
  • 网络Erma;Wal-Mart;Selma;Walmar;Verma
  1. 剧情类最佳男主角:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),《狐狸猎手》;本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch),《模仿游戏》;杰克·吉伦哈尔,《夜行者》;大卫·奥伊罗(DavidOyelowo),《塞尔玛》;埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),《万物理论》

    Best Actor , DramaSteve Carell , " Foxcatcher " Benedict Cumberbatch , " The Imitation Game " Jake Gyllenhaal , " Nightcrawler " David Oyelowo , " Selma " Eddie Redmayne , " The Theory of Everything "

  2. 其结果是题为“尔玛”,这是最终由考德威尔产生了悲剧。

    The result was a tragedy entitled " Irma ," which was eventually produced by Caldwell .

  3. 这个位于圣地亚哥北部的岱尔玛地区的建筑在平时一个游乐场兼跑马场的场地,现在成了一个临时避难所。

    This facility in Del Mar , north of San Diego , in normal times is a fairgrounds and race track .

  4. “美国万岁!”中国人会把它印在杯子上,然后卖给美国的中尔玛(中国的沃尔玛),中国人就从这些杯子里赚钱。

    Long live America ! That will be printed on mugs in China and sold in the United States at ChinaMart ( Walmart ) and the Chinese will get rich off of the mugs .