
  • 网络Gosling plague;GPV
  1. 检测小鹅瘟感染抗体的Dot-ELISA方法研究

    Dot-ELISA Method for Detecting GPV Infected Antibody

  2. 采用鹅胚增殖病毒,以琼脂扩散试验从感染鹅胚尿囊液中检出小鹅瘟病毒抗原;

    The viruses were propagated in goose embryos , the GPV antigen could be detected from allantoic fluid of infected embryos by agar gel precipitation .

  3. 小鹅瘟PCR诊断方法的建立和初步应用

    Establishment and Primary Application of PCR for Diagnosis of Gosling Plaque

  4. 应用PCR快速诊断番鸭细小病毒病和小鹅瘟

    Differential Diagnosis between Muscovy Duckling Infection and Gosling Plaque by PCR

  5. 小鹅瘟的PCR检测

    Detecting of Gosling Plague by PCR

  6. 小鹅瘟鸭胚化GD弱毒疫苗的研究

    A study on the duck - embryo - adapted vaccine for gosling plague

  7. 吸附IgG的致敏红血球在小鹅瘟病毒作用下能发生特异性凝集。

    These IgG-adsorbed red cells were found to agglutinate together when mixed with the gosling pest virus .

  8. 鸡抗小鹅瘟病毒IgY提取方法的比较试验

    The Comparative Test of Chicken Anti-gosling Plague Virus IgY Extraction Methods

  9. 免疫球蛋白(IgG)从小鹅瘟高免血清中提取出来,吸附于固定的鹅红血球表面。

    Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) was extracted from the gosling pest virus antiserum , and was adsorbed on sensitized goose red blood cells .

  10. 利用小鹅瘟病毒增殖制备GPV沉淀抗原

    Propagation of gosling plague virus and preparation of precipitation antigen

  11. 用于检测小鹅瘟抗体的Dot-ELISA建立

    Dot-ELISA for Detecting Goose Parvovirus Antibody

  12. 鹅细小病毒(GooseProvirus,GPV)可引起雏鹅、雏番鸭高度致死性传染病&小鹅瘟。

    Goose Provirus ( GPV ) is the pathogen of highly contagious and fatal infectious diseases of goslings and Muscovy ducklings .

  13. 用淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术研制出11株抗小鹅瘟病毒(GPV)单克隆抗体。

    Eleven hybridoma cell lines , secreting neutralizing monoclonal antibodies ( MAbs ) to Goose Parvovirus ( GPV ) were developed by B lymphocyte hybridoma technigue .

  14. 将小鹅瘟病毒(GPV)分离毒xw株接种健康兔获得兔抗GPV超免疫血清,由此制备兔抗GPV荧光抗体。

    Gosling plague virus ( GPV ) was injected into health rabbits so as to make rabbit anti-GPV hyperimmune sera and to prepare fluorescent antibodies .

  15. 鹅细小病毒(Gooseparvovirus,GPV)为细小病毒科细小病毒属成员,它引起雏鹅发生以急性肠炎及肝、肾、心实质器官炎症为特征的烈性传染病&小鹅瘟。

    The Goose parvovirus is a member of the parvovirus genus of the parvoviridae . It can cause acute infectious disease characterized by acute enteritis and inflammation of liver , kidney and heart in goslings .

  16. 小鹅瘟病毒GD-06株的分离鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of gosling plague strain GD-06

  17. 小鹅瘟是雏鹅和雏番鸭的一种急性或亚急性传染病,由鹅细小病毒即小鹅瘟病毒(GPV)引起。

    Gosling plague is an acute or sub-acute infectious disease of goslings and young Muscovy ducks , which is caused by goose parvovirus ( Gosling Plague Virus , GPV ) .

  18. 鹅细小病毒(Gooseparvovirus,GPV)主要引起4-20日龄雏鹅和雏番鸭的高致死性疾病,称为小鹅瘟或Derzsy's病。

    Goose parvovirus ( GPV ) is the causative agent of Goose plague , which is also named as Derzsy ' sdisease . It is one of highly fatal diseases of goslings and Muscovy ducklings aged 4 to 20 days .

  19. 小鹅瘟病毒GPV-YG株主要开放性阅读框架核苷酸序列分析

    Analysis of the Major Open Reading Frames ' Nucleotide Sequence of Goose Parvovirus GPV-YG Strain Isolated in China

  20. 湖南小鹅瘟防治研究Ⅰ.小鹅瘟实验室诊断

    An investigation of gosling plague in Hunan ⅰ . laboratory diagnosis

  21. 小鹅瘟病毒核酸型的测定

    Determination of the Nucleic Acid Type of the Gosling Plague Virus

  22. 通过电镜观察到典型的小鹅瘟病毒粒子。

    The typical gosling plague virus was observed by electronic microscope .

  23. 细菌学检查小鹅瘟在普通光学显微镜下看不到病原体。

    Gosling Plague bacteriology in ordinary optical microscope can not see pathogens .

  24. 小鹅瘟病毒荧光抗体的制备与应用

    Preparation and application of fluorescent antibody of gosling plague virus

  25. 小鹅瘟病毒单克隆抗体的制备及胶体金诊断试纸的研究

    Development of McAb to GPV and the Study on ICS to Diagnose GPV

  26. 板蓝根多糖抗小鹅瘟病毒作用的研究

    The Study of Antiviral Effects of Isatis Root Polysaccharide against Gosling Plague Virus

  27. 山羊抗小鹅瘟血清应用及制备

    Preparation and application of Goat anti - gosling-pest serum

  28. 小鹅瘟病原学与检测方法的研究

    Etiology and detection methods of gosling plague

  29. 人工感染小鹅瘟的病理形态学研究

    Pathomorphological study on experimental gosling plague

  30. 抗小鹅瘟病毒中和性单克隆抗体研制及实验防治效果

    Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to goose parvovirus and the effect of experimental prevention and treatment for gosling plague