
  • 网络employment theory
  1. 第二章则是对相关的理论进行回顾和总结,包括FDI理论,就业理论,FDI与就业的理论,并对这些理论做简单的评述。

    The second chapter is the review of FDI theory and employment theory as well as the theory about FDI and employment .

  2. 灵活就业理论及其在我国的实践

    The Flexible Employment Theory and its Practice in our Country

  3. 国外就业理论及其政策对中国的启示

    The Inspiration of Foreign Employment Theory and Policy to China

  4. 学习马克思就业理论的粗浅体会

    A Primary Experience in Learning Marx 's Employment Theory

  5. 有效就业理论与宏观经济增长悖论

    Effective employment theory and the paradox of economic growth

  6. 凯恩斯的货币与就业理论及解决中国失业问题的思路

    Keynesian theory of money and employment and the solution to China 's unemployment problem

  7. 然后笔者对西方的经济增长理论和西方就业理论进行概述,最后介绍了马克思关于经济增长和就业的理论。

    Finally , this part introduces the theory about economic growth and employment on Marx .

  8. 社会就业理论基本概述;

    Brief review of employment theories ;

  9. 马克思的就业理论和我国国有企业劳动就业体制的变迁

    Marxist Theory on Employment and the Evolution of the Employment System for the State-Owned Enterprises in China

  10. 从整体上讲,本课题是对就业理论和实践的量化研究。

    Speaking generally , this paper is researching about the theory of employment and quantitative research of practice .

  11. 这一章对就业理论、经济周期理论以及经济周期波动和就业变化相关性的理论给予综述和评价。

    This part talks about employment theories , business cycle theories and relevant theories between economic fluctuations and employment .

  12. 在时代发生变迁的前提下努力体现农业剩余劳动力转移就业理论的发展性和实践的创新性是本文的出发点。

    With social development , the theory of agricultural surplus labor force should also be developing and put into practice correspondingly .

  13. 分析失业产生的历史;对马克思的社会主义劳动就业理论进行评析;

    It also analyses the history of unemployment 's coming into being , comments on Marx 's Socialist theory of labor and employment .

  14. 本研究用到的基本理论为:西方就业理论、发展性理论和认知信息加工理论。

    The basic theory used in this study : the Western theory of employment , develop the theory and cognitive information processing theory .

  15. 全文分四个部分。第一部分是理论综述,重点介绍了西方就业理论的最新发展,以及传统经济理论中对教育与就业之间关系的阐述。

    The first part introduces the latest development of employment theory , and explores the relation between education and employment in the traditional economic theory .

  16. 检索就业理论的资料,可以发现最有代表性的就业理论是马克思就业理论和西方就业理论。

    Searching for the materials of employment theories , we can find that the most typical two are Marxist employment theory and western economics employment theory .

  17. 最后,通过借鉴国内外高校毕业生就业理论及成功的经验,从马克思主义人的全面发展思想作为视角提出了对策。

    Finally learn from domestic and foreign college graduates employment theory and successful cases , proposed countermeasures as an angle of view on Marxism and comprehensive human development concept .

  18. 这一章对与本文研究主题相关的一般就业理论与非农就业理论进行简单的介绍与评述,为本文奠定理论基础。

    It gives brief introduction and comments on general employment theory and non-farm employment theory related to the topic of this research , to lay a theoretical for this article .

  19. 核心就业理论认为:具有创新功能的就业人员处于就业的关键地位,是核心就业,对非核心就业有创造效应。

    The employment theory holds that the personnel who have enterprising function hold the key positions , the core employments . And it has the creative effect to the non-core employments .

  20. 本文通过对马克思的劳动商品理论、人口相对过剩理论的研究,总结出马克思就业理论,并论述了这一理论的现实指导意义。

    By research of Marx 's theory on working and commodity and relative overpopulation , this article Sums up Marx 's employment theory , and expounded the realistic guiding meaning of this theory .

  21. 依据人口城市化理论、经济发展理论和就业理论,我们可以得出这样的结论:人口城市化水平是就业率的重要影响因素。

    Based on theories of population urbanization , economic development and employment , we may come up with a conclusion : population-urbanized ratio is of the important influential factors on the employment rate .

  22. 师范类大学生就业理论上应该具备两个特点:一是供求平衡,就业率高;二是专业对口,实现充分就业。

    Theoretically there are two features in normal university students ' employment : first , the balance between supply and need as well as high employment rate ; second , matched major and full employment .

  23. 详细阐明了古典经济学的就业理论、凯恩斯经济学的就业理论、货币主义经济学的就业理论与新凯恩斯主义经济学的就业理论。其次,对我国劳动就业的现状进行了分析。

    It illustrates employment theory of classical economics , of Keynesian economics , of monetarism economics , of new Keynesian economics in detail . Secondly , this paper presents the current situation of employment in China .

  24. 本文分析比较了国内外就业理论和创造就业实际操作过程的政策选择,认为:应该抓紧对实行35小时/周工作制的研究,并尽快出台相关法案。

    The author studies carefully the employment theory and relevant policies at home and abroad and holds that study on 35h / w work system should be conducted in earnest and relevant acts issued as early as possible .

  25. 现代就业理论认为,决定一定时期就业水平的主要因素大致有经济增长、经济结构、管理与技术进步、人口、劳动工资五个方面。

    The modern employment theory thinks , to obtain employment in a regular period is determined by five main respects , they are economic growth , economic structure , management and technological progress , population , labour wage .

  26. 本部分对西方国家就业理论演进进行了剖析,接着介绍了西方国家解决就业的实践,结合我国情况,提出西方就业理论与实践对我国的启示。

    This part analyses the evolution of the western theory of employment , then introduces measures of how to solve the re-employment in the Western countries . In light of the actual conditions in China , poses west employment theory and practice of our inspiration .

  27. 在对西方经济学、发展经济学、增长经济学、制度经济学及产业经济学中相关的就业理论与分析方法进行系统地分析与研究的基础上,本文提炼出了衡量地区就业能力的影响因子。

    Based on the systematic analysis and study of the theories and methods related to employment in Western economics , Developing economics , Rising economics , Institution economics and Industry economics , the paper abstracts the influential elements which can judge the regional employment capability .

  28. 这些就业理论或经济理论都有一个共同的特点,就是他们都是基于这样一个信念:经济增长一定会带来就业的增长。

    After that , there came out many economic theories to increase employment . These employment theories or the economic theory have one common feature , that is , they all based on this kind of faith : The economy growth can bring the employment growth .

  29. 解决成都劳动力就业的理论与探索

    Theory and Research on How to Solve Employment Issue in Chengdu

  30. 试论全程化就业指导理论体系的发展

    The Development of the Theory on the Whole-process Employment Guidance System