
  • 网络mathematical processes
  1. 算子能够非常简洁有力地对数学过程进行抽象和泛化。

    The lambda-calculus represented an elegant and powerful symbolism for mathematical processes of abstraction and generalisation .

  2. 所得到的激光物质的增益和饱和效应、色散和频率牵引的理论公式与兰姆半经典理论中,密度矩阵非对角元的三阶解理论结果完全一致。但这一方法简化了数学过程。

    The derived formulas on gain and saturation effect , dispersion and frequency pulling of the laser material agree with the results obtained by the third order approximation of the non-diagonal element of density matrix in Lamb 's semi-classical theory and this method simplifies the mathematical processes .

  3. DNA计算是利用大量不同的DNA分子杂交,产生类似于某种数学过程并根据限定条件对其进行筛选的一种可控的生化反应。

    DNA computing is a controlled biochemical reaction which uses a number of DNA hybridization to produce a similar mathematical process and filter it according by some qualification .

  4. 数据概化是其中的一种。采用基于模糊熵的最大增益和模糊修正贝叶斯的类属算法,计算FMS的故障分类问题,说明了知识挖掘的数学过程。

    Fuzzy entropy and fuzzy modifying bayesian method are used to generalize the trouble diagnosis data in FMS .

  5. 本文扼要叙述了用于离散时程数据的功率谱分析的自相关回归法(ARM)的数学过程。

    This paper briefly introduces the mathematical processing of ARM used in power spectral analysis of discrete time-histories data and confirms the usalitity of ARM in earthquake engineering .

  6. 有限体积法(FVM)是求解偏微分方程的一种重要数值方法。该方法由于其物理意义明确,数学过程简单,,广泛应用与工程技术问题,尤其是流体力学、传热学等领域。

    The Finite Volume Method ( FVM ) is an important numerical method to compute differential equation , which is widely used in engineering technology project , especially in hydrodynamics , heat transfer and so on , because of its definite physical meaning and simple mathematic process .

  7. 在学习数学过程中,转化思想是非常重要的。

    Changing idea is very important in the leaming of mathematics .

  8. 加强数学过程教学全面推进素质教育

    Strengthen the teaching process of mathematics and improve the quality education

  9. 还可加大教学容量,在有限时间内取得更大效益,优化数学过程及内涵。

    It can also make greater benefit within limited time and optimize teaching .

  10. 中学数学过程教学的研究

    Middle School Mathematics Knowledge Occurrence Process Teaching

  11. 作者运用由时空变换得到的多普勒效应表达式,进一步论证了电磁波的相位不变性,其数学过程较为简洁。

    The phase constant of electromagnetic wave can be proved by Doppler effect of light .

  12. 推导了通过摄像机校准来确定摄像机参数的数学过程。

    The mathematical process which is necessary for determination of camera parameters by camera calibration is derived .

  13. 该方法建立在模态方程的基础上,避免了繁杂的数学过程。

    The proposed methods are based on the modal coordinate equations , to avoid the tedious mathematical manipulation .

  14. 给出了由差分干涉图计算热边界层温度分布的数学过程。实验表示,测量误差不大于4%。

    A mathematical procedure to estimate the temperature distribution of the heat boundary layer from a differential interferogram is also presented .

  15. 然而,即使一些研究对象比较简单,根据数学过程直接建立这类模型常常会遇到一些困难。

    But evan when the objects are relatively simple , they are very often quite difficult to construct directly by mathematical process .

  16. 对二阶假想面法辐射传热数值计算模型的基本原理和数学过程进行了全面的分析。

    The fundamental and mathematical procedure of the second order imaginary plane ( SIP ) method for calculating radiative heat transfer is analyzed .

  17. 本文介绍了求取同步电机励磁三阶最佳阻尼最优控制传递函数的数学过程,并以搜索规划法将该传递函数用于工程实践。

    This paper presents the mathematical procedure to calculate closed transfer function of third order optimal-damping control for synchronous machines and its practical applied methods by hunting-programme .

  18. 我们开始使用主成分分析,它是一种数学过程,在蛋白质二级结构预测的神经网络中将相关的变量转换为顺序的无关的蛋白质。

    We started with using Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ), which is a mathematical procedure to transform correlated variables into ordered uncorrelated variables with ANN for protein secondary structure prediction .

  19. 本文根据参考文献[1]的成果,介绍求取三阶最佳阻尼控制闭环传递函数的数学过程,并提供其在程实践中的实现方法。

    Based on the achievement of reference [ 1 ] , this paper presents the mathematical procedure to calculate closed loop transmital function of three order optimal damping control and provides its practical applied methods .

  20. 以概念的二重性理论为基础,对概念对象形成的重要性和方式作了分析.如果教学中不能把握数学过程与数学对象之间的平衡,过度的常规练习会影响到学生的理解力和创造力的发展

    Based on the theorem of the duality of mathematics concept , the importance and the way of conceptual object forming were analyzed . If there was no balance between process and object formation in teaching , immoderate routine practice may delay students ' development of comprehensive and creative abilities

  21. 通过具体事例,揭示了在数学建模过程中离散化思想的运用以及利用Matlab实现与仿真的优势。

    This example deals with the application of the discretization thoughts in mathematical modeling and the advantage of Matlab implementation and its simulation .

  22. 其次,求实际廓线坐标时,通过对AutoCAD进行二次开发,文中提出了一种新的方法,省去了复杂的数学计算过程。

    For the calculation of the actual profile coordinates , the paper presents a new method based on the development to AutoCAD .

  23. 提出了一种基于自回归AR模型的Hurst系数的估计方法,并给出了数学推导过程。

    This paper proposes a Hurst index estimation method based on autoregressive ( e.g. AR ) model , and presents mathematic inference process .

  24. 促进数学教学过程中学生参与的策略探究

    Seeking the Strategies to Promote the Student Involvement in Mathematics Instruction

  25. 数学解题过程的眼动研究

    A review of the eye movements studies in mathematical problem solving

  26. 数学学习过程的自我监控理论与实验

    The Self-monitor Theory and Experiment during the Process of Mathematical Study

  27. 注重数学活动过程的教学;

    To emphasize the teaching of the process of mathematical activity ;

  28. 数学解题过程的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis about the process of the mathematical problem solving

  29. 试论数学思维过程中两种思维形式的交互作用

    Mutual Effect of the Two Modes in Mathematical Thinking Process

  30. 自我监控活动是数学探究过程中的关键环节。

    Self-monitoring action was a vitally important link in mathematical inquiry learning .