
  • 网络NEo
  1. 他的外貌、一身黑衣的打扮和叛逆的本性像极了电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)中神秘的动作英雄尼奥(Neo)。

    His appearance , all-black clothing and rebellious instincts have led to innumerable comparisons with the mysterious action hero Neo in the Matrix films .

  2. 你一直活在梦中世界,尼奥。

    You 've been living in a dream world , neo .

  3. 巴特菲尔德银行(英国)有限公司(ButterfieldBank(UK)Ltd.)的私人银行家尼奥&12539;丘吉尔(NealChurchill)表示:百慕大非常低调。丘吉尔曾经在这里居住过三年,目前又从摩洛哥返回百慕大游览。

    ' Bermuda is very unassuming , ' says Neal Churchill , a private banker with Butterfield Bank ( UK ) Ltd. , who lived here for three years and was back for a visit from Monaco .

  4. 巴特菲尔德银行(英国)有限公司(ButterfieldBank(UK)Ltd.)的私人银行家尼奥・丘吉尔(NealChurchill)表示:“百慕大非常低调。”丘吉尔曾经在这里居住过三年,目前又从摩洛哥返回百慕大游览。

    Bermuda is very unassuming , ' says Neal Churchill , a private banker with Butterfield Bank ( UK ) Ltd. , who lived here for three years and was back for a visit from Monaco . '

  5. 当像Aisha,Bori及Kougra这样的尼奥宠物肚子饿的时候,它们会狼吞虎咽般的吃麦当劳法式薯条。

    When Neopets such as Aisha and Bori and Kougra get hungry , they gobble down McDonald 's French fries .

  6. 还有,我借了尼奥了车。

    By the way , I borrowed leo 's car .

  7. 芒尼奥:我跟你说他没有杀人!

    MONEO : I tell you he kills no one !

  8. 尼奥正做着他坚信他必须去做的事。

    Neo is doing what he believes he must do .

  9. 尼奥,我相信。我知道那不是梦。

    Neo , I believe . I know it wasn 't a dream .

  10. 尼奥,墨菲斯牺牲了自己把你救出来。

    Neo , Morpheus sacrificed himself so that we could get you out .

  11. 你现在可以在尼奥布告栏上使用「六号」的用户头像了!

    You are now eligible to use'Number Six'as an avatar on the NeoBoards !

  12. 尼奥宠物流动自2009年6月30日起不再提供服务。

    Neopets Mobile will no longer be available as of June30th , 2009 .

  13. 尼奥鱼[尼罗罗非鱼(♀)×奥利亚罗非鱼(♂)]同其亲本的形态和判别

    Morphology and discrimination of hybrid Oreochromis niloticus (♀)× Oreochromis aureus (♂) and their parents

  14. 只要你付得起价钱,尼奥世界稀有的物品都可以在这里买到。

    Rare items from all over Neopia can be found here , at a price .

  15. 有事发生了!你现在可以在尼奥布告栏上使用「趣娃奇愚人节用户头像」的用户头像了!

    You are now eligible to use'Quiguki April Fools Avatar'as an avatar on the NeoBoards !

  16. 尼奥:矩阵(电影译为母体)是什么?

    Neo : What is the Matrix ?

  17. 我有尼奥宠物流动但却不能再进入鲁塔利岛了。

    I have Neopets Mobile but I 'm not able to access Lutari Island anymore .

  18. 芒尼奥:安静,你个傻女孩!这个你不懂。

    MONEO : Be quiet , you foolish girl ! You know nothing of such things .

  19. 主演名叫尼奥(由基努·李维斯饰演),他扮演了一名计算机程序设计员。

    The main character is a computer programmer named Neo ( played by Keanu Reeves ) .

  20. 对不起,尼奥,如果你认为自己迷了路,那你就再也出不去了。

    Sorry , Leo , when you think you are lost you will never go out .

  21. 芒尼奥:这个嘛,那是他们在弗里曼时代对沙虫的叫法。

    MONEO : Well , that 's what they called the Worm in the Fremen days .

  22. 这个发现就像“骇客帝国”中,尼奥最终理解了自己的身份的那个场景。

    The discovery is like that scene from The Matrix when Neo finally comprehends his identity .

  23. 曾经,只有一次,神皇曾向他的总管大声喊道:芒尼奥!

    Once , just once , the God Emperor had cried out to his majordomo : Moneo !

  24. 另一个你活在电脑中,使用的黑客代号是尼奥。

    The other life is lived in computers where you go by hacker alias " Neo " .

  25. 我们从安城回来后的那星期,芒尼奥就要一百一十八岁了。

    Moneo will be one hundred and eighteen years old in the week after our return from Onn .

  26. 你的任务,这周是制作海报,以鼓励其他尼奥人士来支持您的阿塔都杯比赛。

    Your mission this week is to create a poster to encourage other Neopians to support your Altador Cup Team .

  27. 电影摄制过程中拍的最后一场戏是尼奥在培养器中苏醒过来,然后被拔了管子冲出去。

    The last thing shot was Neo getting flushed into the lake when he gets unplugged for the first time .

  28. 据说吃了这个瓜,就能获得智慧,不过大多数的尼奥宠物喜欢它是因为它好吃。

    Wisdom is said to come from eating this melon , but mostly Neopets eat it because it tastes good .

  29. 电影主角包括尼奥(基努。李维斯),白天是个温文尔雅的软件工程师,夜晚是个令人生畏的黑客。

    The plot involves Neo ( Keanu Reeves ), a mild-mannered software author by day , a feared hacker by night .

  30. “思维”媒体公司的女发言人劳伦?阿芙尼奥说爱买运动鞋的人在毫无头绪的情况下,更倾向于摸索行事。

    Lauren Arvonio , a spokeswoman for Mindset Media , said sneakers were more likely to fly by the seat of their pants .