- outsider;stranger;nonmembership

(1) [stranger]∶不属于一个组织、社团或没有得到允许参加其活动的人
(2) [outsider]
(3) 不被某单位、范畴或组织承认或接纳者
(4) 与世隔绝或感到自己是被孤独的人
(5) 指与某事无关的人
(6) [nonmembership]∶非成员的状况或身份
Italians always " see me as a foreigner , " an outsider , even though she 's stayed in the country for years and can speak the local language fluently , she said .
The only outsider who saw this first Apple II was the hotel 's technician .
These activists don 't want to feel out of the loop .
I stepped back and analysed the situation
Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture .
Outsiders have no way to know the inside story .
Although Rational was still looked upon as an outsider , it was forging alliances within the community and learning from them .
Moreover , as several have pointed out , we may be entering a new cold-war era & with Google , not Oracle , as the outlier .
The critics had considered British stars of the show Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman to be outliers for the awards .
But I think thinking about BI problems from a fresh perspective , from the perspective of someone outside the enterprise space , will lead to the invention of new visualization methods .
Moreover , as a Jew living in a town that declared itself the buckle of the Bible Belt ( Memphis boasted more churches than gas stations ), I was always aware of my outsider status .
Raj felt very lonely because of this . He also understood that he would always be treated as a second citizen - an outsider .
He may lack confidence but with an army of fans behind him and a killer sense of humour that shows no sign of losing its edge , it would be unwise to bet against the great Hollywood outsider in his new venture .
The groundbreaking series launched on March 30 with Sarah ( Maslany ), an outsider and orphan whose life changes dramatically after witnessing the suicide of a woman , Beth , who looks just like her .
Sakamaki works as an outsider , and his photos offer glimpses of indecision and unease .
After he pushed Mr Turner into early retirement , it was assumed that Mr Olver would make a clean break with the past by choosing an outsider to carry forward his crusade .
Walden , who leads the Republican transition team , emphasized that many of the incoming Republicans are Washington outsiders . " The incoming republican freshman class , well , it 's no ordinary group , " said Walden .
He believes that DIY clients in the newly affluent category in particular should give serious consideration to using a wealth manager not just to provide time-saving , professional management but also to provide an valuable external eye on their portfolios .
As the capabilities of our telescopes improve , we might find more outliers like Segue 2 , which is great for math , because galaxies of this size were predicted but never observed until recently .
In his new book , " indispensable " , Gautam mukunda , of Harvard Business School , uses Lincoln to examine one of the liveliest debates in modern management-whether insiders or outsiders make better bosses .
Now , Mr. Sakamaki has turned to China 's fringe provinces - Xinjian , Yunnan , Liaoning and others - where his project , " China 's Outer Lands , " catalogs marginalized minority groups that are rapidly becoming strangers in the territories they call home .
Soros , as an outsider , was an obvious casualty .
As a spectator , he had always enjoyed Lily Bart .
Ever more French people are unprivileged outsiders on temporary contracts .
The Stranger is Camus 's literary expression of preposterous philosophy .
Still , the outsider has finally become an American success .
To most outsiders the language of official declarations is mind-numbing .
He 's an outsider who doesn 't look like one .
The second section explores the reasons why they become outsiders .
One variable that is hard for outsiders involves running time .