front of the palace gate was as busy as a market .

  6. 李世民当了皇帝(太宗),每年正月初三要欢宴群臣。

    After Li Shiming became the emperor , he held a huge celebration on the third day of every new year .

  7. 邦国阿,你的王若是孩童,你的群臣早晨宴乐,你就有祸了。

    Woe to thee , O land , when thy king is a child , and thy princes eat in the morning !

  8. 382年(太元七年)一月,前秦苻坚召集群臣商议南伐,准备统一中国。

    In January 382 , The King of Former Qin called together his ministers to discuss the expenditure plan to reunify the imperial China .

  9. 群臣们个个手捧早已准备好的千秋镜敬献给唐玄宗。

    With the already prepared Qianqiu mirror in their hand , all the state ministers were required of presenting the mirrors to Emperor Xuanzong .

  10. 邦国阿,你的王若是贵胄之子,你的群臣按时吃喝,为要补力,不为酒醉,你就有福了。

    Blessed art thou , O land , when thy king is the son of nobles , and thy princes eat in due season , for strength , and not for drunkenness !

  11. 有一天,汲黯对武帝说,陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,是“后来者居上”啊!

    One day , Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood , which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers .

  12. 司马睿在登基大典上,几次请王导和他一起坐上宝座,接受群臣拜贺,王导谢绝。

    Upon the ceremony of ascending the throne , Sima Rui repeatedly invited Wang Dao to sit together with him , which meant the sharing of authority , and was declined by the latter .

  13. 犹大王亚玛谢与群臣商议,就差遣使者去见耶户的孙子,约哈斯的儿子,以色列王约阿施,说,你来,我们二人相见于战场。

    After Amaziah king of Judah consulted his advisers , he sent this challenge to Jehoash son of Jehoahaz , the son of Jehu , king of Israel : 'Come , meet me face to face . '

  14. 宫殿分前后两部分,前为外朝,是皇帝举行大典,召见群臣,行使权力的场所。后为内廷,是皇帝日常处理政务和帝后、嫔妃、皇子、公主居住、游玩、奉神之处。

    It is composed of two parts , the outer palace where the emperors held grand ceremonies , discussed state affairs with high-ranking officials and exercised their powers , and the inner palace where emperors conducted routine government affairs and empresses , concubines , princes , princesses resided , amused them - selves and worshipped gods .

  15. 后来朱元璋做了皇帝,想起小时候吃那顿粥的味道,就命太监用各种粮食煮了一锅糖粥,欢宴群臣,后朝中文武百官争相效仿并传入民间,遂成了一种节日习俗。

    Later , the emperor made the emperor , thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton , he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge , feast courtiers , after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society , Sui Cheng A holiday customs .