- lamination

Surface Finishing CAM System for Lamination Fabrication of Metal Rapid Prototype
The results showed that the grading bamboo strand lamination is a low-swelling material . The swelling of parallel to grain , radial and tangential is lower than that of timber and LVL .
Germination Characteristic and Endogenous ABA , IAA Content Change in the Seed of Abies koreana During Stratifying
The Research on the Effect of GA on Breaking Dormancy of Aralia Elate Seed and the Mechanism of That under Altering Temperature Stratification
The content of GA_3 , IAA and ABA in hawthorn seeds harvested on different date , and processed under stratification was analyzed respectively .
The Effect of Different Factors on MQE and MOR of Strengthened Bamboo / Wood Composite LVL
Study on the Structural Performance of Laminated Veneer Lumber ( LVL ) Beams
Results showed that GA_3 could replace the role of low temperature on cowberry seed in dormancy-breaking process .
The Study on Seed Physiology of Medicinal Plants Effects of Stratification on Dormancy and Germination in Magnolia biloba
During the process of natural stratification , GA and IAA contents increased gradually , ABA content decreased gradually , at first ZR contents was decreased , and then increased .
The thickness of veneer is the main factor that affects the strength of laminated veneer lumber ( LVL ) .
The treatment method of 200 mg / kg GA_3 and changing temperature stratification not only increased obviously germination percentage , but also shorten dormant period .
The primary failure modes were discussed when LVL beams suffered the flexural and level shearing load . Relevant conclusions were drawn .
During the process of naked stratification at low temperature , hormone contents have a complex changing trend , but IAA / ABA , GA3 / ABA and ZR / ABA ratio rise rapidly .
The results indicated that the germination rate and seedling rate of the embryo culture were higher than those of insemination .
Phytohormone gibberellins ( GAs ) play crucial roles in seed germination , stem and hypocotyl elongation , floral development and flowering time . Cold stratification can increase the endogenous GA contents in Arabidopsis , hazel and apple seeds .
In d0 media , the mean germination rate of exogenous GA3 treatment increased 10.7 % at the 60th day and 17.7 % at the 120th day than the control .
Through six months of low temperature stratification , ABA content of the external seed coat decreased 4.86 times and that of endosperm did 1.15 times , which that of either internal seed coat or embryo increased slightly .
Results : The ABA concentration of the seed decreased clearly in the earlier cold stratified stage at low temperature , but the concentration of endohormones GA_3 、 IAA and Zr increased in the post-ripening Period .
Mechanical properties including the density MOR , MOE , shearing strength of birch and basswood LVL beams made by the high-frequency hot press were tested by universal strength testing machine .
Results The seed germination rate achieved as high as 14 % in 20 d and more than 60 % in 40 d.
LVL ( Laminated Veneer Lumber , referred to as LVL ) which has high strength , stable mechanical properties , flexible sizes features , is a new-construction composite materials of high performance and eco-environmental characteristics .
The 180d low temperature stratification treatment and 120d naked stratification treatment are he best way to break seed dormancy .
Effects of different seed treatments including low temperature stratification , GA_3 , CaCl_2 and KH_2PO_4 on aging seed physiological characteristics were studied with aging seed of Ephedra sinica stapf .
Through test of the different stratification day-treatments of old wild jujube kernel and different densities of GA_3 and soaking times of GA_3 , the characteristic of dormancy and germination of wild Jujube seed was experimented .
The total respiration and EMP-pathway increased gradually and the critical period occur on the 30th day in " Qinguan " apple seeds after stratification at 2 ℃, and then the total respiration and EMP went up rapidly .
That seeds treated by soaking in ABA solution for 24h or the low temperature ( 5 ℃) stacking 60d would break dormancy , and increase the germination rate from 28 % to 80-90 % .
The MOE and MOR results of theoretical analysis and computer simulation of each LVL assembly pattern were very close to the test results . The composite material mechanics and ANSYS simulation analyses were appropriate for the LVL mechanical property analysis .
The result showed that the matures seeds stratified for 180 days couldn ′ tgerminnte , but 32 % of the seeds collected 30 days before maturity could germinate .
When temperature variable ( 2 ~ 12 ℃) and less time ( 56 days ), the seed absolute germination percentage was 80.71 % .