
  • 网络Being Digital;digital life
  1. 数字化生存与人的全面发展

    " Being Digital " and The Overall Development of Human Being

  2. 数字化生存与信息时代的文化二重性

    Being Digital and Culture Dual Character of Information Era

  3. e-Learning是数字化生存时代新的学习方式,它将改变教育与学习的本质。

    E-Learning is the essence of the digitalization of a new era of learning ; it will change education and learning .

  4. 信息社会已经来临,数字化生存逐渐成为现实。

    Informational society has arrived and digital living has gradually become reality .

  5. 金融危机下报业的数字化生存与数据库营销

    The Survival of Digitalized Press under the Economic Crisis and Database Marketing

  6. 数字化生存时代图书馆建筑设计新理念

    New concept of the design of library buildings in the times of digitalization

  7. 信息高速公路数字化生存之思

    Reflection on the Existence of Digitalized Information Highway

  8. 互联网的出现,揭开了人类数字化生存的新时代。

    The emergence of the Internet turns a new leaf of digital life in human history .

  9. 历史文化名城的数字化生存

    Digital Existence of Historical Cities

  10. 自主学习能力和协作学习能力也是数字化生存中学习者需要具备的核心学习能力。

    The ability of autonomous and cooperative learning also are the core capability in the digital life .

  11. 图书馆的数字化生存

    Digital Survival of Library

  12. 因此,本文提出,数字化生存是传统报业的必然选择、融合化发展是传统报业的演进历程。

    Therefore , this paper proposes that being digital is the inevitable choice of traditional newspaper and integration development is the evolution of traditional newspaper .

  13. 随着计算机和网络的迅速发展,人类已经跨入数字化生存的信息时代。

    With the fast development of computer and Internet , people have come to live in the digital times which based on network and information security .

  14. 它启示我们:在数字化生存方式的今天,人们不仅要讲求诗意地栖居,还要追求健康地生活。

    That tells us : in today of the digital survival , people should not only pay attention to poesy occupation , but also pursue a healthy life .

  15. 因此,我们必须发展教育,尤其是高校教育来提高全民族的数字化生存能力。

    Therefore , we must develop education , especially higher education , which will put forward the higher demand for university teachers to improve their capacity of being digital .

  16. 应用仿生思维,模拟生物圈的无废料生产,使设计成为人与自然联接的纽带,在数字化生存的今天尤为重要。

    That 's very important that the application of Bionic Design which imitate the biosphere 's non-waste production will make design become the tie which connects human and nature .

  17. 它以数码媒体为自己的家园,以数字化生存为自己的题材,以嬉戏作为自己的精神,代表了新的艺术观念。

    Representing new ideas on arti digital art regards digital media as its own home , takes in the digital existence as its theme and is filled with the frolic spirit .

  18. 计算机网络的形成,对人类产生的最大影响莫过于改变了人类的生存方式,使人类进入了数字化生存年代。

    So , in order to solve these challenges among digital existence , and make human beings adapt the digital existence , the best countermeasures should be molding the humane spirit about .

  19. 数字化生存业已成为社会的主流生产方式与生活方式,文化作为折射生活基础的精神世界,其形式和内容自然会发生某种变异。

    Digital being is becoming to social dominant life-style and way of production . The culture as a spiritual world that reflex the basis of life , its form and content naturally changes .

  20. 本文从功能层面数字化生存与建筑;文化层面数字化空间与建筑两方面论述了信息时代对世纪建筑及建筑师的影响。

    This paper states the effect of communication times impact on new century architecture from the two aspects of function roof and culture roof , which are digital survive architecture and digital space .

  21. 进入21世纪,由于计算机、网络、通讯技术的飞速发展,使整个社会即将形成一种数字化生存环境。人类社会即将进入21世纪,知识经济初露端睨。

    With the rapid development of computer , Internet and communication , the whole society will form a digital environment . Knowledge economy makes the first appearance when the society stepping into 21st century .

  22. 网络学习代表着未来学习的基本模式,这种模式顺应了知识经济社会中数字化生存的趋势,是构建学习型社会的重要途径。

    Learning through the network represents the basic learning mode in future , which conform with the tendency of digital living in the intellectual economical society , and which is an important way in this field .

  23. 经过分析总结,本文提出了初中生数字化生存教育的途径:一是直接途径,即以数字化生存能力体系重构中小学信息技术课程:二是渗透途径,即推进信息技术与学科课程的融合。

    First , the direct way , that reconstruction of primary and secondary school IT courses based being digital capability . Second , the penetrative way , namely , to promote the integration of IT with curriculum .

  24. 在这一巨系统中,数字化生存之“一”与“多”的问题加以探讨,为当今数字化生存的人扩展思路,建构一种思考问题的新视角。

    In the gigantic system , there are " individual " and " poly " problems concerning its existence of digitalization , which will broaden our mind and help us establish a new point of view on thinking .

  25. 茅盾作品和茅盾精神已固化在纸媒体尤其是电子出版物中,而且生存并活跃在国际互联网上,成为人类数字化生存时代精神生活的重要元素之一。

    Mao Dun 's writings and spirit have kept appearing on paper media , especially in electronic publications , and on Internet , becoming one of the important elements of the cultural life in the era of human digitalization .

  26. 厘清数字化生存与文学语言之间的基本关系,将有助于进一步探讨文学形象、文学意蕴以及文学价值等更深层次的内容。

    It is beneficial to the further exploration of the contents of a deeper level such as the literary images , literary connotations and the literary value to clarify the basic relationship between digital existence and the literary language .

  27. 第四章根据当代数字化生存的特点,从建筑美学与艺术文明的高度,探讨数码时代对传统艺术与建筑美学产生的冲击,新技术与创新的建筑造型之间的内在联系。

    In Chapter 4 , the impact to traditional art and architectural aesthetics , which brought by the digital times , and the internal relation of new technology and innovative sculpt are discussed according to the characteristics of digital exist .

  28. 在网络社会和数字化生存时代,我国社会在代际关系和文化传承方面发生了革命性变化,亲子互动模式正在发生巨大的转变。

    At the age of network which is also characterized as an age of number , the generation relationship and culture inheritance in China 's society have undergone a revolutionary change , and the relationship between parents and children varies rapidly .

  29. 三网融合使得整个媒体生态发生了巨大的转变,如新闻信息源结构的重组、媒介组织结构融合、受众的数字化生存、新闻生产方式的转型等。

    The whole media environment has undergone tremendous changes for network convergence . Triple play makes the reorganization of the structure of the news and information source , media integration and organization structure transformation of the audience being digital , and so on .

  30. 东欧这样的发展中国家尚在力图仿照西方现代化的模式进行工业社会塑造的时候,不经意间却被拉入了数字化生存的时代,对于转型时期的东欧来说,这种冲击犹如火山爆发。

    The developing Eastern European country was unexpectedly dragged into the digitized survival time when it tried hard to imitate the pattern of western modernization to mold the industrial society . This kind of impact is just like a volcanic eruption for Eastern Europe in the course of reforming .